Guide to this directory Simon Dear, 3 December 1991
In this directory there are all the sources required to make COP, plus
Guide to the design and use of cop
Makefile for cop.
Main program module.
misc.c misc.h
Useful everyday routines.
xdap_db.c xdap_db.h
Routines to read xdap databases.
getSeq.c fpoint.c fpoint.h opp.c opp.h seq.c seq.h seqIOABI.c
seqIOABI.h seqIOALF.c seqIOALF.h seqIOEdit.h seqIOPlain.c
seqIOPlain.h mystdlib.h
Routines to read in trace files. Taken from ted.
align.c llin.c llin.h uascii.gbl upam.gbl
Alignment routines. Taken from fasta.