#! /bin/csh -f # # staden_install - version 2.4 # # This is a prototype installation program. # # 9 March 1992 # Modified for installation on Sun, Alliant, etc # No longer install 2rs # # 20 November 1992 # Now includes convert, cop, frog, getMCH and scf # # 25 November 1992 # SGI supported # # 19 May 1993 # DEC Alpha, Solaris supported # # Written by sd@uk.ac.cam.mrc-lmb # # prelim set prog = $0 ; set prog = $prog:t # Machines supported: al sun dec sgi alpha solaris #set MACHINE = `echo $prog | sed 's/.*-//'` set MACHINE = solaris # For local (MRC-LMB) setup only #set LOCAL = `echo $prog | awk '/local/{print "YES";exit;}{print "NO";}'` set LOCAL = NO echo "" echo -n "Staden Package installation procedure - " switch (${MACHINE}) case "al": echo "Alliant FX/2800 Concentrix version" set MAKE = "make -sk" breaksw case "sun": echo "SunOS version" set MAKE = "make -sk" breaksw case "dec": echo "DEC Ultrix (mips) version" set MAKE = "gmake -sk" breaksw case "sgi": echo "Silicon Graphics Iris version" set MAKE = "gmake -sk" breaksw case "alpha": echo "DEC Alpha OSF/1 version" set MAKE = "gmake -sk" breaksw case "solaris": echo "Solaris version" set MAKE = "make -sk" breaksw default: echo "Panic. Unknown version" exit 1 endsw echo "" echo "* starting initialization...please wait." echo "" # Binary fork of source directory if ($LOCAL == "YES") then set DIR_BINARIES = ${MACHINE}-binaries set DIR_PROGS = ${MACHINE}-bin else set DIR_BINARIES = . set DIR_PROGS = bin set MAKE = "$MAKE -f makefile-${MACHINE}" endif init: # Set useful shell variables set YES="YES"; set NO="NO" # set/unset some .cshrc envs. unset noclobber set noglob # set interrupt trap onintr end_failure # Make dir command set MKDIR = "mkdir" # Copy command set CP = "cp -p" # Install command #set INSTALL = "install" #set INSTALL = "mv" set INSTALL = "cp" # Set up default responses set DEF_STADEN_ROOT = `pwd` set DEF_REQ_NONX = "$YES" set DEF_REQ_X = "$YES" set DEF_REQ_TED = "$YES" set DEF_REQ_MISC = "$YES" # directories set DIR_SRC = $DEF_STADEN_ROOT/src set DIR_BIN = $DEF_STADEN_ROOT/$DIR_PROGS set DIR_MISC = $DIR_SRC/Misc set DIR_STADEN = $DIR_SRC/staden set DIR_TED = $DIR_SRC/ted set DIR_ABI = $DIR_SRC/abi set DIR_ALF = $DIR_SRC/alf set DIR_BAP = $DIR_SRC/bap set DIR_OSP = $DIR_SRC/bap/osp-bits set DIR_CONVERT = $DIR_SRC/convert set DIR_COP = $DIR_SRC/cop set DIR_FROG = $DIR_SRC/frog set DIR_GETMCH = $DIR_SRC/getMCH set DIR_SCF = $DIR_SRC/scf main: preamble: echo "" echo "" echo "* Please answer the following questions." echo " Default answers to questions are given in square brackets." echo " If you require help at any stage respond with a ? to the question." echo "" ask_staden_root: set ANS_STADEN_ROOT = $DEF_STADEN_ROOT ask_require_nonx_progs: echo -n "Compile all the non-X programs in the Staden Package [$DEF_REQ_NONX]? " set ANS_REQ_NONX = $< if ("$ANS_REQ_NONX" == "?") then echo "* If you do not have X windows on your system you will require" echo " these. However, you will require Tektronics terminal emulation." echo " If you do not require all of the non-X programs, you should abort" echo " and manually make the ones you require." echo "" goto ask_require_nonx_progs else if ("$ANS_REQ_NONX" != "") then if ("$ANS_REQ_NONX" =~ [yY]*) then set ANS_REQ_NONX=$YES else if ("$ANS_REQ_NONX" =~ [nN]*) then set ANS_REQ_NONX=$NO else goto ask_require_nonx_progs endif else set ANS_REQ_NONX=$DEF_REQ_NONX endif ask_require_x_progs: echo -n "Compile all the X programs in the Staden Package [$DEF_REQ_X]? " set ANS_REQ_X = $< if ("$ANS_REQ_X" == "?") then echo "* These are the programs that require X windows." echo " If you do not require all of the X programs, you should abort" echo " and manually make the ones you require." echo "" goto ask_require_x_progs else if ("$ANS_REQ_X" != "") then if ("$ANS_REQ_X" =~ [yY]*) then set ANS_REQ_X=$YES else if ("$ANS_REQ_X" =~ [nN]*) then set ANS_REQ_X=$NO else goto ask_require_nonx_progs endif else set ANS_REQ_X=$DEF_REQ_X endif ask_require_ted: echo -n "Compile the trace editing program ted [$DEF_REQ_TED]? " set ANS_REQ_TED = $< if ("$ANS_REQ_TED" == "?") then echo "* This is the trace editor program. It allows you to look at" echo " traces obtained from automated fluorescent sequencing machines." echo "" goto ask_require_ted else if ("$ANS_REQ_TED" != "") then if ("$ANS_REQ_TED" =~ [yY]*) then set ANS_REQ_TED=$YES else if ("$ANS_REQ_TED" =~ [nN]*) then set ANS_REQ_TED=$NO else goto ask_require_ted endif else set ANS_REQ_TED=$DEF_REQ_TED endif ask_require_misc: echo -n "Compile other programs [$DEF_REQ_MISC]? " set ANS_REQ_MISC = $< if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" == "?") then echo "* Other programs include:" echo " alfsplit" echo " getABISampleName" echo "" goto ask_require_misc else if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" != "") then if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" =~ [yY]*) then set ANS_REQ_MISC=$YES else if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" =~ [nN]*) then set ANS_REQ_MISC=$NO else goto ask_require_misc endif else set ANS_REQ_MISC=$DEF_REQ_MISC endif time_taken_warning: echo "" echo "The installation procedure is now ready to start." echo "" echo "**** Warning:" echo " The installation will take considerable time to complete. If you" echo " are installing the whole Staden Package from scratch it could" echo " take as long as an hour for all exectuables to be compiled and" echo " installed." echo "" ask_goahead: echo -n "Proceed with the installation [YES]? " set ANSWER=$< if ("$ANSWER" == "?") then echo "* Final confirmation to proceed with the installation. Answer" echo " YES to proceed; otherwise, answer NO to abort the installation." echo "" goto ask_goahead else if ("$ANSWER" != "") then if ("$ANSWER" =~ [nN]*) then goto chickens_exit else if ("$ANSWER" !~ [yY]*) then goto ask_goahead endif endif installation_proper: # make binaries directory if it doesn't exist if (! -d $DIR_BIN) then $MKDIR $DIR_BIN endif if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" == "$YES" || "$ANS_REQ_X" == "$YES" || "$ANS_REQ_NONX" == "$YES" ) then echo "" echo "+ Compiling miscellaneous library" pushd $DIR_MISC > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE all popd > /dev/null endif if ("$ANS_REQ_NONX" == "$YES") then echo "" echo "+ Installing non X programs" pushd $DIR_STADEN > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE nprogs lprogs $INSTALL mep $DIR_BIN $INSTALL nip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL pip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL sap $DIR_BIN $INSTALL sapf $DIR_BIN $INSTALL sip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL splitp1 $DIR_BIN $INSTALL splitp2 $DIR_BIN $INSTALL splitp3 $DIR_BIN $INSTALL sethelp $DIR_BIN $INSTALL gip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL nipl $DIR_BIN $INSTALL pipl $DIR_BIN $INSTALL sipl $DIR_BIN $INSTALL dap $DIR_BIN $INSTALL nipf $DIR_BIN $INSTALL vep $DIR_BIN $INSTALL rep $DIR_BIN $INSTALL lip $DIR_BIN #$INSTALL convert_project $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_OSP > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_BAP > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE bap $INSTALL bap $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null endif if ("$ANS_REQ_TED" == "$YES") then echo "" echo "+ Installing Trace editor" pushd $DIR_TED > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE ted $INSTALL ted $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null endif if ("$ANS_REQ_X" == "$YES") then echo "" echo "+ Installing X programs" pushd $DIR_STADEN > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE xprogs $INSTALL xmep $DIR_BIN $INSTALL xnip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL xpip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL xsap $DIR_BIN $INSTALL xsip $DIR_BIN $INSTALL xdap $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_OSP > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_BAP > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE xbap $INSTALL xbap $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null endif if ("$ANS_REQ_MISC" == "$YES") then echo "" echo "+ Installing miscellaneous programs" pushd $DIR_ABI > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE all $INSTALL getABISampleName $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_ALF > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE alfsplit $INSTALL alfsplit $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_CONVERT > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE convert $INSTALL convert $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_COP > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE all $INSTALL cop $DIR_BIN $INSTALL cop-bap $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_FROG > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE frog $INSTALL frog $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_GETMCH > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE trace2seq $INSTALL trace2seq $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null pushd $DIR_SCF > /dev/null cd $DIR_BINARIES $MAKE makeSCF $INSTALL makeSCF $DIR_BIN popd > /dev/null endif installation_done: echo "" echo "+ Installation completed" echo "" echo " Some further initialisation is required in order to use the" echo " package. csh users should insert the following in their .login" echo " files:" echo " " echo " setenv STADENROOT $ANS_STADEN_ROOT" echo ' source $STADENROOT/staden.login' echo " " echo " Users of the Bourne shell, sh, should insert the following in" echo " their .profile:" echo " " echo " STADENROOT=$ANS_STADEN_ROOT" echo " export STADENROOT" echo ' . $STADENROOT/staden.profile' echo " " echo " These initialisations will alter the shell's search path so that" echo " it can find the programs in the STADEN Package" echo " " normal_exit: exit 0 chickens_exit: echo "" echo "+ Installation cancelled" echo "" exit 0 end_failure: unset noglob echo "" echo "Aborted STADEN Package installation on `date`" echo "" exit 1