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2023-04-16 07:33:28 +08:00
/* ureadasn.c
-- parse, mangle and otherwise rewrite ASN1 file/entries for readseq reading
-- from NCBI toolkit (
#ifdef NCBI
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* NCBI toolkit :include: must be on lib path */
#include <ncbi.h>
#include <seqport.h>
#define UREADASN
#include "ureadseq.h"
#pragma segment ureadasn
/* this stuff is hacked up from tofasta.c of ncbitools */
#define kBaseAny 0
#define kBaseNucleic 1
#define kBaseAmino 2
typedef struct tofasta {
Boolean idonly;
short *seqnum;
short whichSeq;
char **seq, **seqid;
long *seqlen;
} FastaDat, PNTR FastaPtr;
void BioseqRawToRaw(BioseqPtr bsp, Boolean idonly, short whichSeq,
short *seqnum, char **seq, char **seqid, long *seqlen)
SeqPortPtr spp;
SeqIdPtr bestid;
Uint1 repr, code, residue;
CharPtr tmp, title;
long outlen, outmax;
char localid[256], *sp;
/* !!! this may be called several times for a single sequence
because SeqEntryExplore looks for parts and joins them...
assume seq, seqid, seqlen may contain data (or NULL)
if (bsp == NULL) return;
repr = Bioseq_repr(bsp);
if (!(repr == Seq_repr_raw || repr == Seq_repr_const)) return;
if (!(whichSeq == *seqnum || whichSeq == 0)) return;
bestid = SeqIdFindBest(bsp->id, (Uint1)0);
title = BioseqGetTitle(bsp);
if (idonly) {
sprintf(localid, " %d) ", *seqnum);
tmp = localid + strlen(localid) - 1;
else {
strcpy(localid, " ");
tmp = localid;
tmp = SeqIdPrint(bestid, tmp, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT);
tmp = StringMove(tmp, " ");
StringNCpy(tmp, title, 200);
/* fprintf(stderr,"BioseqRawToRaw: localid='%s'\n",localid); */
/* < seqid is fixed storage */
/* strcpy( *seqid, localid); */
/* < seqid is variable sized */
outmax = strlen(localid) + 3;
if (*seqid == NULL) {
*seqid = (char *)malloc(outmax);
if (*seqid == NULL) return;
strcpy(*seqid, localid);
else {
outmax += strlen(*seqid) + 2;
*seqid = (char *)realloc(*seqid, outmax);
if (*seqid == NULL) return;
if (!idonly) strcat(*seqid, "; ");
strcat(*seqid, localid);
if (idonly) {
strcat(*seqid, "\n");
if (ISA_na(bsp->mol))
code = Seq_code_iupacna;
code = Seq_code_iupacaa;
spp = SeqPortNew(bsp, 0, -1, 0, code);
SeqPortSeek(spp, 0, SEEK_SET);
sp = *seq;
if (sp == NULL) { /* this is always true now !? */
outlen = 0;
outmax = 500;
sp = (char *)malloc(outmax);
else {
outlen = strlen(sp);
outmax = outlen + 500;
sp = (char *)realloc(sp, outmax);
if (sp == NULL) return;
while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) {
if (outlen >= outmax) {
outmax = outlen + 500;
sp = (char *)realloc(sp, outmax);
if (sp == NULL) return;
sp[outlen++] = residue;
sp = (char *)realloc(sp, outlen + 1);
if (sp != NULL) sp[outlen] = '\0';
*seq = sp;
*seqlen = outlen;
static void SeqEntryRawseq(SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index,
Int2 indent)
FastaPtr tfa;
BioseqPtr bsp;
if (!IS_Bioseq(sep)) return;
bsp = (BioseqPtr)sep->data.ptrvalue;
tfa = (FastaPtr)data;
BioseqRawToRaw(bsp, tfa->idonly, tfa->whichSeq, tfa->seqnum, tfa->seq,
tfa->seqid, tfa->seqlen);
void SeqEntryToRaw(SeqEntryPtr sep, Boolean idonly, short whichSeq,
short *seqnum, char **seq, char **seqid, long *seqlen)
FastaDat tfa;
if (sep == NULL) return;
tfa.idonly = idonly;
tfa.seqnum = seqnum;
tfa.whichSeq = whichSeq;
tfa.seq = seq;
tfa.seqid = seqid;
tfa.seqlen = seqlen;
SeqEntryExplore(sep, (Pointer)&tfa, SeqEntryRawseq);
char *listASNSeqs(
const char *filename, const long skiplines,
const short format, /* note: this is kASNseqentry or kASNseqset */
short *nseq, short *error)
AsnIoPtr aip = NULL;
SeqEntryPtr the_set;
AsnTypePtr atp, atp2;
AsnModulePtr amp;
Boolean inIsBinary =
FALSE; /* damn, why can't asn routines test this? */
char *seq = NULL;
char *seqid = NULL, stemp[256];
long seqlen;
int i, count;
*nseq = 0;
*error = 0;
/* asn dictionary setups */
/*fprintf(stderr,"listASNSeqs: SeqEntryLoad\n");*/
if (!SeqEntryLoad())
goto errxit; /* sequence alphabets (and sequence parse trees)
amp = AsnAllModPtr(); /* get pointer to all loaded ASN.1 modules */
if (amp == NULL) goto errxit;
atp = AsnFind("Bioseq-set"); /* get the initial type pointers */
if (atp == NULL) goto errxit;
atp2 = AsnFind("Bioseq-set.seq-set.E");
if (atp2 == NULL) goto errxit;
/*fprintf(stderr,"listASNSeqs: AsnIoOpen\n");*/
/* open the ASN.1 input file in the right mode */
/* !!!! THIS FAILS when filename has MAC PATH (& other paths?)
* (:folder:filename) */
if ((aip = AsnIoOpen(filename, inIsBinary ? "rb" : "r")) == NULL)
goto errxit;
for (i = 0; i < skiplines; i++)
fgets(stemp, 255,
aip->fp); /* this may mess up asn routines... */
if (!ErrSetLog("stderr"))
goto errxit;
ERR_LOG_ON); /*?? log errors instead of die */
if (format == kASNseqentry) { /* read one Seq-entry */
/*fprintf(stderr,"listASNSeqs: SeqEntryAsnRead\n");*/
the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, true, 0, nseq, &seq, &seqid, &seqlen);
if (seq) free(seq);
seq = NULL;
else { /* read Seq-entry's from a Bioseq-set */
count = 0;
/*fprintf(stderr,"listASNSeqs: AsnReadId\n");*/
while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) != NULL) {
if (atp == atp2) { /* top level Seq-entry */
the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, atp);
SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, true, 0, nseq, &seq,
&seqid, &seqlen);
if (seq) free(seq);
seq = NULL;
AsnReadVal(aip, atp, NULL);
*error = 0;
return seqid;
if (seqid) free(seqid);
*error = eASNerr;
return NULL;
char *readASNSeq(
const short whichEntry, const char *filename, const long skiplines,
const short format, /* note: this is kASNseqentry or kASNseqset */
long *seqlen, short *nseq, short *error, char **seqid)
AsnIoPtr aip = NULL;
SeqEntryPtr the_set;
AsnTypePtr atp, atp2;
AsnModulePtr amp;
Boolean inIsBinary =
FALSE; /* damn, why can't asn routines test this? */
char *seq, stemp[200];
int i, count;
*seqlen = 0;
*nseq = 0;
*error = 0;
seq = NULL;
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: SeqEntryLoad\n");*/
/* asn dictionary setups */
if (!SeqEntryLoad())
goto errxit; /* sequence alphabets (and sequence parse trees)
amp = AsnAllModPtr(); /* get pointer to all loaded ASN.1 modules */
if (amp == NULL) goto errxit;
atp = AsnFind("Bioseq-set"); /* get the initial type pointers */
if (atp == NULL) goto errxit;
atp2 = AsnFind("Bioseq-set.seq-set.E");
if (atp2 == NULL) goto errxit;
/* open the ASN.1 input file in the right mode */
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: AsnIoOpen(%s)\n", filename);*/
if ((aip = AsnIoOpen(filename, inIsBinary ? "rb" : "r")) == NULL)
goto errxit;
for (i = 0; i < skiplines; i++)
fgets(stemp, 255,
aip->fp); /* this may mess up asn routines... */
if (!ErrSetLog("stderr"))
goto errxit;
ERR_LOG_ON); /*?? log errors instead of die */
seq = NULL;
if (format == kASNseqentry) { /* read one Seq-entry */
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: SeqEntryAsnRead\n");*/
the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, false, whichEntry, nseq, &seq, seqid,
goto goodexit;
else { /* read Seq-entry's from a Bioseq-set */
count = 0;
/*fprintf(stderr,"readASNseq: AsnReadId\n");*/
while ((atp = AsnReadId(aip, amp, atp)) != NULL) {
if (atp == atp2) { /* top level Seq-entry */
the_set = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, atp);
SeqEntryToRaw(the_set, false, whichEntry, nseq,
&seq, seqid, seqlen);
if (*nseq >= whichEntry) goto goodexit;
AsnReadVal(aip, atp, NULL);
*error = 0;
return seq;
*error = eASNerr;
if (seq) free(seq);
return NULL;
#endif /*NCBI*/