
379 lines
11 KiB

/* #define DEBUG_OLIGO_SEL */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "oligocom.h"
#include "defn.h"
#include "tagUtils.h"
#include "edUtils.h"
#include "fort.h"
#define DSTR stdout
#define MAXCOMLEN (100)
/* Static global variables */
static int_f last_gel; /* remembers where we last were for */
/* for efficiency (defaults leftmost) */
static char primfilename[100];
/* --- hooks --- */
int insert_size() {
return 1000;
int avg_read_len() {
return 400;
* Do the actual oligo selection.
* Returns the new offset to search from. (This takes into account the
* average gel reading length so that we do not finish we lots of suggested
* oligos next to each other.)
int find_oligos(int_f offset, int_f *relpg_p, int_f *lngthg_p,
int_f *rnbr_p, char *cons_p, char *comment,
char *oligo, char *consensus, int_f *idevn_p,
char sense, FILE *outfile, int_f olilen,
int_f olibak, int_f *temnum, char *datnam,
int_f olinum, int_f lincon)
int i, cur_gel, oligostart, choice, oligolen, oligoend;
int bestscore = 0, bestgel = 0, template = 0, score, ok, olis;
char gelname[DB_NAMELEN + 1];
* Find oligo based on this position.
* We choose a region starting OLISTART back from here, extending
* for OLILEN bases.
olis = offset - (olilen + olibak);
if (olis < 1)
olis = 1;
memcpy(consensus, &cons_p[olis], olilen);
consensus[olilen+1] = '\0';
for (i=0;i<MAX_NUM_OLIGOS; i++) OSP_RESULTS[i].score = 0.0;
ok = osp_analyse(OSP_RESULTS,consensus,&prm,screens,score_info);
if (ok == 0) {
return -1;
fprintf(DSTR, "osp_analyse() = %d\n", ok);
i = 0;
while (OSP_RESULTS[i].score != 0) {
fprintf(DSTR, "Oligo found at %d, score = %f, '%.*s'\n",
OSP_RESULTS[i].start_position + offset - (olilen+olibak),
OSP_RESULTS[i].end_position -
OSP_RESULTS[i].start_position + 1,
* Choose the first in the list (for the time being). This should be
* the oligo with the best score.
/* choice = 0; */
oligostart = 0;
/* Choose the first 'olinum' oligos from the list */
for (choice = 0; choice < olinum; choice++) {
* In case we don't have as many oligos to chose from as the user
* requested
if (OSP_RESULTS[choice].score == 0)
return oligostart + avg_read_len();
memset(oligo, 0, olilen);
memcpy(oligo, &consensus[OSP_RESULTS[choice].start_position],
OSP_RESULTS[choice].end_position - OSP_RESULTS[choice].
start_position + 1);
fprintf(DSTR, "Choosing oligo '%s'\n", oligo);
/* find sequences that could yield a valid primer */
cur_gel = last_gel;
oligostart = OSP_RESULTS[choice].start_position + offset -
oligolen = OSP_RESULTS[choice].end_position
- OSP_RESULTS[choice].start_position;
fprintf(DSTR, "oligo starts %d, ends %d\n",
oligostart, oligostart + oligolen);
do {
/* only look for positive directing sequences */
if (lngthg_p[cur_gel] >= 0) {
/* stop when we've gone past our oligo */
if (relpg_p[cur_gel] >= oligostart)
* If the sequence ends past end of oligo then we have a
* candidate template.
if (relpg_p[cur_gel] + insert_size() - avg_read_len()
>= oligostart + oligolen) {
/* remember possible template */
if (relpg_p[cur_gel] + lngthg_p[cur_gel] >
oligostart + oligolen)
template = cur_gel;
* Choose the gel that is furthest right (nearest to the
* oligo), but that also has a large amount of data to
* the right of the oligo. So if the right most gel is
* a short reading (maybe due to bad template) then we
* choose the next most right gel instead.
fprintf(DSTR, "Covered by gel no. %d (ends %d)\n",
cur_gel, relpg_p[cur_gel] + lngthg_p[cur_gel]);
/* Base 'score' on nearness to oligo, and length */
score = avg_read_len() - (oligostart - relpg_p[cur_gel])
+ 0.5 * lngthg_p[cur_gel];
if (score > bestscore)
bestgel = cur_gel, bestscore = score;
cur_gel = rnbr_p[cur_gel];
} while (cur_gel != 0);
if (bestgel == 0)
return -1;
fprintf(DSTR, "Choosing gel no. %d for template\n", bestgel);
* Create tag - far more convoluted than it needs to be. We cannot tag
* the consensus so we have to tag a sequence instead. Preferably we
* use the template, failing that a sequence in the same direction, or
* failing that any sequence that at least covers the region.
oligoend = oligostart + oligolen;
if (bestgel && relpg_p[bestgel] + lngthg_p[bestgel] >= oligoend)
template = bestgel;
else if (template == 0) {
/* no template in this direction */
cur_gel = last_gel;
while (cur_gel != 0) {
if ((relpg_p[cur_gel] +
)) > oligoend) {
template = cur_gel;
cur_gel = rnbr_p[cur_gel];
if (template) {
* In the comment we use 'bestgel' as the template even if we
* are tagging a different sequence.
readn_(idevn_p, &bestgel, gelname, (int_fl)(DB_NAMELEN));
Fstr2Cstr(gelname, DB_NAMELEN, gelname, DB_NAMELEN);
fprintf(DSTR, "Using gel no. %d for template\n", template);
sprintf(comment, "Template=%s\nName=%s.%d\nSequence=%s\n",
gelname, datnam, *temnum, oligo);
insert_NEW_tag(template, oligostart - relpg_p[template] + 1,
oligolen + 1, "OLIG", comment);
ok = fprintf(outfile, "%s.%d %s %s (@ %d ) %c\n",
datnam, *temnum, gelname, oligo, oligostart, sense);
if (ok < 0 || ok == EOF) {
puts("*** Failed to write to output file");
return -1;
fprintf(stdout, "At %d - template %s, primer %s, number %d\n",
(sense == '+') ? offset : relpg_p[lincon] - offset +1,
gelname, oligo, (*temnum)++);
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "At %d - no suitable oligos found\n",
(sense == '+') ? offset : relpg_p[lincon] - offset +1);
return -1;
return oligostart + avg_read_len();
* Find oligos for a contig region. Output a list of suggested experiments
* to extend into problem areas (such as single stranded sections or the
* ends of the contig
void olisel_(
int_f *relpg_p, /* int array - relative position (gel reading) */
/* or - length of contig */
int_f *lngthg_p, /* int array - length of gel */
/* or - empty for contig */
int_f *lnbr_p, /* int array - left nodes */
int_f *rnbr_p, /* int array - right nodes */
char *qual_p, /* char array - quality of contig */
char *cons_p, /* char array - consensus of contig */
int_f *llino_p, /* int - left gel in contig */
int_f *lincon_p, /* int - record no. of contig */
int_f *lreg_p, /* int - left start in qual */
int_f *rreg_p, /* int - right start in qual */
int_f *idevn_p, /* int - stream of name file */
char *sense, /* char array - actually single char */
int_f *olilen_p, /* int - length of oligo selection region */
int_f *olibak_p, /* int - offset bak of start of oli sel region */
int_f *lstrt_p, /* int - start (not offset) of oli sel region */
int_f *temnum_p, /* int - start template number */
char *datnam_p, /* string - name of database */
int_f *olinum_p, /* int - number of oligos per template */
int_f *datnaml, /* int length - of database name */
int_fl datnam_l /* length - of elements in datnam (==1)*/
register int_f i, j, l;
int_f rreg = *rreg_p; /* faster copy of *rreg_p */
int_f lreg = *lreg_p;
char *consensus, comment[MAXCOMLEN], *oligo;
static FILE *outfile;
char fname[256];
strncpy(fname, datnam_p, *datnaml);
fname[*datnaml] = '\0';
oligo = (char *)malloc(*olilen_p+1);
consensus = (char *)malloc(*olilen_p+1);
last_gel = *llino_p;
if (*sense == '+' && (outfile = fopen(primfilename, "w")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stdout, "Failed to open 'oligo_sel.out'\n");
/* scan through quality buffer */
/* Do not look at the very left hand end. */
if (lreg < (*olilen_p + *olibak_p + 1))
lreg = (*olilen_p + *olibak_p + 1);
for (i = lreg; i<=rreg; i++) {
/* strong negative strand, but no positive strand */
if (qual_p[i] == '2' || qual_p[i] == '8') {
/* find length of single stranded section */
j = i;
while(qual_p[j] == '2' || qual_p[j] == '8')
fprintf(DSTR, "Single strand at %d - %d, len %d\n", i, j, j-i);
fprintf(stdout, "At %d - ", (*sense == '+') ? i :
relpg_p[*lincon_p] - i + 1);
l = find_oligos(i, relpg_p, lngthg_p, rnbr_p,
cons_p, comment, oligo, consensus,
idevn_p, *sense, outfile, *olilen_p,
*olibak_p, temnum_p, fname, *olinum_p,
if (l != -1)
i = (int_f)l;
puts("No suitable oligos found");
if (i < j)
i = j;
if (*sense == '-' && outfile) {
* Initialises the olisel_() function by asking the required questions to
* the user. The only question here is the filename - the others are currently
* written in FORTRAN.
void olinit_(int_f *status_p, int_f *olilen_p, int_f *olibak_p,
int_f *dialogue_p, int_f *maxgel_p, int_f *temnum_p,
int_f *numoli_p) {
if (gtstr("Name of file for primers", "primers", primfilename,
sizeof(primfilename)) == -1) {
*status_p = -1;
*temnum_p = getint(1, 9999, 1, "Start oligo number", status_p);
if (*status_p < 0) {
*status_p = -1; return;
if (*dialogue_p) {
*olibak_p = getint(1, *maxgel_p, 20,
"Start of oligo choice region", status_p);
if (*status_p < 0) {
*status_p = -1; return;
*olilen_p = getint(*olibak_p, *maxgel_p, *olibak_p+40,
"End of oligo choice region", status_p)-*olibak_p;
if (*status_p < 0) {
*status_p = -1; return;
*numoli_p = getint(1, 99, 2, "Number of oligos per region", status_p);
if (*status_p < 0) {
*status_p = -1; return;
*status_p = 0;
} else {
*olibak_p = 20;
*olilen_p = 60;
*numoli_p = 2;