
500 lines
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* Routines to deal with the user interface in non X versions of the programs.
* C routines provided:
* getint, getfloat, yesno, yesono, gtstr, radion, checkn, getopt, showfi,
* showfu, errom, busy, bpause.
* FORTRAN routines provided:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "userface.h"
#include "helpnmenu.h"
#include "nxhelpmenu.h"
|* *|
|* Routines only internally used by userface.c. *|
|* *|
static char rdbuf[256];
* Reads a string from stdin storing (excluding newline at end) in buf.
* Args:
* buf: where to store string
* len: size of buf.
* Returns:
* length of string (0 for null str),
* -1 for help '?' (handled by this func.)
* -2 for quit '!',
* -3 for error (fgets() failed).
static size_t rdstr(char *buf, size_t len) {
size_t l = 0;
*buf = '\0';
if (len == 0)
return 0;
#ifdef notdef
if (fgets(buf, len+2, stdin) == NULL) {
fputs("No input available!", stderr);
return -3;
/* remove trailing newline */
l = strlen(buf)-1;
* A bit silly checking - if it's not got a newline on the end then
* something is wrong (we'll get it on the next read!)
if (buf[l] == '\n')
* We use our own getline code as fgets can cause some major hassles.
* Firstly if you wish to read 10 characters then you need to tell fgets
* to read 11. Then fgets is stubborn and only reads 10 of the 11 and
* leaves the newline on the input. It can be fixed by reading 12 of
* course - but it's a bit hacky!
for(;;) {
int c = getchar();
if (c == EOF) {
fputs("No input available!", stderr);
return -3;
if (c == '\n')
buf[l++] = c;
buf[l] = '\0';
if (l > 0)
if (*buf == '?') {
/* if already in interactive help mode then 'press 1' */
if (query_opt() == -2) {
buf[0] = '1';
buf[1] = '\0';
return 1;
switch(l) {
if (buf[1] == '?') {
} else if (query_opt() == -1) {
case 1:
return -1;
} else if (*buf == '!')
return -2;
return l;
* Reads an integer from stdin. Note that '6G' returns '6'.
* Args:
* status: returned status indicating validity of returned integer.
* >1 = success
* 0 = null entry
* -1 = re ask question (help called or non number typed in)
* -2 = quit requested
* -3 = read error.
* Returns:
* the integer read (if valid) or 0 otherwise.
static int rdint(int *status) {
int num;
char *end;
*status = rdstr(rdbuf, sizeof(rdbuf));
if (*status > 0) {
num = (int)strtol(rdbuf, &end, 10);
while (*end == ' ' || *end == '\t')
return *end ? -1 : num;
} else
return 0;
* Reads an float from stdin. Note that '6G' returns '6'.
* Args:
* status: returned status indicating validity of returned float.
* >1 = success
* 0 = null entry
* -1 = re ask question (help called or non number typed in)
* -2 = quit requested
* -3 = read error.
* Returns:
* the float read (if valid) or 0 otherwise.
static float rdfloat(int *status) {
float num;
char *end;
*status = rdstr(rdbuf, sizeof(rdbuf));
if (*status > 0) {
num = (float)strtod(rdbuf, &end);
while (*end == ' ' || *end == '\t')
return *end ? -1 : num;
} else
return 0;
|* *|
|* C interface routines *|
|* *|
* Reads an integer in a given range from stdin.
* Args:
* minval: lower end of range (inclusive)
* maxval: upper end of range (inclusive)
* defval: default integer
* prompt: question to hassle user with
* status: returned status on validity of returned value
* 0 = ok
* -2 = quit
* -3 = error
* Returns:
* minval <= int <= maxval
int getint(int minval, int maxval, int defval, char *prompt, int *status) {
int val;
do {
printf(" ? %s (%d-%d) (%d) =", prompt, minval, maxval, defval);
val = rdint(status);
} while (*status == -1 || (*status > 0 && (val<minval || val>maxval)));
if (*status == 0)
return defval;
else if (*status > 0)
return *status = 0, val;
return 0;
* Reads a float in a given range from stdin.
* Args:
* minval: lower end of range (inclusive)
* maxval: upper end of range (inclusive)
* defval: default float
* prompt: question to hassle user with
* status: returned status on validity of returned value
* 0 = ok
* -2 = quit
* -3 = error
* precision: how accurate to display the range and default values.
* Returns:
* minval <= float <= maxval
float getfloat(float minval, float maxval, float defval, char *prompt,
int *status, int precision) {
float val;
do {
printf(" ? %s (%.*f-%.*f) (%.*f) =", prompt, precision, minval,
precision, maxval, precision, defval);
val = rdfloat(status);
} while (*status == -1 || (*status > 0 && (val<minval || val>maxval)));
if (*status == 0)
return defval;
else if (*status > 0)
return *status = 0, val;
return 0;
* Prompts the user with a yes/no question (defaults to yes).
* Args:
* prompt: what to ask.
* Returns:
* 0 = yes
* 1 = no
* -1 = cancel
int yesno(char *prompt) {
int answer, val;
do {
printf(" ? %s (y/n) (y) = ", prompt);
val = rdstr(rdbuf, sizeof(rdbuf));
if (val == 0)
answer = 0; /* default yes */
else if (*rdbuf == 'y' || *rdbuf == 'Y')
answer = 0;
else if (*rdbuf == 'n' || *rdbuf == 'N')
answer = 1;
answer = -1;
} while (val > -2 && answer < 0);
if (val >= 0)
return answer;
else /* val == -2 (quit) || val == -3 (err) */
return -1;
* Reads in a string from stdin.
* Args:
* prompt: obvious
* defval: default string (if user types in nothing)
* out : where to store the actual string read.
* outlen: sizeof(out)
* Returns:
* -1 : cancel
* 0 : ok
* 1 : ok, but used default (blank string if no default)
int gtstr(char *prompt, char *defval, char *out, size_t outlen) {
size_t l;
do {
if (defval)
printf(" Default %s=%s\n", prompt, defval);
printf(" ? %s=", prompt);
l = rdstr(out, outlen);
switch (l) {
case -3:
case -2:
*out = '\0';
return -1;
case 0:
if (defval) {
l = strlen(defval);
strncpy(out, defval, (l>outlen)?outlen:l);
} else
*out = '\0';
return 1;
case -1:
/* help called */
return 0;
} while (1);
* Displays a menu (analogue of X radio buttons) of options and asks
* for a selection. An 'X' is displayed next to the default option.
* Args:
* title : short description of menu
* options: list of options to display
* numopts: how many options to display
* def : default option to chose.
* Returns:
* -1 = cancel
* otherwise the option number selected.
int radion(char *title, char **options, int numopts, int def) {
int i, status, ret;
do {
printf(" %s\n", title);
/* display options and prompt for selection */
for (i=0; i<numopts; i++)
printf(" %c%3d %s\n", ((i+1) == def)?'X':' ', i+1, options[i]);
printf(" ? Selection (1-%d) (%d) =", numopts, def);
/* get the user response */
ret = rdint(&status);
} while (status == -1 || (status > 0 && (ret > numopts || ret < 1)));
if (status >= 0)
return (ret==0)?def:ret;
return -1;
* Displays a list of 'n' toggle-able items. An 'X' is displayed next to any
* currently selected items. User types in a number to toggle each item, or
* 0 to quit.
* Args:
* num : how many items to toggle
* prompts: list of names for each item
* bools : location of list of initial boolean states for items (set or
* unset). Also when returning, the final selected boolean states.
* Returns:
* -1 = cancel
* 0 = ok
int checkn(int num, char **prompts, int **bools) {
int i, ret, status;
do {
/* display options to toggle */
puts(" checkbox: those set marked X");
for (i=0; i<num; i++)
printf(" %c%2d %s\n", (*bools)[i]?'X':' ', i+1, prompts[i]);
printf(" ? (0-%d) =", num);
/* read user response */
ret = rdint(&status);
if (status >= 0 && ret >= 1 && ret <= num) {
/* toggle flag by exclusive or-ing with 1 */
(*bools)[ret-1] ^= 1;
} while (status >= -1 && ret != 0);
if (status < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
* Reads in an 'option number' from stdin.
* Takes into account requesting dialogue on an option (d), menu listing (m),
* and help (?) on general or specific items.
* Args:
* status: contains information about the 'int' value returned.
* -3 = error
* -2 = quit (!) (always returns 2)
* -1 = general help requested.
* 0 = normal
* 1 = dialogue requested
* 2 = help on specific subject.
* 3 = menu option
* Returns:
* negative value if a menu asked for (menu 'x' returns '-x')
* postive value for option selected.
* 0 for no selection.
int getcopt(int *status) {
int ret;
ret = rdstr(rdbuf, sizeof(rdbuf));
if (ret <= -2) { /* quit/error */
*status = ret;
return 2;
} else if (ret == -1) { /* help */
*status = -1;
return 0;
#if 0
if (rdbuf[1] != '\0') {
*status = 2;
return atoi(&rdbuf[1]);
} else {
*status = 0;
return 1;
} else if (ret > 0) { /* ok - +ve length string */
if (*rdbuf == 'd' || *rdbuf == 'D') {
*status = 1;
return atoi(&rdbuf[1]);
} else if (*rdbuf == 'm' || *rdbuf == 'M') {
*status = 3;
* Menus are negative option numbers.
* Should really safeguard against people typing 'm-2' to
* quit etc - but well... it's fun!
return -atoi(&rdbuf[1]);
} else {
/* simple number */
*status = 0;
return atoi(rdbuf);
} else { /* ret == 0 (no info) */
*status = 0;
return 0;
* Display name of current file - unused in non X version.
void showfi(char *func) {
* Display name of current function.
* Args:
* func: Name of function to display with no newline on the end.
void showfu(char *func) {
void showfunc() {
if (helpindex[query_opt()].name) {
printf(" %s\n",helpindex[query_opt()].name);
* Print an error message.
* Args:
* errmsg: error with no trailing newline.
void errom(char *errmsg) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", errmsg);
* Hardly worth explaining.
void busy() {
puts(" Working");
* Beeps and waits for return to be pressed.
* Returns:
* 0 for ok
* -1 for cancel
int bpause() {
register int r;
/* assume char 7 is bell - ASCII dependant? */
r = rdstr(rdbuf, sizeof(rdbuf));
return r<-1 ? -1 : 0;