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2021-12-04 13:07:58 +08:00
Title: ted
File: ted.c
Purpose: Main module
Last update: 23 June 1992
Change log:
28.11.90 SD put undesirables under STLOUIS compilation flag
22.07.91 LFW put in -enzyme as a command line option for STLOUIS
30.07.91 SD fixed bug in MRC switch
17.09.91 LFW changed MRC switch to !AUTO_CLIP and STLOUIS flag
to DEF_OUT to more accurately reflect the use of the flags
26.11.91 SD Added SCF format
23-Jun-92 SD Some ugly code in DEF_OUT option
This module contains the C language entry point `main' and
initialisation for the X system.
/* ---- Includes ---- */
#include "dialogues.h" /* IMPORT: inputSeq, outputSeq, quitApplication */
#include "display.h" /* IMPORT: createDisplay */
#include "help.h" /* IMPORT: createHelpShell, help */
#include "seq.h" /* IMPORT: Seq, NULLBaseNum */
#include "seqIOEdit.h" /* IMPORT: isDotNum, stripDotNum */
#include <stdio.h> /* IMPORT: stderr, fprintf */
#include "mystdlib.h" /* IMPORT: exit */
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Label.h>
/* ---- Static variables ---- */
static String fallback_resources[] =
{ /* The application */
"Xted.minWidth: 550",
"Xted.minHeight: 250",
"Xted*magnif: 90",
/* Labels have no borders and are not resized */
"Xted*Label.borderWidth: 0",
"Xted* ChainTop",
"Xted*Label.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted*Label.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted*Label.right: ChainLeft",
/* Buttons are not resized */
"Xted* ChainTop",
"Xted*Command.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted*Command.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted*Command.right: ChainLeft",
/* All the toggles are one-of-many */
"Xted*Toggle.Translations: #override \\n\
<EnterWindow>: highlight(Always) \\n\
<LeaveWindow>: unhighlight() \\n\
<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: set() notify()",
"Xted.mainForm.title.label: Trace editor",
"Xted.mainForm.version.label: \
June 1991",
"Xted.mainForm.seqNamePrompt.label: Input:",
"Xted.mainForm.seqNamePrompt.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.seqName.label: NONE",
"Xted.mainForm.seqName.resizable: True",
"Xted.mainForm.seqName.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.NorigBasesPrompt.label: Bases:",
"Xted.mainForm.NorigBasesPrompt.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.NorigBases.label: ",
"Xted.mainForm.NorigBases.resizable: True",
"Xted.mainForm.strand.label: Strand: Top",
"Xted.mainForm.strand.resizable: True",
/* Display forms have no border */
"Xted.mainForm.Form.borderWidth: 0",
/* The edit mode toggles */
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.Toggle.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.Toggle.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.Toggle.right: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.edmodelab.label: Mode:",
"Xted.mainForm.adjustL.label: Adj left cut",
"Xted.mainForm.edSeq.label: Edit seq",
"Xted.mainForm.adjustR.label: Adj right cut",
"Xted.mainForm.edSeq.state: True", /* Default toggle */
"Xted.mainForm.adjustL.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.edSeq.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.adjustR.height: 13",
/* The magnification slider */
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.maglab.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.maglab.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.maglab.right: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.maglab.label: Mag:",
"Xted.mainForm.maglab.height: 13",
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.right: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.orientation: horizontal",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.length: 100",
"Xted.mainForm.magscr.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.scaleDown.label: Scale down",
"Xted.mainForm.scaleDown.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.scaleUp.label: Scale up",
"Xted.mainForm.scaleUp.height: 13",
"Xted.mainForm.switch.label: Switch",
"Xted.mainForm.switch.height: 13",
/* The main display: a viewport containing a form containing graphs */
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.bottom: ChainBottom",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.right: ChainRight",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.allowHoriz: True",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.forcebars: True",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.width: 700",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.resizable: True",
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.right: ChainRight",
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.trace.bottom: ChainBottom",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.font: -misc-*-bold-*15-*",
/* The text graph heights are dynamically set to accomodate the font */
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.trace.height: 150",
/* The graphs are dynamically initially set to fill the viewport */
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.dimBackground: grey",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.graphColour1: green",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.graphColour2: purple",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.graphColour3: black",
"Xted.mainForm.viewport.vpForm.Graph.graphColour4: red",
/* Dummy widget - we only care about its width */
" ChainTop",
"Xted.mainForm.dummy.bottom: ChainBottom",
"Xted.mainForm.dummy.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.mainForm.dummy.right: ChainRight",
"Xted.mainForm.dummy.width: 700",
/* Dialogues */
"Xted*input.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: Input a file",
"Xted*search.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: Search for string or base number",
"Xted*output.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: Save a file",
"Xted*check.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: \
The existing sequence has been altered.\\n\
Do you really want to overwrite it?",
"Xted*checkwrite.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: \
This output file already exists.\\n\
Do you really want to overwrite it?",
"Xted*quit.ioForm.ioPrompt.label: \
The existing sequence has been altered.\\n\
Do you really want to quit?",
"Xted*check.ioForm..translations: #override \\n\
<Key>Return: CRAction()",
"Xted*quit.ioForm..translations: #override \\n\
<Key>Return: CRAction()",
"Xted*ioForm.namePrompt.label: File name:",
"Xted*ioForm.nameVal.width: 200",
"Xted*ioForm.nameVal.translations: #override \\n\
<Key>Return: CRAction()",
"Xted*ioForm.formatPrompt.label: File format:",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.borderWidth: 0",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.orientation: horizontal",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.plainFmt.label: Plain",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.abiFmt.label: ABI",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.abiFmt.state: True", /* Default toggle */
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.alfFmt.label: ALF",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.alfFmt.state: False",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.scfFmt.label: SCF",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.scfFmt.state: False",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.bottomFmt.label: Bottom",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.topFmt.label: Top",
"Xted*ioForm.formatBox.topFmt.state: True", /* Default toggle */
/* The `default' button for the dialogue has a wider border */
"Xted*input.ioForm.OK.borderWidth: 3",
"Xted*output.ioForm.OK.borderWidth: 3",
"Xted*check.ioForm.Cancel.borderWidth: 3",
"Xted*quit.ioForm.Cancel.borderWidth: 3",
/* Help shell widget */
"Xted.Help.width: 525",
"Xted.Help.height: 200",
"Xted.Help.minWidth: 525",
"Xted.Help.maxWidth: 525",
"Xted.Help.minHeight: 150",
"Xted.Help.title: ted help",
"Xted.Help.form.rmButton.label: Remove help",
" ChainTop",
"Xted.Help.form.rmButton.bottom: ChainTop",
"Xted.Help.form.rmButton.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.Help.form.rmButton.right: ChainLeft",
" ChainTop",
"Xted.Help.form.text.bottom: ChainBottom",
"Xted.Help.form.text.left: ChainLeft",
"Xted.Help.form.text.right: ChainRight",
The command line arguments and how to parse them into resources.
static XrmOptionDescRec options[] =
{"-PLN", "PLN", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-ABI", "ABI", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-ALF", "ALF", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-SCF", "SCF", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-output", "output", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-baseNum", "baseNum", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-mag", "mag", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-astring", "astring", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-bottom", "bottom", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
{"-raw", "raw", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL},
Where to put the command line arguments when we dig them
out of the resources.
typedef struct
{ String plain;
String ABI;
String ALF;
String SCF;
String output;
int baseNum;
int mag;
String astring;
int bottom;
String raw;
String enzyme;
} AppResources;
Dig the command line arguments out of resources and into
the above structure.
static XtResource tedResources[] =
{"PLN", "Plain", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, plain), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"ABI", "ABI", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, ABI), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"ALF", "ALF", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, ALF), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"SCF", "SCF", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, SCF), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"output", "output", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, output), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"baseNum", "baseNum", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtOffset(AppResources *, baseNum), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULLBaseNum},
{"mag", "mag", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtOffset(AppResources *, mag), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"astring", "astring", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, astring), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"bottom", "bottom", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtOffset(AppResources *, bottom), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"raw", "raw", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, raw), XtRImmediate, NULL},
{"enzyme", "enzyme", XtRString, sizeof(String),
XtOffset(AppResources *, enzyme), XtRImmediate, NULL},
typedef struct
{ int magnif;
String enz;
} AppData, *AppDataPtr;
#define XtNmagnif "magnif"
#define XtCMagnif "Magnif"
#define XtNenz "enz"
#define XtCEnz "Enz"
static XtResource resources[] = {
{ XtNmagnif,
XtOffset(AppDataPtr, magnif),
(caddr_t)30 /* default is 30, although you can override that from
the app-defaults file or on the command line */
{ XtNenz,
XtOffset(AppDataPtr, enz),
/* ---- Callbacks ---- */
static void inputCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
{ inputSeq(widget);
static void searchCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
{ inputSearchString(widget);
static void outputCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
client_data contains the default (NULL) or command line specified
output file name to be used.
/* this next statement was added by lfw 10/16/90, to assure that
a default output filename of inputfilename.seq will be assigned.*/
if (client_data!=NULL)
#ifdef DEF_OUT
if (isDotNum(o_fn) != -1) stripDotNum(o_fn);
if (!isDotSeq(o_fn))
** This is an aweful way of accomplishing something very simple
{ char junk[strlen(o_fn)+5];
outputSeq(widget, (String) o_fn);
static void helpCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
static void infoCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
static void quitCallback(Widget widget,
XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
{ /* Quit the application */
/* ---- Internal functions ---- */
static void usage(int argc, char **argv)
{ int i;
if (argc != 1)
{ fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option%s:", argv[0], (argc>2)?"s":"");
for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
fprintf(stderr, " %s", argv[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
"usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
" [(-PLN | -ABI | -ALF | -SCF) {tracefilename} [-baseNum {number}] [-mag {number, 1 to 100}] [-bottom {1(true) or 0(false)}]\n");
" [-output {outputfilename}]\n");
" [-astring {sequence}]\n");
" [-enzyme {5' cutting sequence}]\n");
" [-raw {filename to be placed at head of xdap compatible .seq file}]\n");
" [-geometry [{width}][x{height}][{+-}{xoff}[{+-}{yoff}]]]\n");
" [-display [{host}]:[{vs}]]\n");
" [-fg {color}] [-bg {color}] [-bd {color}] [-bw {pixels}]\n");
/* ---- Exported functions ---- */
void main(unsigned int argc, char **argv)
{ XtAppContext app_con;
AppResources app_resources;
Widget toplevelWid, mainFormWid;
/* Widget titleWid, Widget versionWid; */
Widget seqNameWid, seqNamePromptWid;
Widget NorigBasesWid, NorigBasesPromptWid,strandWid;
Widget comWid;
Arg args[10];
int nargs;
AppData app_data;
Setup X and the toplevel widget
toplevelWid = XtAppInitialize(&app_con, "Xted",
options, XtNumber(options),
(int *)&argc, argv,
NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
Transfer the command line arguments into app_resources.
XtGetApplicationResources(toplevelWid, (XtPointer) &app_resources,
tedResources, XtNumber(tedResources),
NULL, 0);
XtGetApplicationResources(toplevelWid, (XtPointer) &app_data,
resources, XtNumber(resources),
NULL, 0);
#ifndef AUTO_CLIP
app_data.enz = NULL;
Die if bad options given.
if ((argc != 1) ||
(app_resources.plain==NULL &&
app_resources.ABI==NULL &&
app_resources.ALF==NULL &&
app_resources.SCF==NULL &&
(app_resources.baseNum!=NULLBaseNum ||
app_resources.astring!=NULL)) ||
(app_resources.plain!=NULL && app_resources.ABI!=NULL) ||
(app_resources.astring!=NULL && app_resources.baseNum!=NULLBaseNum))
{ usage(argc, argv);
Create the widgets
mainFormWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("mainForm", formWidgetClass,
NULL, (Cardinal) 0);
/* Title and version */
/* nargs = 0;
titleWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("title", labelWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, titleWid); nargs++;
versionWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("version", labelWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
/* Current sequence name */
nargs = 0;
seqNamePromptWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("seqNamePrompt",
labelWidgetClass, mainFormWid,
args, nargs);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, seqNamePromptWid); nargs++;
seqNameWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("seqName", labelWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
/* Original number of bases */
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, seqNameWid); nargs++;
NorigBasesPromptWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("NorigBasesPrompt",
labelWidgetClass, mainFormWid,
args, nargs);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, NorigBasesPromptWid); nargs++;
NorigBasesWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("NorigBases", labelWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
/* Buttons */
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, NorigBasesWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("Input", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, inputCallback, NULL);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("Output", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, outputCallback,
(XtPointer) app_resources.output);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("search", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, searchCallback,
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("Help", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, helpCallback, NULL);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("Information", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, infoCallback, NULL);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
comWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("Quit", commandWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
XtAddCallback(comWid, XtNcallback, quitCallback, NULL);
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNfromHoriz, comWid); nargs++;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNheight, 13); nargs++;
strandWid = XtCreateManagedWidget("strand", labelWidgetClass,
mainFormWid, args, nargs);
createDisplay(mainFormWid, seqNameWid);
/* Create the help shell, undisplayed. */
(void) createHelpShell(toplevelWid);
Realize everything.
Setup initial sequence, if any.
Note that we have already filtered out multiple formats.
** set up raw file name for output
if (app_resources.raw!=NULL) {
strcpy (r_fn,app_resources.raw);
} else {
r_fn[0] = '\0';
if (app_resources.bottom!=NULL) {
if (app_resources.bottom==1) {
nargs = 0;
XtSetArg(args[nargs], XtNlabel, "Strand: Bottom"); nargs++;
XtSetValues(strandWid, args, nargs);
if (app_resources.plain!=NULL) {
#ifdef DEF_OUT
/* set up a default output filename */
if (isDotNum(o_fn) != -1) stripDotNum(o_fn);
if (!isDotSeq(o_fn))
/* set the default magnification to 30, the default baseNum to 1 */
if (app_resources.bottom == NULL) app_resources.bottom = 0;
else app_resources.bottom = 1;
if (app_resources.mag == NULL) app_resources.mag = app_data.magnif;
if (app_resources.enzyme == NULL) app_resources.enzyme = app_data.enz;
if (app_resources.baseNum == -1 && app_resources.astring==NULL) app_resources.baseNum = 1;
initialDisplayedSeq(toplevelWid, "plainFmt",
app_resources.plain, app_resources.baseNum , app_resources.mag,
if (app_resources.ABI!=NULL) {
#ifdef DEF_OUT
/* set up a default output filename */
if (isDotNum(o_fn) != -1) stripDotNum(o_fn);
if (!isDotSeq(o_fn))
/* set the default magnification to 30, the default baseNum to 1 */
if (app_resources.bottom == NULL) app_resources.bottom = 0;
else app_resources.bottom = 1;
if (app_resources.mag == NULL) app_resources.mag = app_data.magnif;
if (app_resources.enzyme == NULL) app_resources.enzyme = app_data.enz;
if (app_resources.baseNum == -1 && app_resources.astring==NULL) app_resources.baseNum = 1;
initialDisplayedSeq(toplevelWid, "abiFmt",
app_resources.ABI, app_resources.baseNum , app_resources.mag,
if (app_resources.ALF!=NULL) {
#ifdef DEF_OUT
/* set up a default output filename */
if (isDotNum(o_fn) != -1) stripDotNum(o_fn);
if (!isDotSeq(o_fn))
/* set the default magnification to 30, the default baseNum to 1 */
if (app_resources.bottom == NULL) app_resources.bottom = 0;
else app_resources.bottom = 1;
if (app_resources.mag == NULL) app_resources.mag = app_data.magnif;
if (app_resources.baseNum == -1 && app_resources.astring==NULL) app_resources.baseNum = 1;
initialDisplayedSeq(toplevelWid, "alfFmt",
app_resources.ALF, app_resources.baseNum, app_resources.mag, app_resources.astring,app_resources.enzyme,app_resources.bottom);
if (app_resources.SCF!=NULL) {
#ifdef DEF_OUT
/* set up a default output filename */
if (isDotNum(o_fn) != -1) stripDotNum(o_fn);
if (!isDotSeq(o_fn))
/* set the default magnification to 30, the default baseNum to 1 */
if (app_resources.bottom == NULL) app_resources.bottom = 0;
else app_resources.bottom = 1;
if (app_resources.mag == NULL) app_resources.mag = app_data.magnif;
if (app_resources.baseNum == -1 && app_resources.astring==NULL) app_resources.baseNum = 1;
initialDisplayedSeq(toplevelWid, "scfFmt",
app_resources.SCF, app_resources.baseNum, app_resources.mag, app_resources.astring,app_resources.enzyme,app_resources.bottom);
Set everything running.