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References with further information about the methods
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 8, 817-825 (1980)
A computer program to search for tRNA genes. (NIP)
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 8, 3673-3694 (1980)
A new computer method for the storage and manipulation
of DNA gel reading data. (SAP).
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 10, 2951-2961 (1982)
An interactive graphics program for comparing and
aligning nucleic acid and amino acid sequences.
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 10, 4731-4751 (1982)
Automation of the computer handling of gel reading data
produced by the shotgun method of DNA sequencing.(SAP)
Staden, R. and McLachlan, A.,D. Nucl. Acid Res. 10
141-156 (1982)
Codon preference and its use in identifying protein
coding regions in long DNA sequences. (NIP)
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 12, 499-503 (1984)
A computer program to enter DNA gel reading data into a
computer. (GIP)
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 12, 551-567 (1984)
Measurements of the effects that coding for a protein
has on on a DNA sequence and their use for finding
genes. (NIP: positional base preferences, uneven
positional base frequencies)
Staden, R. Nucl. Acid Res. 12, 505-519 (1984)
Computer methods to locate signals in nucleic acid
sequences. NIP: promoters, ribosome binding
sites, intron/exon junctions.
McLachlan A D, Staden R and Boswell D R, Nucl. Acid Res.
12, 9567-9575 (1984)
Measure of strength of codon preference. (NIP)
Staden R, Computer methods to locate genes and signals in
nucleic acid sequences, Genetic Engineering: Principles
and Methods Vol. 7, Edited by J. K. Setlow and A.
Hollaender, Plenum Publishing Corp. 1985. (NIP)
Staden R Nucl. Acid. Res. 14, 217-231 (1986)
The current status and portability of our sequence
handling software. Summary for May 1985.
Staden R "Computer Handling of DNA sequencing projects" in
Nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis, A practical
approach, 173-217. Edited by M.J.Bishop and C.J.Rawlings,
IRL press (1987). (SAP)
Staden R, Methods to define and locate patterns of motifs in
sequences. CABIOS 4 53-60 (1988). (NIP, PIP,
Staden R, Methods for calculating the probabilities of finding
patterns in sequences. CABIOS 5 89-96 (1989). (NIP, PIP,
Staden R, "Methods for discovering novel motifs in nucleic acid
sequences". CABIOS 5, 293-298, (1989). (MEP)
Staden R, Methods to search for patterns in protein and nucleic
acid sequences. In Doolittle, R,R (ed), Methods in
Enzymology, 183, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 193-211.
(1990) (NIP, NIPL, PIP, PIPL)
Staden R, Finding protein coding regions in genomic sequences.
In Doolittle, R,R (ed), Methods in Enzymology, 183,
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 163-180. (1990) (NIP)
Gleeson T J and Staden R, An X windows and UNIX implementation
of our sequence analysis package. CABIOS 7 398 (1991)
Staden R, Screening protein and nucleic acid sequences against
libraries of patterns. DNA Sequence, in press (NIP, PIP,
Dear S and Staden R, A sequence assembly and editing program for
efficient management of large projects. Nucleic Acids
Research 19 3907-3911 (1991) (XDAP)
Staden R and Dear S, Indexing the sequence libraries: Software
providing a common indexing system for all the standard
sequence libraries. DNA Sequence 3, 99-105 (1992).
Dear S and Staden R, A standard file format for data from DNA
sequencing instruments. DNA Sequence 3, 107-110 (1992)
Gleeson T and Hillier L, A trace display and editing program
for data from fluorescence based sequencing machines.
Nucleic Acids Research 19 6481-6483 (1991) (TED)
Staden R, Staden package update. Genome News 13 12-13 (1993)