
94 lines
3.1 KiB

# looks for any block of 10 which has more than 6 bases which have
# yet to be double stranded
case $# in
1) ;;
*)echo dub reads an output file created by the Examine quality;
echo option inside of xdap and outputs a list of which portions of;
echo the sequence have yet to be double stranded and on which strand;
echo 'USAGE: dub examine_quality_output_file ' 1>&2; exit 2;;
awk 'BEGIN{start_file=0; start_num=0; prev1=0; prev2=0; prev3=0; prev4=0;
totnum12=0; totnum34=0; totnum1=0; totnum2=0; prevprev1=0; prevprev2=0; printf("REGIONS YET TO BE DOUBLE STRANDED FOR: %s\n\n","'$1'");}
# right now Bob does not care about information about type 3 and 4
# look for a number 10 to indicate the beginning of quality information
if (NF>0) {
# if column 1 has 10 characters in it then this is
# most likely a line with quality information in it
if (length($1)>8) {
# go through each block of 10 counting the number of problems for
# each row of quality counts
for (j=1; j<=NF; j++) {
prevprev1=prev1; prevprev2=prev2;
prev1=num1; prev2=num2; prev3=num3; prev4=num4;
# num12 and num34 are counts for each block of 10 so reset them
# each time
for (i=0; i<=length($j); i++) {
# for codes 1 and 2 you need the other strand
if (substr($j,i,1)=="1") num1++;
if (substr($j,i,1)=="2") num2++;
# for codes 3 and 4 you need both strands to resolve the disagreement
# if (substr($j,i,1)=="3" || substr($j,i,1)=="4") num34++;
#if any block of 10 has more than 6 total non-zeros then it is
#a problem area
if (num1+num2>=6) {
# only reset start_num if you have not already started a region of
# problem areas
if (start_num==0) {
# if that previous block before a problem area had more then 4 problems then go
# ahead and move the start point to the beginning of that previous block
if (prev1+prev2>=4) start_num-=10;
if (prevprev1+prevprev2>=4) start_num-=10;
else {
# totnum34+=num34;
else {
# if the 3s and 4s make up more than half of the problems then tell the
# user they need to pick up both strands
if (end_num!=0 && start_num!=0) {
#use totnum1+totnum0 here becuase if it is mostly 0s and 1s then
#you want to just see the plus strand you do not need it to tell
#you both strands
# if (totnum1_totnum0>=(end_num-start_num)/2) printf("Needs plus strand from: %10d to %10d\n",start_num,end_num);
# else if (totnum2+totnum0>(end_num-start_num)/2) printf("Needs minus strand from: %10d to %10d\n",start_num,end_num);
if (totnum1>totnum2) printf("Needs plus strand from: %10d to %10d\n",start_num,end_num);
else if (totnum2>totnum1) printf("Needs minus strand from: %10d to %10d\n",start_num,end_num);
else if (totnum12>6)
printf("Needs one strand from: %10d to %10d\n",start_num,end_num);
# count is the sequence indices indicator
END{}' <$1 | sort +1