
275 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable File

Copyright (c) 1990,1991,1992 Steven Smith at the Harvard Genome Laboratory.
All rights reserved.
#include <xview/font.h>
#include <xview/scrollbar.h>
#include <xview/xview.h>
#define TRUTH 1
#define JUSTICE 2
#define BEAUTY 3
* Edit modes
#define INSERT 0
#define CHECK 1
* Cursor directions
#define RIGHT 1
#define LEFT 0
#define UP 0
#define DOWN 1
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define GBUFSIZ 512
#define grey_height 8
#define grey_width 8
* Definable dialog types
#define TEXTFIELD 0x1
#define SLIDER 0x2
#define CHOOSER 0x3
#define CHOICE_MENU 0x4
#define CHOICE_LIST 0x5
* File Formats
#define GDE 0x100
#define GENBANK 0x101
#define NA_FLAT 0x102
#define COLORMASK 0x103
#define STATUS_FILE 0x104
* Protection bits
#define PROT_BASE_CHANGES 0x1 /* Allow base changes */
#define PROT_GREY_SPACE 0x2 /* Allow greyspace modification */
#define PROT_WHITE_SPACE 0x4 /* Allow whitespace modification */
#define PROT_TRANSLATION 0x8 /* Allow translation */
#define PROT_REORIENTATION 0x10 /* Allow reorientation */
* File loading methods (must be 'OR/AND' able)
#define NONE 0x0
#define DESTROY 0x1
#define LOAD 0x2
#define SAVE 0x4
#define SELECTED 0x8
#define ALL 0x10
#define SELECT_REGION 0x20
#define SELECT_ONE 0x30
* Sequence DISPLAY Types
#define NASEQ_ALIGN 0x201
#define NASEQ 0x202
* Sequence Data Types
#define DNA 0x300
#define RNA 0x301
#define TEXT 0x302
#define MASK 0x303
#define PROTEIN 0x304
* extended sequence attributes (true/false)
#define IS_5_TO_3 0x01 /* 5prime to 3 prime */
#define IS_3_TO_5 0x02 /* 3 prime to 5 prime */
#define IS_CIRCULAR 0x04 /* circular dna */
#define IS_PRIMARY 0x10 /* on the primary strand */
#define IS_SECONDARY 0x20 /* on the secondary strand */
#define IS_MODIFIED 0x40 /* modification flag */
#define IS_ORIG_PRIMARY 0x80 /* Original sequence was primary */
#define IS_ORIG_SECONDARY 0x100 /* Original sequence was secondary */
#define IS_ORIG_5_TO_3 0x200 /* Original sequence was 5_to_3 */
#define IS_ORIG_3_TO_5 0x400 /* Original sequence was 3_to_5 */
#ifdef HGL
#define DEFAULT_X_ATTR 0
* Other display attributed
#define INVERTED 1
#define VSCROLL_LOCK 2
#define KEYCLICKS 4
* Coloring Methods
#define COLOR_MONO 0x40 /* no color, simple black and white */
#define COLOR_LOOKUP 0x41 /* Use a simple value->color lookup */
#define COLOR_ALN_MASK 0x42 /* The alignment has a column by column color
mask associated with it */
#define COLOR_SEQ_MASK 0x43 /* Each sequence has a color mask*/
#define COLOR_STRAND 0x44 /* Color based on original strandedness*/
* Data types
typedef struct
int *valu;
} NumList;
typedef struct
int yy;
int mm;
int dd;
int hr;
int mn;
int sc;
} origin,modify;
} TimeStamp;
typedef unsigned char NA_Base;
typedef struct
char *name;
int type;
NumList *list;
int listlen;
int maxlen;
} GMask;
typedef struct NA_SeqStruct
char id[80]; /* sequence id (ACCESSION)*/
char seq_name[80]; /* Sequence name (ORGANISM) */
char short_name[32]; /* Name (LOCUS) */
char barcode[80];
char contig[80];
char membrane[80];
char description[80]; /* Description (DEFINITION)*/
char authority[80]; /* Author (or creator) */
char *comments; /* Stuff we can't parse */
int comments_len, comments_maxlen;
NA_Base *sequence; /* List of bases */
TimeStamp t_stamp; /* Time stamp of origin/modification */
Mask *mask; /* List of masks(analysis/display) */
int offset; /* offset into alignment (left white)
space */
int seqlen; /* Number of elements in sequence[] */
int seqmaxlen; /* Size sequence[] (for mem alloc) */
unsigned int protect; /* Protection mask */
int attr; /* Extended attributes */
int groupid; /* group id */
int *col_lut; /* character to color LUT */
struct NA_SeqStruct *groupb; /* Group link backward */
struct NA_SeqStruct *groupf; /* Group link forward */
int *cmask; /* color mask */
int selected; /* Selection flag */
int subselected; /* Sub selection flag */
int format; /* default file format */
int elementtype; /* what type of data are being aligned*/
char *baggage; /* unformatted comments*/
int baggage_len,
int *tmatrix; /* translation matrix (code->char) */
int *rmatrix; /* reverse translation matrix
} NA_Sequence;
typedef struct
char *id; /* Alignment ID */
char *description; /* Description of the alignment*/
char *authority; /* Who generated the alignment*/
int *cmask; /* color mask */
int cmask_offset; /* color mask offset */
int cmask_len; /* color mask length */
int ref; /* reference sequence */
int numelements; /* number of data elements */
int maxnumelements; /* maximum number of data elements */
int nummasks; /* number of masks */
int maxlen; /* Maximum length of alignment */
int rel_offset; /* add this to every sequence offset */
/* to orient it back to 0 */
Mask *mask; /* masks */
NA_Sequence *element; /* alignment elements */
int numgroups; /* number of groups */
NA_Sequence **group; /* link to array of pointers into
each group */
char *na_ddata; /* display data */
int format; /* default file format */
char *selection_mask; /* Sub sequence selection mask */
int selection_mask_len; /* Sub selection mask length */
int min_subselect; /* Leftmost coord of selection mask */
} NA_Alignment;
typedef struct
int font_dx; /* width of a character in this font*/
int font_dy; /* height of a character in this font*/
int wid,ht; /* width and height of edit win (in
characters */
int top_seq; /* Top sequence index shown */
int lft_pos; /* Leftmost column (in alignment
position coords) */
int color_type; /* Method of manipulating colors
(See above) */
int depth; /* number of color bits available */
int num_colors; /* Actual number of colors used */
int *palette; /* palette for display */
int *col_lut; /* character to color LUT */
int black,white; /* color indicies for blk,wht */
int cursor_x,cursor_y; /* Current cursor positions */
int position; /* Current position minus whitespace */
int *jumptbl; /* the jump table for fast access
into the sequence data */
int jtsize; /* its length */
NA_Alignment *aln; /* Pointer to the actual data set
(the alignment */
Xv_font font; /* The default font */
Canvas seq_can,nam_can; /* ties to the canvas for screen
updates. */
Window seq_x,nam_x; /* X versions of the above */
int use_repeat; /* Number keys set repeat count*/
} NA_DisplayData;
#define getcmask(a,b) (b < ((a)->offset))?0:((a)->cmask[(b-(a)->offset)])
#include "functions.h"