255 lines
6.3 KiB
255 lines
6.3 KiB
Title: writeSCF
File: writeSCF.c
Purpose: Output of Standard Chromatogram Format sequences
Last update: 23 November 1992
Change log:
4 Feb 1992, Now draft proposal version 2
23 Nov 92, SCF 2.0 + LaDeana's changes
** makeSCF version number
#define VERSION_NO "2.00"
/* ---- Imports ---- */
#include "scf.h" /* IMPORT: scf structures */
#include "seq.h" /* IMPORT: Seq, BasesAndTraces, NULLSeq,
newSeq, freeSeq */
#include "mach-io.h" /* IMPORT: be_write_int_1, be_write_int_2, be_write_int_4 */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* IMPORT: fopen, fclose, fseek, ftell, fgetc,
EOF */
/* ---- Internal functions ---- */
static int write_scf_header(FILE *fp, Header *h)
int i;
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->magic_number)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->samples)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->samples_offset)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->bases)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->bases_left_clip)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->bases_right_clip)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->bases_offset)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->comments_size)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->comments_offset)==False) return (False);
if (fwrite(h->version,sizeof(h->version),1,fp)!=1) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->sample_size)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->code_set)==False) return (False);
for (i=0;i<20;i++)
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&h->spare[i])==False) return (False);
return (True);
static int write_scf_sample1(FILE *fp, Samples1 *s)
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&s->sample_A)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&s->sample_C)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&s->sample_G)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&s->sample_T)==False) return (False);
return (True);
static int write_scf_sample2(FILE *fp, Samples2 *s)
if (be_write_int_2(fp,&s->sample_A)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_2(fp,&s->sample_C)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_2(fp,&s->sample_G)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_2(fp,&s->sample_T)==False) return (False);
return (True);
static int write_scf_base(FILE *fp, Bases *b)
if (be_write_int_4(fp,&b->peak_index)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->prob_A)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->prob_C)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->prob_G)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->prob_T)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,(uint_1 *)&b->base)==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->spare[0])==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->spare[1])==False) return (False);
if (be_write_int_1(fp,&b->spare[2])==False) return (False);
return (True);
static int write_scf_comment(FILE *fp, Comments *c, size_t l)
if (fwrite(c, l, 1, fp) !=1) return (False);
return (True);
/* ---- Exports ---- */
Boolean writeSeqSCF(Seq seq, char *fn)
** Write Seq out as a .scf file
FILE *fp;
Header header;
Bases base;
Comments comments[1024];
Comments default_comments[] = "conversion_program = makeSCF " VERSION_NO "\n";
char *src;
if ((fp = fopen(fn,"wb"))==NULL)
return (False);
else {
int i;
int prec; /* precision to use */
/* source dependant switches */
prec = 1;
switch (seq->format) {
case ABIFormat:
src = "ABI 373A";
case ALFFormat:
src = "Pharmacia A.L.F.";
prec = 2;
case SCFFormat:
src = "SCF";
if (seq->maxTraceVal > 255) prec=2; /* retain precision */
src = "Unknown";
if (seq->info==NULL) {
sprintf(comments,"%ssource = %s\n",
} else {
sprintf(comments,"%s\n%ssource = %s\n",
header.magic_number = SCF_MAGIC;
header.samples = seq->NPoints;
header.samples_offset = (uint_4)sizeof(Header);
header.bases = seq->NorigBases;
header.bases_left_clip = seq->leftCutoff;
header.bases_right_clip = seq->rightCutoff;
header.bases_offset = (uint_4)(header.samples_offset + header.samples * ((prec==2)?sizeof(Samples2):sizeof(Samples1)));
header.comments_size = (uint_4)strlen(comments)+1;
header.comments_offset = (uint_4)(header.bases_offset + header.bases * sizeof(Bases));
strncpy(header.version, VERSION_NO,4);
header.sample_size = prec;
header.code_set = CSET_DEFAULT;
for(i=0;i<20;i++) header.spare[i]=0;
if (write_scf_header(fp, &header)==False) return (False);
switch(prec) {
case 2:
Samples2 sample;
for(i=0; i<header.samples; i++) {
sample.sample_A = seq->traceA[i];
sample.sample_C = seq->traceC[i];
sample.sample_G = seq->traceG[i];
sample.sample_T = seq->traceT[i];
if (write_scf_sample2(fp, &sample)==False) return(False);
Samples1 sample;
for(i=0; i<header.samples; i++) {
#define scale(P,M) ( (byte) ((float)(P)*255.0/(float)(M)) )
sample.sample_A = scale(seq->traceA[i],seq->maxTraceVal);
sample.sample_C = scale(seq->traceC[i],seq->maxTraceVal);
sample.sample_G = scale(seq->traceG[i],seq->maxTraceVal);
sample.sample_T = scale(seq->traceT[i],seq->maxTraceVal);
if (write_scf_sample1(fp, &sample)==False) return(False);
for(i=0; i<header.bases; i++) {
base.peak_index = seq->basePos[i];
base.base = seq->base[i];
base.spare[0] = base.spare[1] = base.spare[2] = 0;
base.prob_A = base.prob_C = base.prob_G = base.prob_T = 0;
switch(base.base) {
case 'A' : case 'a':
base.prob_A = 1; break;
case 'C' : case 'c':
base.prob_C = 1; break;
case 'G' : case 'g':
base.prob_G = 1; break;
case 'T' : case 't':
base.prob_A = 1; break;
base.prob_A = base.prob_C = base.prob_G = base.prob_T = 1;
if (write_scf_base(fp,&base)==False) return (False);
if (write_scf_comment(fp,comments,(size_t)header.comments_size)==False) return (False);
return (True);