/* Title: basesDisplay File: basesDisplay.h Purpose: Display the bases of a sequence on graphs Last update: Wed Jun 13 1990 */ /* */ /* ---- Includes ---- */ #include "seq.h" /* IMPORT: Seq */ #include /* IMPORT: Widget */ /* ---- Exports ---- */ extern Widget createBasesDisplay(Widget parentWid, Widget fromVertWid, Dimension width); /* Create the bases display within the Form widget `parent', with the XtNfromVert constraint `fromVertWid'. The initial width is `width'. Return the (lower) widget constructed. No bases are initially displayed. */ extern void getBasesFontInfo(Dimension *offset, Dimension *chWidth); /* In `offset' return the offset which the bases are drawn from the left and right hand edges. The width of the characters used is returned in `chWidth'. */ extern void displayBases(Seq seq, int baseNum); /* Display the bases of sequence `seq'. */ extern void unDisplayBases(); /* Cease displaying the bases of the current sequence (if any). */ extern void setBasesWidth(Dimension width); /* Set the width of the current sequence bases display. */ extern int getCaret(); /* Get the current position of the caret. */ extern void moveCaretLeft(); /* Move the caret left one base. */ extern void moveCaretRight(); /* Move the caret right one base. */ extern void moveCaretTo(int baseNum); /* Move the caret to after base `baseNum'. */ extern void baseInserted(); /* The editable sequence has changed by the insertion of a base to the right of the base indicated by the caret. Update our display. */ extern void baseDeleted(); /* The editable sequence has changed by the deletion of a base from the left of the caret. Update our display. */ extern int pixelToPoint(int pixel); /* Given `pixel' on the bases display, return the corresponding point. Fractional results are truncated - this may mean a point one too low is indicated, but a point too high is never indicated. */ extern void basesCutoffChange(); /* One or both of the cutoffs have changed. Update our display. */