/* Title: seq File: seq.c Purpose: Sequence data type Last update: Tue Nov 10 1992 */ /* The Seq data type is designed so that it can hold a varying degree of information about sequences, yet have a single set of calls to access the data. The edited sequence has a limit of MaxEdits changes relative to the original sequence. If entry M in the edited sequence is the same as entry N in the original sequence then edits[M]=N. If entry M is changed, then its value is negative and is a reference into the newBase and newBasePos arrays (thus position 0 in these arrays is unused). Initially, all the entries in newBasePos are set to NULLPoint. The representation can be summarised thus (where => is logical implication): getNBases(seq, EdBases) = seq->NedBases getBase(seq, EdBases, n) = (seq->edits[n] >= 0) => seq->base[seq->edits[n]] ~(seq->edits[n] >= 0) => seq->edBase[-(seq->edits[n])] baseNumToPoint(seq, EdBases, n) = (seq->edits[n] >= 0) => seq->basePos[seq->edits[n]] ~(seq->edits[n] >= 0) => seq->edBasePos[-(seq->edits[n])] The main problem with this representation is that an insertion (or deletion) requires, on average, copying of half of the edits array up (or down). Given that we have ~1000 bases this probably OK. A problem which has not been considered well enough is how we deal with several bases located at the same point. There are plenty of assumptions around that both the number of bases and the number of points will fit into an int2, a short. The only changes made by lfw to this module is the addition of two subroutines: isBottom, setBottom. */ /* ---- Includes ---- */ #include "seq.h" #include /* #include "mystdlib.h" *//* IMPORT: malloc, calloc */ /* ---- Exports ---- */ /* ---- General sequence manipulation ---- */ Seq newSeq(Mode mode, int2 numPoints, int2 numBases) /* Allocate a new sequence, with the given sizes. The sequence is initially clean with no bases cutoff. If `mode' is BasesOnly, `numPoints' is ignored. Returns NULLSeq on failure. */ { Seq seq = NULLSeq; size_t int2Size = sizeof(int2); /* Allocate the body of the sequence */ if ((seq = (Seq) malloc(sizeof(SeqData))) == NULL) return(NULLSeq); /* Initialise the body, all pointers are set to NULL so we can happily call `freeSeq' */ seq->dirty = False; seq->leftCutoff = 0; seq->rightCutoff = 0; seq->bottom = False; seq->traceC = NULL; seq->traceA = NULL; seq->traceG = NULL; seq->traceT = NULL; seq->base = NULL; seq->basePos = NULL; seq->edits = NULL; seq->edBase = NULL; seq->edBasePos = NULL; seq->info = NULL; /* Allocate space for the bases */ if (((seq->base = malloc(numBases)) == NULL)|| ((seq->basePos =(int2 *)calloc(numBases,int2Size)) == NULL)|| ((seq->edits =(int2 *)calloc(numBases+MaxEdits,int2Size)) == NULL)|| ((seq->edBase = malloc(MaxEdits)) == NULL)|| ((seq->edBasePos=(int2 *)calloc(MaxEdits,int2Size)) == NULL)) { freeSeq(seq); return(NULLSeq); } /* If needed, allocate space for the traces */ if (mode == BasesAndTraces) if (((seq->traceC =(TRACE *)calloc(numPoints,int2Size)) == NULL)|| ((seq->traceA =(TRACE *)calloc(numPoints,int2Size)) == NULL)|| ((seq->traceG =(TRACE *)calloc(numPoints,int2Size)) == NULL)|| ((seq->traceT =(TRACE *)calloc(numPoints,int2Size)) == NULL)) { freeSeq(seq); return(NULLSeq); } return(seq); } void freeSeq(Seq seq) /* Free a sequence created by one of the above routines. ANSI C is happy to free a NULL pointer. */ { if (seq == NULLSeq) return; if (seq->traceC != NULL) free(seq->traceC); if (seq->traceA != NULL) free(seq->traceA); if (seq->traceG != NULL) free(seq->traceG); if (seq->traceT != NULL) free(seq->traceT); if (seq->base != NULL) free(seq->base); if (seq->basePos != NULL) free(seq->basePos); if (seq->edits != NULL) free(seq->edits); if (seq->edBase != NULL) free(seq->edBase); if (seq->edBasePos != NULL) free(seq->edBasePos); if (seq->info != NULL) free(seq->info); free(seq); } /* ---- General sequence information ---- */ Boolean isDirty(Seq seq) /* Indicate if the sequence has been edited. */ { return(seq->dirty); } void setDirty(Seq seq, Boolean b) /* Set the sequence to the state of cleanliness indicated by `b'. */ { seq->dirty = b; } /* isBottom and setBottom were added by lfw when the new element was added to seq. seq->bottom */ Boolean isBottom(Seq seq) /* Indicate if the sequence we're working with is bottom strand */ { return(seq->bottom); } void setBottom(Seq seq, Boolean b) /* Set the sequence to the state bottom if b is true and top if b is false */ { seq->bottom = b; } Boolean isBasesOnly(Seq seq) /* Indicate if the sequence only contains bases, or if it contains bases and traces. */ { return((seq->mode)==BasesOnly); } /* ---- Trace information ---- */ int getNPoints(Seq seq) /* Return the number of points in this sequence. */ { return(seq->NPoints); } void getTraces(Seq seq, char base, int p0, int pN, int *traces) /* For basetype `base' in the sequence `seq', return in consecutive elements of `traces' (an array of int) the values at the points between and including p0 to pN, where p0<=pN. */ { int p; int i; TRACE *t; switch (base) { case 'C': t = seq->traceC; break; case 'A': t = seq->traceA; break; case 'G': t = seq->traceG; break; case 'T': t = seq->traceT; break; } p = p0; i = 0; while (p<=pN) { traces[i] = t[p]; p++; i++; } } TRACE getMaxTraceVal(Seq seq) /* Return the maximum value from anywhere in any of the traces from the sequence `seq'. */ { return(seq->maxTraceVal); } /* ---- Base information ---- */ int getNBases(Seq seq, WhichBases which) /* Return the number of bases in the `which' part of `seq' */ { return((which == OrigBases) ? seq->NorigBases : seq->NedBases); } void getCutoffs(Seq seq, int *leftCutoff, int *rightCutoff) /* Return the number of characters to be cut off at either end. */ { *leftCutoff = seq->leftCutoff; *rightCutoff = seq->rightCutoff; } char getBase(Seq seq, WhichBases which, int baseNum) /* Given `baseNum' as the number of a base in the `which' part of the sequence `seq', return the base found there. */ { return((which == OrigBases) ? (seq->base[baseNum]) : (seq->edits[baseNum] >= 0) ? seq->base[seq->edits[baseNum]] : seq->edBase[-(seq->edits[baseNum])] ); } int baseNumToPoint(Seq seq, WhichBases which, int baseNum) /* Given `baseNum' as the number of a base in `which' part of sequence `seq', return its point location. NULLPoint is returned if `baseNum' was invalid. */ { return((which == OrigBases) ? /* Original sequence */ (baseNum<0 || baseNum>seq->NorigBases-1) ? NULLPoint : seq->basePos[baseNum] : /* Edited sequence */ (baseNum<0 || baseNum>seq->NedBases-1) ? NULLPoint : (seq->edits[baseNum] >= 0) ? seq->basePos[seq->edits[baseNum]] : seq->edBasePos[-(seq->edits[baseNum])] ); } int pointToBaseNum(Seq seq, WhichBases which, int point) /* Given `point' as a point in the `which' part of sequence `seq', return the base number of the next base to the right (or on the point), or NULLBaseNum if there isn't one. */ { int l,r,N,m; if (point<0 || point>seq->NPoints-1) return(NULLBaseNum); /* Let's use a groovy binary search. Roughly, we wish to find an m (0..NBases-1) such that: baseNumToPoint(m]>=point & baseNumToPoint(m-1]=point Maintaining these two, we adjust l and r (using a binary chop) such that the complete array is spanned by these sections. */ /* Start off with the two sections empty */ N = (which == OrigBases) ? seq->NorigBases : seq->NedBases; l=0; r=N; /* NotinLS & MaybeInRS */ while (l=point */ if (r==N) return(NULLBaseNum); else return(r); } /* ---- Base editing ---- */ Boolean deleteBase(Seq seq, int baseNum) /* Delete the base `baseNum' from the sequence `seq'. */ { int i; /* Fail if base number bad */ if ((baseNum<0) || (baseNum>(seq->NedBases-1))) return(False); /* Fail if in a cutoff region */ if ((baseNum <= seq->leftCutoff-1) || (baseNum > seq->NedBases-1-seq->rightCutoff)) return(False); seq->dirty = True; /* If this was a base we added, then free its slot */ if (seq->edits[baseNum]<0) seq->edBasePos[-(seq->edits[baseNum])] = NULLPoint; /* Shuffle all the entries in `edits' down one. */ for (i=baseNum+1;iNedBases;i++) seq->edits[i-1] = seq->edits[i]; seq->NedBases--; return(True); } Boolean insertBase(Seq seq, char base, int baseNum) /* Insert the base `base' to the right of `baseNum'. Its position is halfway between its neighbours, except when it would be replacing a deleted base from the original sequence, in which case it is placed there. If `baseNum' equals -1 `base' is added to the head of the sequence. */ { int i; int prevBasePos, nextBasePos; int origBaseNum, origBasePos; /* Fail if bad base number */ if ((baseNum<-1) || (baseNum>(seq->NedBases-1))) return(False); /* Fail if in a cutoff region */ if ((baseNum < seq->leftCutoff-1) || (baseNum > seq->NedBases-1-seq->rightCutoff)) return(False); seq->dirty = True; /* Before we alter anything, find what will become the surrounding positions */ prevBasePos = (baseNum == -1) ? -1 : baseNumToPoint(seq, EdBases, baseNum); nextBasePos = (baseNum == (seq->NedBases-1)) ? seq->NPoints-1 : baseNumToPoint(seq, EdBases, baseNum+1); /* Shuffle all the entries in `edits' up one */ for (i=seq->NedBases-1;i>baseNum;i--) seq->edits[i+1] = seq->edits[i]; seq->NedBases++; /* Look in the original sequence to see if there is a base which lies between prevBasePos and nextBasePos. */ origBaseNum = pointToBaseNum(seq, OrigBases, prevBasePos+1); origBasePos = baseNumToPoint(seq, OrigBases, origBaseNum); if ((origBaseNum!=NULLBaseNum) && (prevBasePosedits[baseNum+1] = origBaseNum; } else { int slot; /* We can consider this a replacement, at the same position */ /* Find a free slot in the newBasePos (and thus newBase) table */ for (slot=1; (slotedBasePos[slot]!=NULLPoint); slot++) if (slot==MaxEdits) /* All entries used */ return(False); /* Fill in the edBasePos and edBase entries */ seq->edBasePos[slot] = origBasePos; seq->edBase[slot] = base; /* Put in the (negative) reference to this slot */ seq->edits[baseNum+1] = -slot; } } else { int slot; /* Find a free slot in the newBasePos (and thus newBase) table */ for (slot=1;(slotedBasePos[slot]!=NULLPoint);slot++) if (slot==MaxEdits) /* All entries used */ return(False); /* Fill in the edBasePos and edBase entries */ seq->edBasePos[slot] = (prevBasePos + nextBasePos) / 2; seq->edBase[slot] = base; /* Put in the (negative) reference to this slot */ seq->edits[baseNum+1] = -slot; } return(True); } Boolean setCutoffs(Seq seq, int leftCutoff, int rightCutoff) /* Set the cutoffs to be the indicated number of characters from either end of the sequence. The result indicates success. */ { if ((leftCutoff+rightCutoff) > seq->NedBases) return(False); else { seq->leftCutoff = leftCutoff; seq->rightCutoff = rightCutoff; return(True); } }