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2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
* a program for finding most parsimonious
* trees with minimum RAM requirements
* Copyright April 2013 by Pablo A. Goloboff
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify its
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* If publishing results based on this program, please cite Goloboff (forthcoming)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXNAMELEN 100
#define CHUNKSZ 1000
#define MAXMULTITAXA 1000
FILE * inp = NULL , * outp = NULL , * tmpp , * partsfile , * treeinp = NULL , * multinp ;
#ifdef WATCOM
long long * fpos ;
fpos_t * fpos ;
unsigned long long bestgloballen , lenlag = 0 , rearrangs = 0 ;
unsigned long int ** mat , * wtchg , * movelist , lenlimit ;
unsigned long int gup , gmix , gdn , nitdn ;
long int nc2 = 0 , nc3 = 0 , nc4 = 0 , trashed = 0 , totnc , maxnc , piecesz , totnc4 ;
double * gbrem , * tbrem ;
long int * abrem , fasta = 0 ;
int nt , nc , nodz , nstord , together = 1 , use_spr = 0 , reportreplication = 0 ,
numreplications = 0 , reportperiod = 1 , ratcycles = 0 , ratcyclesdone = 0 ,
dojak = 0 , saveall = 0 , swapcollapse = 0 , recordgoodmoves = 0 , usenexus = 0 ;
int ranseed = 1 , do_branch_swapping = 1 , random_starts = 0 , numtrees = 0 , numhits ,
ratcheting = 0 , changewts = 0 , numsubs , jakprob = 36 , numcolmoves , numcolroots ,
savejusttrees = 0 , felipe = 0 , multifiles = 0 , nummultifiles , recorddn = 0 ,
equal_taxon_sequence = 0 , numparts , quickbremer = 0 , doingbremer = 0 ,
bremertype = 2 , shownegbremers = 0 , verbose = 0 ;
short int * nodlist , * anx , * lef , * rig , * sis , * rlist ,
* tgtlist , * lassis , * nodfork , nodtoskip = 0 , * ladd , * nodmatch ,
* blist , ** memtrees , * unsuprt , * distoroot , * colmoves , * colroots ;
char strsp[ MAXNAMELEN ] , maskin[ 256 ] , bitct [ 65536 ] , reportheader ,
reporttoscreen = 1 ;
char legindic [ ] = { '=' , 0 } ;
unsigned char ** matbuf , * tmpstates , * isabs = NULL ;
double maxram = -1 ;
typedef struct { unsigned long int up , dn ; int root , tgt ; } BremTyp ;
BremTyp * bremdif ;
void transfer_bremer ( int , int , BremTyp * ) ;
unsigned long long downpass_all ( void ) ;
unsigned long long downpass_split ( void ) ;
unsigned long long ( * downpass ) ( void ) ;
unsigned long long wagner_all ( void ) ;
unsigned long long wagner_split ( void ) ;
unsigned long long ( * wagner ) ( void ) ;
unsigned long long bswap_all ( void ) ;
unsigned long long bswap_split ( void ) ;
unsigned long long ( * bswap ) ( void ) ;
#define VERYBIG 10000000000000000
#ifdef BITS64
#define FLDS2 32
#define FLDS3 21
#define FLDS4 16
#define HI4 9838263505978427528UL
#define LO4 8608480567731124087UL
#define HI3 5270498306774157604UL
#define LO3 3952873730080618203UL
#define HI2 12297829382473034410UL
#define LO2 6148914691236517205UL
#define FLDS2 16
#define FLDS3 10
#define FLDS4 8
#define HI4 2290649224
#define LO4 2004318071
#define HI3 613566756
#define LO3 460175067
#define HI2 2863311530
#define LO2 1431655765
/*********** TRIVIAL BUT USEFUL FUNCTIONS ******************/
void display_help ( int kind )
if ( kind == 0 )
fprintf ( stdout ,
" OBLONG (Merriam-Webster): \"a rectangle with one of its\n"
" sides much longer than the other\"\n"
" by P.A. Goloboff (2013)\n"
" For phylogenetic analysis of wide matrices, with low memory\n"
" requirements. Recommended for data sets with many characters\n"
" and few taxa (not advised for hundreds of taxa or more, as\n"
" it is optimized for memory, not speed)\n"
" Uses temporary disk buffers, \"oblong.tmp\" and/or \"oblong.pts\"\n"
" to avoid holding all data in RAM. As much disk space as the size\n"
" of the data set may be required.\n"
" Screen output can be redirected to a file with \"2> file\"\n"
" Use \"oblong -h\" for help on program options\n"
) ;
fprintf ( stdout ,
" Input/Output:\n"
" -ifilename use \"filename\" as data file.\n"
" -p data files in Phylip/RAxML instead of TNT format.\n"
" -f data files in Fasta instead of TNT format.\n"
" -@list get from file \"list\" the list of data files, must\n"
" be in either Phylip (no \"-p\" switch required), or\n"
" Fasta format (\"-f\" switch required). By default, \n"
" taxon names are matched with identical strings; a \n"
" taxon absent from a data set gets all \"?\".\n"
" -e for file lists, instead of matching taxa based on name,\n"
" assume all data files have the same taxon sequence.\n"
" -ooutfile output results to \"outfile\"; this is a TNT-ready\n"
" data set with no characters (just tree topologies).\n"
" Searches:\n"
" -w use random trees as starting points, not Wagner trees\n"
" -rN use N starting points.\n"
" -spr use SPR branch swapping instead of the default TBR.\n"
" -b no branch swapping.\n"
" -a save the tree for each replication (even if suboptimal)\n"
" -jN jackknife the data, with N = P(del) (no N = 36). A \n"
" single (possibly collapsed) tree saved per replicate.\n"
" Note: uninformative characters/states are never \n"
" deactivated (they don't influence supports).\n"
" -mX use no more than X MBytes of RAM. If not using \"-j\" or\n"
" \"-x\", results are identical to the default but slower;\n"
" otherwise, randomization sequences may differ.\n"
" -RN use N as random seed.\n"
" -xN use N iterations of ratchet (no N = 10). Note that for\n"
" C informative characters, \"-x\" requires C/2 additional\n"
" bytes of RAM (even under \"-m\").\n"
" -k if jackknifing, do TBR/SPR tree collapsing (recommended).\n"
" Other:\n"
" -N output Nexus format (i.e. tree-file is TreeView-ready)\n"
" -t save only the trees (no \"xread\").\n"
" -Ttreefile read trees from \"treefile\" and use them as starting\n"
" points (if \"-b\" and no \"-x\", it just calculates\n"
" tree-scores). Treefile must be the output of Oblong\n"
" (i.e. what is in \"outfile\"), with number of trees in\n"
" tree-title.\n"
" -q use a quick approximmation for group supports. Default is\n"
" S = 0.64 * R ^ 1/A (where R = relative bremer support,\n"
" and A = absolute bremer support); this is also indicated\n"
" with \"-q2\". You can also indicate \"-q0\", absolute bremer\n"
" support, or \"-q1\", relative. Supports are obtained via\n"
" branch-swapping, recording score difference for each move.\n"
" You can use this to measure strength of contradiction, starting\n"
" from suboptimal trees (\"-T\") and skipping swapping (\"-b\").\n"
" -v verbose mode: report rearrangements examined as they are done\n"
" (note: repeatedly writing to screen slows down program).\n"
" You can also view this info with \"oblong -h | less\" or \"oblong -h | more\"\n"
) ;
void errout ( int cond , char * msg )
if ( !cond ) return ;
if ( msg != NULL )
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "\n%s\n" , msg ) ; //output to the screen, usually error
exit ( 0 ) ; //exit(0)正常运行程序并退出程序exit(1)非正常运行导致退出程序
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
void * myalloc ( unsigned long int size )
void * vd = malloc ( size ) ;
errout ( vd == NULL , "Sorry, not enough memory available --try with the \"-m\" switch" ) ;
return vd ;
int stringis ( char * a , char * b )
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
while ( * a && tolower ( * a ) == tolower ( * b ) ) { ++a ; ++ b ; } //tolower: conver letters from uppercase to lowercase
if ( * a || * b ) return 0 ; // or || ,return fake
return 1 ; //return true
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
void procargs ( int nargs , char ** arg ) // int nargs =2 for [oblong -f] **arg = *arg [] 字符串数组
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
int i ;
char * cp ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( nargs == 1 ) { // no arguments if nargs == 1
display_help ( 0 ) ; //not show the help ouput just no argument output
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
exit ( 0 ) ; }
for ( i = 1 ; i < nargs ; ++ i ) {
cp = arg [ i ] ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( * cp != '-' ) { // if arguments not start with -
fprintf ( stderr , "\nWrong argument: %s\n" , arg [ i ] ) ; //show which argument is wrong
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
exit ( 0 ) ; }
switch ( * ++ cp ) {
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'a': saveall = 1 ; break ; //save all trees
case 'b': do_branch_swapping = 0 ; break ; //no branch swapping
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
case 'e': equal_taxon_sequence = 1 ; break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'f': fasta = 1 ; break ; //fasta format
case 'h': display_help ( 1 ) ; exit ( 0 ) ; //help
case 'i': //use the filename -i${filename}
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
case '@':
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( * cp == '@' ) multifiles = 1 ; //there are multi files
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
errout ( stringis ( cp , "oblong.tmp" ) , "Cannot use \"oblong.tmp\" as input file; rename it and try again" ) ;
errout ( stringis ( cp , "oblong.pts" ) , "Cannot use \"oblong.pts\" as input file; rename it and try again" ) ;
errout ( inp != NULL , "Can't open TWO input files" ) ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
errout ( ( inp = fopen ( cp , "rb" ) ) == NULL , "Can't open input file" ) ; //input file, if the input list can't be readable in the bianry mode, on windows, binary is different
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'j': //j${NumberofJakknife}
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( isdigit ( * cp ) ) //to find if the character is the numer
jakprob = atoi ( cp ) ; //atoi: convert character to the int
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
dojak = changewts = 1 ;
break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'k': swapcollapse = 1 ; break ; //do TBR/SPR collapsing
case 'm': errout ( ( ( maxram = atof ( ++ cp ) ) <= 0 ) , "You must indicate RAM to use" ) ; together = 0 ; break ; //atof: transfer chracter into double
case 'N': usenexus = 1 ; break ; //output the nexus file
case 'o': //-o${outfile}
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
errout ( stringis ( cp , "oblong.tmp" ) , "Cannot use \"oblong.tmp\" as output file; use a different name" ) ;
errout ( stringis ( cp , "oblong.pts" ) , "Cannot use \"oblong.pts\" as output file; use a different name" ) ;
errout ( outp != NULL , "Can't open TWO output files" ) ;
errout ( ( outp = fopen ( cp , "wb" ) ) == NULL , "Can't open output file" ) ;
break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'p': felipe = 1 ; break ; //file in Phylip style
case 'q': //a quick approximmation
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
quickbremer = 1 ;
if ( * cp == '0' ) bremertype = 0 ;
if ( * cp == '1' ) bremertype = 1 ;
if ( * cp == '2' ) bremertype = 2 ;
break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'r': numreplications = atoi ( ++ cp ) ; break ; //use N starting points. -r${Number}
case 'R': ranseed = atoi ( ++ cp ) ; break ; //random seed
case 's': //spr use spr instead of tbr
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
if ( !strcmp ( cp , "spr" ) ) { use_spr = 1 ; break ; }
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 't': savejusttrees = 1 ; break ; //output standrad tre format
case 'T': //set start tree -T${treefile}
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
errout ( treeinp != NULL , "Can't open TWO tree files" ) ;
errout ( ( treeinp = fopen ( cp , "rb" ) ) == NULL , "Can't open tree file" ) ;
break ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
case 'v': verbose = 1 ; break ; //report rearrangements
case 'w': random_starts = 1 ; break ; //use random trees as start tree
case 'x': //-x${Numer of ratcher}
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
++ cp ;
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( isdigit ( * cp ) ) ratcycles = atoi ( cp ) ;//if the char is number, make ratecycles=
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
else ratcycles = 10 ;
break ;
default: fprintf ( stderr , "\nUnrecognized option: %s\n" , arg [ i ] ) ; exit ( 0 ) ; }}
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
errout ( ( fasta && felipe ) , "Cannot use both Phylip and Fasta formats" ) ; //fasta = 1 and felipe = 1, it can't be identified as different type
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
errout ( ( inp == NULL ) , "No data set specified" ) ;
errout ( ( outp == NULL ) , "No output file specified" ) ;
if ( quickbremer && dojak ) {
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
dojak = changewts = 0 ; //if quick approximmation and jack both are set, the jack won't be done
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "\nNOTE: Cannot do both jackknifing and bremer at the same time!\n" ) ;
if ( bremertype == 2 )
fprintf ( stderr , " deletion prob P=%.2f will be used to rescale supports (1-P)\n" , ( double ) jakprob / 100 ) ;
if ( bremertype == 0 ) fprintf ( stderr , " will do bremer supports instead\n" ) ;
else fprintf ( stderr , " will do relative bremer supports instead\n" ) ;
errout ( ( !jakprob && bremertype == 2 ) , " ...but cannot use a deletion prob. P=0 to rescale!" ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , "\n" ) ; }
2022-03-12 23:44:36 +00:00
if ( quickbremer && usenexus ) legindic [ 0 ] = 0 ; // *** left here temp
if ( !do_branch_swapping && !ratcycles ) shownegbremers = 1 ; // *** left here temp
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
if ( treeinp != NULL && numreplications )
fprintf ( stderr , "\nNote: \"-T\" overrides \"-r\": number of trees in file determines starting points\n" ) ;
if ( !numreplications ) numreplications = 1 ;
if ( maxram > 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\nUsing %.2f MBytes of RAM for matrix buffers\n" , maxram ) ;
2022-04-01 01:18:58 +01:00
fflush ( stderr ) ; //清空缓存区
maxram *= 1024 * 1024 ; } // maxram = maxram * 1024 * 1024;
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
reportheader = '\r' ;
if ( !isatty( fileno( stderr ) ) ) {
errout ( verbose , "Verbose allowed only when STDERR goes to screen" ) ;
reporttoscreen = 0 ;
reportheader = '\n' ;
reportperiod = 600 ;
fprintf ( stderr , "\n\nProgram options:\n\n oblong " ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < nargs ; ++ i )
fprintf ( stderr , "%s " , arg [ i ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , "\n\n" ) ; }
return ;
void init_bit_counters ( void )
2022-04-01 01:18:58 +01:00
int a , b , c ; // bitct[65536]
for ( a = 0 ; a < 65536 ; ++ a ) { // a 0 -> 65535
for ( b = 1 , c = 0 ; b <= a ; b <<= 1 ) // <= 是 < 或 =;
if ( ( b & a ) ) ++ c ; // c++;
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
bitct [ a ] = c ; }
void maskinit ( void )
int a ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < 256 ; ++ a ) maskin [ a ] = 0 ;
maskin [ 'a' ] = maskin [ 'A' ] = maskin [ '0' ] = 1 ;
maskin [ 'g' ] = maskin [ 'G' ] = maskin [ '1' ] = 2 ;
maskin [ 'c' ] = maskin [ 'C' ] = maskin [ '2' ] = 4 ;
maskin [ 't' ] = maskin [ 'T' ] = maskin [ '3' ] = 8 ;
maskin [ 'R' ] = maskin [ 'r' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 'g' ] ;
maskin [ 'Y' ] = maskin [ 'y' ] = maskin [ 't' ] | maskin [ 'c' ] ;
maskin [ 'W' ] = maskin [ 'w' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 't' ] ;
maskin [ 'S' ] = maskin [ 's' ] = maskin [ 'c' ] | maskin [ 'g' ] ;
maskin [ 'M' ] = maskin [ 'm' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 'c' ] ;
maskin [ 'K' ] = maskin [ 'k' ] = maskin [ 'g' ] | maskin [ 't' ] ;
maskin [ 'B' ] = maskin [ 'b' ] = maskin [ 'c' ] | maskin [ 'g' ] | maskin [ 't' ] ;
maskin [ 'D' ] = maskin [ 'd' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 'g' ] | maskin [ 't' ] ;
maskin [ 'H' ] = maskin [ 'h' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 'c' ] | maskin [ 't' ] ;
maskin [ 'V' ] = maskin [ 'v' ] = maskin [ 'a' ] | maskin [ 'c' ] | maskin [ 'g' ] ;
maskin [ 'N' ] = maskin [ 'n' ] = maskin [ '-' ] = maskin [ '?' ] = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 ;
maskin [ '.' ] = 127 ;
return ;
/********* CHECKING AND SORTING INPUT *************************/
void prepare ( int off , unsigned char intwo )
int a , b , c , totbytes ;
char msk , shif ;
unsigned short int * pt ;
unsigned long int * lp , written ;
void * vd ;
int trsf ;
char mybits = bitct [ intwo ] ;
char convert[ 16 ] , goesto[ 4 ] ;
if ( mybits == 2 ) { msk = 3 ; ++ nc2 ; }
if ( mybits == 3 ) { msk = 7 ; ++ nc3 ; }
if ( mybits == 4 ) { msk = 15 ; ++ nc4 ; }
for ( a = b = 1 , c = 0 ; a < 16 ; a <<= 1 , ++ c )
if ( ( a & intwo ) ) {
goesto [ c ] = b ;
b <<= 1 ; }
else goesto [ c ] = 0 ;
convert [ 0 ] = msk ;
for ( a = 1 ; a < 16 ; ++ a ) {
convert [ a ] = 0 ;
for ( b = 1 , c = 0 ; b <= a ; b <<= 1 , ++ c )
if ( ( a & b ) ) convert [ a ] |= goesto [ c ] ;
if ( !convert [ a ] ) convert [ a ] = msk ; }
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a )
matbuf [ a ] [ off ] = convert [ matbuf [ a ] [ off ] ] ;
fprintf ( tmpp , "%c" , mybits ) ;
pt = ( unsigned short int * ) tmpstates ;
for ( a = ( nt + 1 ) / 2 ; a -- > 0 ; )
pt [ a ] = 0 ;
vd = ( void * ) tmpstates ;
for ( a = shif = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a ) {
lp = ( unsigned long int * ) pt ;
trsf = matbuf [ a ] [ off ] ;
trsf <<= shif ;
* lp |= trsf ;
shif += mybits ;
if ( shif >= 16 ) {
++ pt ;
shif -= 16 ; }}
totbytes = ( ( mybits * ( nt + 1 ) ) - 1 ) / 8 ;
written = fwrite ( vd , 1 , totbytes + 1 , tmpp ) ;
errout ( written != totbytes + 1 , "Sorry, cannot write to temporary file (disk full?)" ) ;
int domin ( int a )
int best = 10 ;
int b , c , misinsome ;
for ( c = 16 ; c -- ; ) {
for ( b = misinsome = 0; b < nt && !misinsome ; ++ b )
if ( ! ( matbuf [ b ] [ a ] & c ) ) misinsome = 1 ;
if ( !misinsome )
if ( best > bitct [ c ] ) best = bitct [ c ] ; }
return best - 1 ;
int dotrueextra ( long int a , unsigned long int intwo )
int st , ret = 0 , b ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < nt ; ++ b ) {
st = matbuf [ b ] [ a ] ;
if ( st == 15 ) continue ;
if ( ( st & ~intwo ) && !( st & intwo ) ) ret ++ ; }
return ret ;
void process_chunk ( int start )
long int a , b , d ;
unsigned char c ;
unsigned char * cp ;
unsigned char refval ;
unsigned char intwo , inone ;
nstord = CHUNKSZ ;
if ( start + nstord > nc ) nstord = nc - start ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < nt ; ++ d )
for ( b = nstord ; b -- ; )
matbuf [ d ] [ b ] = 0 ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < nt ; ++ d ) {
cp = matbuf [ d ] ;
if ( isabs != NULL )
if ( isabs [ d ] ) { // This can only happen when reading multiple files and taxon is absent from this matrix...
for ( b = 0 ; b < nstord ; ++ b )
* cp ++ = 15 ;
continue ; }
#ifdef WATCOM
_fseeki64 ( inp , fpos [ d ] , SEEK_SET ) ;
fsetpos ( inp , &fpos [ d ] ) ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < nstord ; ++ b ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &c ) ;
if ( c == '[' ) {
refval = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &c ) ;
if ( c == ']' ) break ;
refval |= maskin [ c ] ; }}
if ( c == '.' ) {
errout ( !d , "Cannot use \".\" for the first taxon" ) ;
refval = matbuf [ d ] [ b ] ; }
else refval = maskin [ c ] ;
* cp ++ = refval ; }
#ifdef WATCOM
fpos [ d ] = _ftelli64 ( inp ) ;
fgetpos ( inp , &fpos [ d ] ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nstord ; ++ a ) {
inone = intwo = 0 ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < nt ; ++ b ) {
if ( matbuf [ b ] [ a ] == 15 ) continue ;
intwo |= inone & matbuf [ b ] [ a ] ;
inone |= matbuf [ b ] [ a ] ; }
if ( bitct [ intwo ] > 1 ) {
if ( inone != intwo )
if ( bitct [ inone ] == 1 )
lenlag += bitct [ ( inone & ~intwo ) ] ;
else lenlag += dotrueextra ( a , intwo ) ;
prepare ( a , intwo ) ; }
else {
lenlag += domin ( a ) ;
++ trashed ; }}
void popmat ( int part ) // populate matrix, for split optimization
unsigned long int a , b , c , shif , mybits , totbytes ;
unsigned long int inmsk , msk , ent , inshif , val , numelems ;
unsigned long int * lp ;
unsigned short int * pt ;
unsigned long int sz = piecesz * FLDS4 , numnc = 0 ;
void * vd ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < piecesz ; ++ b )
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a )
mat [ a ] [ b ] = -1 ;
vd = ( void * ) tmpstates ;
for ( a = 0 , c = part * FLDS4 ; a < sz && c < totnc ; ++ a , ++ c ) {
mybits = getc ( tmpp ) ;
if ( mybits == 2 ) msk = 3 ;
if ( mybits == 3 ) msk = 7 ;
if ( mybits == 4 ) msk = 15 ;
ent = numnc / FLDS4 ;
inshif = 4 * ( numnc % FLDS4 ) ;
inmsk = ( unsigned long int ) 15 << inshif ;
++ numnc ;
totbytes = ( ( mybits * ( nt + 1 ) ) - 1 ) / 8 ;
numelems = fread ( vd , 1 , totbytes + 1 , tmpp ) ;
errout ( numelems != totbytes + 1 , "OOOPS, unexpected error loading matrix!.\nSorry, abandoning run..." ) ;
pt = ( unsigned short int * ) tmpstates ;
for ( b = shif = 0 ; b < nt ; ++ b ) {
lp = ( unsigned long int * ) pt ;
val = ( * lp >> shif ) & msk ;
mat [ b ] [ ent ] &= ~inmsk ;
mat [ b ] [ ent ] |= val << inshif ;
shif += mybits ;
if ( shif >= 16 ) {
++ pt ;
shif -= 16 ; }}}
void create_parts_file ( void )
unsigned long int atnc ;
unsigned long int written ;
void * vd ;
unsigned long int * at ;
errout ( ( partsfile = fopen ( "oblong.pts" , "wb" ) ) == NULL , "Cannot open temporary file \"oblong.pts\"" ) ;
for ( atnc = 0 ; atnc < nc4 ; atnc += piecesz ) {
popmat ( atnc ) ;
at = mat [ 0 ] ;
vd = ( void * ) at ;
written = fwrite ( vd , 1 , sizeof ( unsigned long int ) * nt * piecesz , partsfile ) ;
errout ( written != sizeof ( unsigned long int ) * nt * piecesz , "Sorry, cannot write to temporary file (disk full?)" ) ; }
fputc ( 32 , partsfile ) ;
fclose ( partsfile ) ;
partsfile = fopen ( "oblong.pts" , "rb" ) ;
return ;
void tmpparse ( void )
int atnc2 = 0 , atnc3 = 0 , atnc4 = 0 , totbytes ;
unsigned char mybits ;
int a , b , shif , inshif ;
unsigned short int * pt ;
unsigned long int * lp , inmsk , ent ;
signed long int sizis , toalloc , subtract ;
unsigned long int j , * segposit , msk , val ;
double prop , prevprop ;
totnc = nc2 + nc3 + nc4 ;
nc2 = ( nc2 + ( FLDS2 - 1 ) ) / FLDS2 ;
nc3 = ( nc3 + ( FLDS3 - 1 ) ) / FLDS3 ;
nc4 = ( nc4 + ( FLDS4 - 1 ) ) / FLDS4 ;
nc3 += nc2 ;
nc4 += nc3 ;
nodz = 2 * nt - 1 ;
nodlist = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
anx = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
lef = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
rig = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
rig -= nt ;
sis = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
rlist = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
tgtlist = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
lassis = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
nodfork = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
ladd = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
blist = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
mat = ( unsigned long int ** ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( long int * ) ) ;
if ( swapcollapse || quickbremer ) {
unsuprt = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
distoroot = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
colmoves = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
colroots = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
if ( quickbremer ) {
nodmatch = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
nodmatch -= nt ;
abrem = ( long int * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
abrem -= nt ;
gbrem = ( double * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ) ;
gbrem -= nt ;
tbrem = ( double * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ) ;
tbrem -= nt ;
bremdif = ( BremTyp * ) myalloc ( nt * nt * sizeof ( BremTyp ) ) ; }}
b = numreplications ;
if ( ratcycles ) b = ( numreplications * ratcycles ) + 1 ;
memtrees = ( short int ** ) myalloc ( b * sizeof ( short int * ) ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < b ; ++ a )
memtrees [ a ] = ( short int * ) myalloc ( nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ;
toalloc = nc4 ;
downpass = downpass_all ;
bswap = bswap_all ;
wagner = wagner_all ;
if ( !together ) {
sizis = ( signed long int ) maxram ;
subtract = ( 12 * nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) + // tree-buffers...
( nt * nt * sizeof ( long int ) ) + // buffer to store moves...
( b * sizeof ( short int ** ) ) + ( b * nodz * sizeof ( short int ) ) ; // trees
subtract += nodz * sizeof ( long int * ) ;
if ( subtract >= sizis ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\nSorry: %.0f Bytes are insufficient to run this data set. Increase \"-m\"\n" , maxram ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }
toalloc = ( sizis - subtract ) / ( nodz * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
j = ( totnc + ( FLDS4 - 1 ) ) / FLDS4 ; // needed total
numparts = 1 + ( j / toalloc ) ;
toalloc = j / numparts ;
while ( toalloc * numparts * FLDS4 < totnc )
toalloc ++ ;
if ( toalloc < 1 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\nSorry: %.0f Bytes are insufficient to run this data set. Increase -m\n" , maxram ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }
if ( toalloc * FLDS4 < totnc ) {
piecesz = toalloc ;
nc2 = nc3 = 0 ;
nc4 = totnc4 = numparts * piecesz ;
fprintf ( stderr , "%cWill process the chars in %i chunks of %li\n" , reportheader , numparts , toalloc * FLDS4 ) ; fflush ( stderr ) ;
movelist = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( nt * nt * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
downpass = downpass_split ;
wagner = wagner_split ;
bswap = bswap_split ; }
else {
fprintf ( stderr , "%cLucky you! All data can be held in RAM! No disk swaps needed...\n" , reportheader ) ; fflush ( stderr ) ;
toalloc = nc4 ;
together = 1 ; }}
if ( ratcycles || ( ( dojak || quickbremer ) && together ) )
wtchg = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( nc4 * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
else if ( ( dojak || quickbremer ) && !together )
wtchg = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( piecesz * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
tmpp = fopen ( "oblong.tmp" , "rb" ) ;
if ( !together ) {
/** Alloc matrix for terms in a contiguous memory segment, for faster loading *******/
segposit = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( nt * toalloc * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a ) {
mat [ a ] = segposit ;
segposit += toalloc ; }
for ( a = nt ; a < nodz ; ++ a )
mat [ a ] = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( toalloc * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
create_parts_file( ) ;
fclose ( tmpp ) ;
remove ( "oblong.tmp" ) ;
return ; }
/** Just alloc matrix as normally done ****/
for ( a = 0 ; a < nodz ; ++ a ) {
mat [ a ] = ( unsigned long int * ) myalloc ( nc4 * sizeof ( long int ) ) ;
if ( a < nt )
for ( b = 0 ; b < nc4 ; ++ b ) mat [ a ] [ b ] = -1 ; }
prevprop = 0 ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < totnc ; ++ a ) {
if ( reporttoscreen && ( a % 327 ) == 0 ) {
prop = ( double ) a / totnc ;
if ( prop - prevprop > 0.015 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\rReading matrix... %.1f%%" , 50 + ( prop * 100 / 2 ) ) ;
prevprop = prop ; }}
mybits = getc ( tmpp ) ;
if ( mybits == 2 ) {
msk = 3 ; ent = atnc2 / FLDS2 ; inshif = 2 * ( atnc2 % FLDS2 ) ;
inmsk = ( unsigned long int ) 3 << inshif ; ++ atnc2 ; }
if ( mybits == 3 ) {
msk = 7 ; ent = nc2 + ( atnc3 / FLDS3 ) ; inshif = 3 * ( atnc3 % FLDS3 ) ;
inmsk = ( unsigned long int ) 7 << inshif ; ++ atnc3 ; }
if ( mybits == 4 ) {
msk = 15 ; ent = nc3 + ( atnc4 / FLDS4 ) ; inshif = 4 * ( atnc4 % FLDS4 ) ;
inmsk = ( unsigned long int ) 15 << inshif ; ++ atnc4 ; }
totbytes = ( ( mybits * ( nt + 1 ) ) - 1 ) / 8 ;
for ( b = 0 ; b <= totbytes ; ++ b )
tmpstates [ b ] = getc ( tmpp ) ;
pt = ( unsigned short int * ) tmpstates ;
for ( b = shif = 0 ; b < nt ; ++ b ) {
lp = ( unsigned long int * ) pt ;
val = ( * lp >> shif ) & msk ;
mat [ b ] [ ent ] &= ~inmsk ;
mat [ b ] [ ent ] |= val << inshif ;
shif += mybits ;
if ( shif >= 16 ) {
++ pt ;
shif -= 16 ; }}}
fclose ( tmpp ) ;
remove ( "oblong.tmp" ) ;
void get_fasta_dims ( int * mync , int * mynt )
int i ;
char c ;
int curnt = 0 , curnc = 0 , atnc ;
char * nampt = strsp ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
while ( !feof ( inp ) && i != '>' ) i = getc ( inp ) ; //没读到 EOF 并且不是 > 继续,直到读到 >
if ( i != '>' ) { //读到最后没有 > 报错
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "\nError reading fasta file --expected taxon name\n" ) ;
errout ( 1 , NULL ) ; }
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
while ( !feof ( inp ) ) { //没读到 EOF 不停
fscanf ( inp , " %s" , nampt ) ; //从 inp 读到 nampt
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
i = 0 ;
++ curnt ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
if ( curnt == 1) //第一次
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
while ( 1 ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &c ) ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
if ( c == '>' || feof ( inp ) ) break ; //读到 > 或者 EOF
++ curnc ; } // 读到 > 或者 EOF curnc ++
else { //第二次及之后
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
atnc = 0 ;
while ( 1 ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &c ) ;
if ( c == '>' || feof ( inp ) ) break ;
++ atnc ; }
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
if ( atnc != curnc ) { //到最后比较
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "\nError reading fasta file --it seems not to be aligned\n" ) ;
errout ( 1 , NULL ) ; }}}
* mync = curnc ;
* mynt = curnt ;
rewind ( inp ) ;
void read_multifiles ( void )
char * nampt = strsp ;
unsigned char state ;
long int a , b , i , curnt = 0 , curnc = 0 , matched , prvnt ;
int atfile = 0 , numfiles = 0 ;
char ** taxnam ;
double prop , secs , prevprop ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
clock_t beg , end ; // 定义起始时间
beg = clock () ; //计算时间
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
errout ( ( tmpp = fopen ( "oblong.tmp" , "wb" ) ) == NULL , "Cannot open temporary file, \"oblong.tmp\"" ) ;
// Find out total NT and total NC
multinp = inp ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
maskinit ( ) ; //maskinit 函数
taxnam = ( char ** ) myalloc ( MAXMULTITAXA * sizeof ( char * ) ) ; //default MAXMULTITAXA 1000 L32
fscanf ( inp , " %s" , nampt ) ; //FILE * inp = NULL 读入文件到 nampt
while ( !feof ( multinp ) ) { //feof 如果 EOF 返回非 0没有EOF 返回 0
++ numfiles ; //numfiles 初始为 0
if ( ( inp = fopen ( nampt , "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { // r readbale b binary 二进制可以防止 Windows下文件问题
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "\nCannot open file %s (from list of multiple files)\n" , nampt ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
if ( reporttoscreen ) // L60: default 1 L309:0
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , "%cChecking input file %3i %-40s" , reportheader , numfiles , nampt ) ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
if ( fasta ) get_fasta_dims ( &nc , &nt ) ; //get nc and nt
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
else {
i = fscanf ( inp , " %i %i" , &nt , &nc ) ;
if ( i < 2 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\nError reading number of taxa/characters in data set %s\nMake sure it is in proper Phylip format\n" , bitct ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }}
if ( numfiles == 1 ) prvnt = nt ;
errout ( ( equal_taxon_sequence && nt != prvnt ) , "Under \"-e\" all data files must have the same number of taxa" ) ;
curnc += nc ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %s" , nampt ) ;
if ( fasta ) ++ nampt ;
if ( equal_taxon_sequence )
if ( numfiles == 1 ) matched = -1 ;
else matched = a ;
for ( i = 0 , matched = -1 ; i < curnt && matched < 0 ; ++ i )
if ( !strcmp ( nampt , taxnam[ i ] ) ) matched = i ;
if ( matched < 0 ) {
errout( curnt >= MAXMULTITAXA , "Sorry, cannot deal with so many distinct taxon names (change MAXMULTITAXA and recompile)" ) ;
2022-04-12 01:32:27 +01:00
taxnam [ curnt ] = ( char * ) myalloc ( MAXNAMELEN * sizeof ( char ) ) ; //MAXNAMELEN = 1000 default
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
strcpy ( taxnam [ curnt ++ ] , nampt ) ; }
if ( fasta ) -- nampt ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < nc ; ++ b ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &state ) ;
if ( !maskin [ state ] ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "\nUnrecognized symbol: %c\n" , state ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }}}
fclose ( inp ) ;
fscanf ( multinp , " %s" , nampt ) ; }
// Now do some initializations and process
rewind ( multinp ) ;
#ifdef WATCOM
fpos = ( long long * ) myalloc ( curnt * sizeof ( long long ) ) ;
fpos = ( fpos_t * ) myalloc ( curnt * sizeof ( fpos_t ) ) ;
matbuf = ( unsigned char ** ) myalloc ( curnt * sizeof ( char * ) ) ;
isabs = ( unsigned char * ) myalloc ( curnt * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < curnt ; ++ a )
if ( curnc < CHUNKSZ )
matbuf [ a ] = ( char * ) myalloc ( curnc * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
else matbuf [ a ] = ( char * ) myalloc ( CHUNKSZ * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
a = curnt ;
if ( ( a & 1 ) ) ++ a ;
tmpstates = ( unsigned char * ) myalloc ( a * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
fscanf ( multinp , " %s" , nampt ) ;
while ( !feof ( multinp ) ) {
if ( ( inp = fopen ( nampt , "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { // it was just opened ok, but re-check just in case...
fprintf ( stderr , "\nCannot open file %s (from list of multiple files)\n" , nampt ) ;
exit ( 0 ) ; }
if ( !fasta ) fscanf ( inp , " %i %i" , &nt , &nc ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < curnt ; ++ a ) isabs [ a ] = 1 ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %s" , nampt ) ;
if ( fasta ) ++ nampt ;
if ( equal_taxon_sequence )
i = a ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < curnt ; ++ i )
if ( !strcmp ( nampt , taxnam[ i ] ) ) break ; // there has to be a match...
if ( fasta ) -- nampt ;
#ifdef WATCOM
fpos [ i ] = _ftelli64 ( inp ) ;
fgetpos ( inp , &fpos [ i ] ) ;
isabs [ i ] = 0 ;
for ( b = 0 ; b < nc ; ++ b ) fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &state ) ; }
nt = curnt ;
atfile ++ ;
prevprop = 0 ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nc ; a += CHUNKSZ ) {
if ( reporttoscreen ) {
prop = ( double ) a / nc ;
if ( ( prop - prevprop ) > 0.009 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , "%cReading matrix %i of %i... %.1f%% " , reportheader , atfile , numfiles , prop * 100 ) ;
prevprop = prop ; }}
process_chunk ( a ) ; }
fclose ( inp ) ;
fscanf ( multinp , " %s" , nampt ) ; }
free ( matbuf ) ;
fclose ( tmpp ) ;
// Assign bufers and (if appropriate), read data in, from tmp file...
nt = curnt ;
tmpparse ( ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , "%cRead all data (%i files), %i taxa, %li chars. (%li informative) \n" , reportheader , numfiles , nt , curnc , curnc - trashed ) ;
end = clock () ;
secs = ( double ) ( end - beg ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
fprintf ( stderr , "Time to read data: %.2f secs.\n\n" , secs ) ;
// Begin writing to output file...
if ( !usenexus ) {
if ( !savejusttrees )
fprintf ( outp , "xread\n'Results from oblong'\n0 %i\n" , nt ) ; }
else fprintf ( outp , "#NEXUS\nbegin trees;\nTranslate\n" ) ;
for ( a = 0 ; a < nt ; ++ a )
if ( !usenexus ) {
if ( !savejusttrees )
fprintf ( outp , "%s " , taxnam [ a ] ) ; }
else {
fprintf ( outp , " %li %s" , a + 1 , taxnam [ a ] ) ;
if ( a < nt - 1 ) fprintf ( outp , "," ) ;
fprintf ( outp , "\n" ) ; }
if ( !usenexus ) {
if ( !savejusttrees )
fprintf ( outp , ";\ncollapse none;\n" ) ; }
else fprintf ( outp , " ;\n" ) ;
return ;
void read_input ( void )
char * nampt = strsp ;
unsigned char state ;
int a , b ;
char c ;
double prop , secs , prevprop ;
clock_t beg , end ;
2022-04-01 01:18:58 +01:00
strcpy ( nampt , " " ) ; // nampt = " "
if ( treeinp != NULL ) { // int is NULL (L34), but can specific the tree file (L273)
while ( strcmp ( nampt , "tread" ) && !feof ( treeinp ) ) //feof 如果 EOF 返回非 0没有EOF 返回 0 strcmp 0 相同非0 则执行,即 非 tread 并且 没有 EOF 且执行
fscanf ( treeinp , " %7s" , nampt ) ; // 输入长度为 7 的 string
2022-03-07 20:38:24 +00:00
errout ( feof ( treeinp ) , "String \"tread\" not found in tree file" ) ;
fscanf ( treeinp , " %c" , &c ) ;
errout ( c != 39 , "Number of trees should be indicated in the title of tree-file" ) ;
errout ( !fscanf ( treeinp , " %i" , &numreplications ) , "Number of trees should be indicated in the title of tree-file" ) ;
while ( getc ( treeinp ) != 39 ) ; }
if ( multifiles ) {
read_multifiles ( ) ;
return ; }
beg = clock () ;
if ( !felipe && !fasta ) {
while ( strcmp ( nampt , "xread" ) ) {
fscanf ( inp , " %7s" , nampt ) ;
if ( feof ( inp ) ) break ; }
errout ( feof ( inp ) , "String \"xread\" not found in data set\n\nMaybe it's in Phylip (\"-p\") or Fasta (\"-f\") format?" ) ;
fscanf ( inp , " %c" , &c ) ;
if ( c == 39 )
while ( getc ( inp ) != 39 && !feof ( inp ) ) ;
else ungetc ( c , inp ) ; }
if ( fasta ) get_fasta_dims ( &nc , &nt ) ;
else fscanf ( inp , " %i %i" , &nc , &nt ) ;
if ( felipe ) {
a = nc ;
nc = nt ;
nt = a ; }
errout ( !nc , "Illegal number of characters" ) ;
errout ( nt < 4 , "Illegal number of taxa" ) ;
#ifdef WATCOM
fpos = ( long long * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( long long ) ) ;
fpos = ( fpos_t * ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( fpos_t ) ) ;
matbuf = ( unsigned char ** ) myalloc ( nt * sizeof ( char * ) ) ;
a = nt ;
if ( ( a & 1 ) ) ++ a ;
tmpstates = ( unsigned char * ) myalloc ( a * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
maskinit ( ) ;
// Get file positions for first character for each taxon...