# STADEN-LG STADEN Last Generation ## Introduction
This pkg is a fork of STADEN 1993 v12.1. Currently, I fixed the bug for compiling, but not completely. ## Build You should clone this repo and cd to the repo get the `$pkgname` via `pwd` ``` # build easy for pkgalone in ted newted abi alf Misc cop convert expGetSeq frog getMCH indexseqlibs bap/osp-bits do cd $pkgname/src/$pkgalone make done # compile x related cd $pkgname/src/staden bash gen_a.sh make mep dap sap splitp1 splitp2 splitp3 gip sethelp convert_project sapf nipf xmep xdap xsap cd $pkgname/src/bap make bap xbap for pkgalone in vepe update_subclones scf do cd $pkgname/src/$pkgalone make done ``` Or you can get this pkg from BioArchLinux repo. ## Todo Following pkgs need your hands. - [ ] nip - [ ] sip - [ ] rep - [ ] lip - [ ] vep - [ ] nipl - [ ] pipl - [ ] sipl - [ ] xnip - [ ] xpip - [ ] xsip ## License - Copyright (c) 1993 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC), UK. BSD License. - Copyright (c) 2023~ Everyone. GPL License.