2021-12-04 05:07:58 +00:00

115 lines
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#ifndef _seqIOEdit_h
#define _seqIOEdit_h
Title: seqIOEdit
File: seqIOEdit.h
Purpose: IO of edited sequences
Last update: Tue Jan 15 1991
Change log :-
15.01.91 SD
Removed parts required for complementation and put them in opp.h
/* ---- Imports ---- */
#include "seq.h" /* IMPORT: Seq */
#include <stdio.h> /* IMPORT: fopen, fclose, fseek, ftell, fgetc */
#include <ctype.h> /* IMPORT: isprint */
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h> /* IMPORT: Boolean */
/* ---- Private ---- */
/* ---- Exports ---- */
extern Boolean writeEdSeq(Seq seq, char *fn);
Write the clipped, edited part of the sequence `seq'
into file `fn'. The result indicates success.
(*==fn in the following description)
addition by lfw, 10/24/90,
1. writes *.out as text file without printing bases
before left and right cutoff, and without
printing base numbers (in this program)
2. write *.1 as text if seq.1 does not exist
write *.2 as text if seq.1 does exist
write *.3 as text if seq.2 does exist
write *.n as text if seq.(n-1) does exist
( in writeEdSeq in seqIOEdit.c )
extern Boolean readEdSeq(Seq seq, String fn, int dotnum);
/*reads in the most recent fn.seq.n file. This
file should be of the form:
returns True if it read in the sequence from
an editted file, and False if there was no
editted file or if there was a problem
dotnum == -1 if the user did not specify a
version number of the sequence to read in,
m if they want version m read in. */
extern Boolean processEdSeqFile(Seq seq, String fn);
/* processes a char vector containing the Editted
sequence in the following format:
components of edits array in the form (position,
negative number)*non NULL componenets edBase array*
non NULL components edBasePos array*
each division ends in an H. The end of the
edits array is signaled by a -1 -1 entry. Within
each division entries are separated by spaces
sticks the information it finds into the seq array
returns false if there was a problem with the file format */
extern Boolean isDotSeq(char *fn);
/* checks to see if the filename already has the .seq
suffix or not */
extern int isDotNum(char *fn);
/* checks if there is a .1 or .2 or .m on the inputfilename.
If there is, then returns that num. If not returns -1.
extern void stripDotNum(char *fn);
/* if there is a .num (indicating that the user has input
an edited version of the sequence they wish to have
read in) on the end of fn, strip it off */
extern int findLeftCutoff(Seq seq, char *enzString);
/* if the sequence has not previously been edited, this
subroutine is used for auto-clipping */
extern int findRightCutoff(Seq seq);
/* if the sequence has not previously been edited, this
subroutine is used for auto-clipping */
#endif /*_seqIOEdit_h*/