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2023-04-16 13:07:57 +08:00
$!VAX-VMS cc make file for readseq
$ echo := write sys$output
$ if p1.eqs."TEST" then goto tests
$ echo "compiling readseq..."
$ cc readseq, ureadseq
$ echo "linking readseq..."
$ link readseq, ureadseq, sys$library:vaxcrtl/lib
$ echo "defining readseq symbol:"
$ dd = f$environment("default")
$ readseq :== $ 'dd'readseq.exe
$ show symbol readseq
$ echo ""
$ echo "test for general read/write of all chars:"
$ readseq -p alphabet.std -otest.alpha
$ diff test.alpha alphabet.std
$ echo ""
$ echo "test for valid format conversions"
$ readseq -v -p -f=ig nucleic.std -otest.ig
$ readseq -v -p -f=gb test.ig
$ readseq -v -p -f=nbrf -otest.nbrf
$ readseq -v -p -f=embl test.nbrf -otest.embl
$ readseq -v -p -f=gcg test.embl -otest.gcg
$ readseq -v -p -f=strider test.gcg -otest.strider
$ readseq -v -p -f=fitch test.strider -otest.fitch
$ readseq -v -p -f=fasta test.fitch -otest.fasta
$ readseq -v -p -f=pir test.fasta -otest.pir
$ readseq -v -p -f=ig test.pir -otest.ig-b
$ diff test.ig test.ig-b
$ echo ""
$ echo "Test for multiple-sequence format conversions:"
$ readseq -p -f=ig multi.std -otest.m-ig
$ readseq -p -f=gb test.m-ig -otest.m-gb
$ readseq -p -f=nbrf test.m-gb -otest.m-nbrf
$ readseq -p -f=embl test.m-nbrf -otest.m-embl
$ readseq -p -f=fasta test.m-embl -otest.m-fasta
$ readseq -p -f=pir test.m-fasta -otest.m-pir
$ readseq -p -f=msf test.m-pir -otest.m-msf
$ readseq -p -f=paup test.m-msf -otest.m-paup
$ readseq -p -f=ig test.m-paup -otest.m-ig-b
$ diff test.m-ig test.m-ig-b
$ echo ""
$ echo "Expect differences in the header lines due to"
$ echo "different format headers. If any sequence lines"
$ echo "differ, or if checksums differ, there is a problem."
$! #cleanup
$! delete test.*;
$ echo "-----------"
$ echo ""
$ echo "To clean up test files, command me:
$ echo " DELETE test.*;"