54 lines
1,004 B
54 lines
1,004 B
#! /bin/csh -f
# script to make an accession number index for the pir library in codata format
echo "piraccession.script Version 1.1"
echo ""
set RM = "/bin/rm -f"
set SORT = sort
# LIBFILE is the name you've given to the library file
set LIBFILE1 = pir1.dat
set LIBFILE2 = pir2.dat
set LIBFILE3 = pir3.dat
piraccess1 $LIBFILE1 pir1.list
if ( $status ) goto abort
piraccess1 $LIBFILE2 pir2.list
if ( $status ) goto abort
piraccess2 $LIBFILE3 pir3.list
if ( $status ) goto abort
${SORT} pir1.list pir2.list pir3.list >! access.sorted
if ( $status ) goto abort
${RM} pir1.list pir2.list pir3.list
access2 access.sorted access.entry
if ( $status ) goto abort
${RM} access.sorted
${SORT} -b +1 access.entry >! access.sorted2
if ( $status ) goto abort
${RM} access.entry
access4 access.sorted2 acnum.trg acnum.hit
if ( $status ) goto abort
${RM} access.sorted2
echo "Completion successful"
echo ""
exit 0
# Abort
echo "piraccession.script: aborting due to serious error"
exit 2