• 0.1.2 28292a5a74

    0.1.2 Stable

    malacology released this 2024-01-15 20:23:49 +08:00 | 3 commits to main since this release


    • add: tnt2figtree which can convert the tree(s) generated by export from TNT to the nexus format (FigTree compatible) tree(s).
  • 0.1.1 0ffc437e50

    0.1.1 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-10-11 22:03:06 +08:00 | 8 commits to main since this release


    • add: branch swapping after new tech search
  • 0.1.0 3938a03b70

    0.1.0 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-10-10 23:29:48 +08:00 | 11 commits to main since this release


    • add: relative Bremer support

    • add: fasta nexus input function

    • add: generate winclada.ss file which can be read by winclada directly

    • add: use tree vault to save consensus tree during operation

    • polish: argument processing function

    • polish: Bremer-related can be generated faster via TBR

    • polish: sub should be re-adjusted to zero before resample

    • polish: resample count change, now rbrs 0.1 brs 0.2 jak 1 boot 2 sym 4.

    • polish: errmsg repeat is solved via goto

    • fix: OR expression

    • fix: search warning

    • fix: ntax is the number of taxa minus one, now change to the right number

    • orphan: considering the winclada.ss can be read by winclada and it contains a tree and matrix, therefore, tnt2winclada is orphaned now from version 0.1.0.

  • 0.0.9 0b81ca0d76

    0.0.9 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-09-17 02:47:04 +08:00 | 39 commits to main since this release


    • add: symmetric resmaple (=8), change default resmaple to 8

    • fix: empty arguments

  • 0.0.8 3ddaad9393

    0.0.8 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-09-14 15:47:37 +08:00 | 41 commits to main since this release


    • add: custom datatype, weighting types, K value, consensus type, resample type and prefix

    • polish: search based on ntax and weighting types

  • 0.0.7 5a7faee66e

    0.0.7 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-09-12 17:57:18 +08:00 | 47 commits to main since this release


    • fix: jacknifing and bootstrap scores don't map to the consensus tree

    • fix: bremer support calculation influence the consensus tree in the memory

    • polish: the CI RI and TL are not reported as tables anymore, just plain text

  • 0.0.6 6382d4f8aa

    0.0.6 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-07-20 20:57:50 +08:00 | 49 commits to main since this release


    • fix: nelsen tree choose problem

    • fix: adjust output order to keep selection correctly

  • 0.0.5 dacaf7828b

    0.0.5 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-07-17 15:52:52 +08:00 | 53 commits to main since this release


    • add interactive mode

    • fix some claim

    • add CMake

  • 0.0.4 39eaf9d7a5

    0.0.4 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-07-16 03:43:15 +08:00 | 58 commits to main since this release


    • fix: error with quote
  • 0.0.3 55f0e78d36

    0.0.3 Stable

    malacology released this 2023-03-02 02:50:48 +08:00 | 60 commits to main since this release


    • fix: the con.svg can't be export under windows