subroutine multid(seqid,seq,nseq,nmax,used,rnum) c REVISED VERSION OF FORMID -- TO WORK WITH MULTIPLE ALIGNMENTS c RESEARCHER: M. ZUKER c JUN 1986 c DS TUDHOPE c WRITTEN TO WORK ON VAX-11-750 UNDER VMS4.3 USING STANDARD F-77 c #### NOTE #### USE OF CARRIAGE CONTROL LINE FEED SUPPRESSION c IS USED IN THIS PROGRAM AND IS NOT STANDARD c FORTRAN-77 c SEE '$' IN FORMAT STATEMENT 102 implicit integer (a-z) logical found,endfil,valid,used integer sline(500),seqnum(500),nseq,nmax,rnum character*8 stype character*30 seqids(500) c character*30 choice,seqid character*30 seqid character*50 filnam,fmtseq(500) character*80 reclin character*1 seq(nmax) data found/.false./, . endfil/.false./, . valid/.false./ c ************************************************************** c subroutine MULTID c ************************************************************** c PURPOSE: c subroutine used to extract sequences from various c format type files including c STANFORD,GENBANK,EMBL,PIR,and,NRC c This revised version of FORMID is shorter. Another c variable RNUM is passed first into the subroutine on c the first call to return the number of sequences in the c file. The same variable is then used to request specific c sequences in do_loops of the main program. c This eliminates the task of having to select the sequences. c ************************************************************** c variable list table: c * -- sent down from main returned unchanged c ** - returned to main from subroutine c ***- sent down from main and returned changed c INTEGERS:IDCNT -- to keep track of the number of sequence c identifiers found in the file c I,K -- loop counters c LINE -- to point to the record line number of a file c N -- counter to extract the correct number of c sequence elements c * NMAX -- maximum length of sequence expected by user c ** NSEQ -- length of the sequence retrieved from file c POINTR -- pointer to point to sequence identifier c chosen from array of identifiers c RNUM -- the number of identified sequences returned c to main if first use of the subroutine, c the number sent down from main, identifying c a sequence if not the first time used c SEQNUM -- an ARRAY of the length of the sequences c for the sequence identifiers found in the c NRC-format type files c SLINE -- an ARRAY of the record-line numbers where c a sequence starts in a file c START -- defines what column of a record to start c reading the sequence in. c CHARACTERS:CHOICE-- character string of length 20 to read in c choice for sequence identifier to retrieve c FILNAM -- character string of length 50 to read in c the filename. c FMTSEQ -- an ARRAY of characters, each length 50, c describing how the sequence is to be read c RECLIN -- a record of a file, length 80 characters c ** SEQ -- an ARRAY of characters each length 1 to c store the sequence c ** SEQID -- retrieved name of the sequence c SEQIDS -- an ARRAY of retrieved names of sequences c STYPE -- character string of length 8 defining the c format type of the file. c LOGICALS:FOUND -- logical variable used in looping until c something retrieved c *** USED -- logical variable used in determining if the c subroutine has been previously called c VALID -- logical variable used in looping until c some input valid c c c if the subroutine has NOT been USED then must c input the filename and do error checking on filename c else branch to listing the sequences available in this file if (.not.used) then 10 found = .false. valid = .false. used = .false. c initialize for a new file by setting variables back c to zero and blanking out old names if (nmax.eq.0) nmax = 9999 nseq = 0 stype = ' ' seqid = ' ' filnam= ' ' do 500 i = 1,100 sline(i) = 0 seqnum(i)= 0 seqids(i)=' ' fmtseq(i)= ' ' 500 continue 111 write(6,102) 'Input sequence file name (/ to end) ' 102 format(1x,a38,$) read(5,110,end=999,err=111) filnam if (filnam(1:1).eq.'/') goto 999 110 format(a50) c open the file only after a valid filename has been retrieved c error in filename results in prompting for the input again open(66,file=filnam,status='OLD',err=10) c find sequence file format type and the sequence identifiers idcnt = 0 line = 1 c DO WHILE (.NOT.FOUND) 600 read(66,120,end = 410,err = 991) reclin 120 format(a80) c STANFORD format, recognized by the ';' in the first column c of the record if (reclin(1:1).eq.';') then c DO WHILE (.NOT.ENDFIL) 610 line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c to find the next sequence identifer scroll through the c file until the first character in the line is not ';' if (reclin(1:1).ne.';') then found = .true. stype ='STANFORD' idcnt = idcnt + 1 sline(idcnt)= line seqids(idcnt) = reclin(1:30) line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c DO WHILE ((INDEX(RECLIN,'1').EQ.0).AND. c . (INDEX(RECLIN,'2').EQ.0)) c ENDDO 615 if (index(reclin,'1').eq.0) then if (index(reclin,'2').eq.0) then line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin goto 615 endif endif c assume at least one line not a sequence identifier occurs c after last sequence read in to get around the CTRL-L problem. c therefore, after reading in the record containing the end c of sequence identifier, read in another record line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin endif c ENDDO if (.not.endfil) goto 610 c GENBANK format, recognized by the word LOCUS starting in the c first position of the record elseif (reclin(1:5).eq.'LOCUS') then found = .true. stype = 'GENBANK ' idcnt = 1 seqids(idcnt) = reclin(13:27) c DO WHILE (.NOT.ENDFIL) 620 line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c scrolling through to find the key phrase ORIGIN because c the line after this key phrase occurrance is where the sequence c occurs in the file; c read through the file obtaining other sequences by scrolling c through to the '//' which signals the end of sequence c Then start looking for another sequence identifier. if (reclin(1:6).eq.'ORIGIN') then sline(idcnt) = line c DO WHILE (RECLIN(1:2).NE.'//') 625 if (reclin(1:2).ne.'//') then line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin goto 625 c ENDDO endif elseif (reclin(1:5).eq.'LOCUS') then idcnt = idcnt + 1 seqids(idcnt) = reclin(13:27) endif c ENDDO if (.not.endfil) goto 620 c PIR format, recognized by the '>' occurring in column 1 of a c record. The sequence itself start 2 lines down from the record c containing '>'. elseif (reclin(1:1).eq.'>') then found = .true. stype = 'PIR ' c DO WHILE (.NOT.ENDFIL) 630 if (reclin(1:1).eq.'>') then idcnt = idcnt + 1 sline(idcnt) = line + 1 seqids(idcnt) = reclin(5:25) endif line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c ENDDO if (.not.endfil) goto 630 c EMBL (european) format, recognized by the key phrase ID in the c first column of the record. elseif (reclin(1:5).eq.'ID ') then found = .true. stype = 'EMBL ' c scrolling through to find the key phrase 'SQ Sequence' because c the line after this key phrase occurrance is where the sequence c occurs in the file; c DO WHILE (.NOT.ENDFIL) 640 if (reclin(1:5).eq.'ID ') then idcnt = idcnt + 1 seqids(idcnt) = reclin(6:index(reclin,' ')) elseif (reclin(1:13).eq.'SQ Sequence') then sline(idcnt) = line endif line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c ENDDO if (.not.endfil) goto 640 c NRC format, recognized by '(' occurring in the first column of c a record. The record line following this line holds the number c of elements in the sequence and the name of the sequence. The c following line signals the beginning of the sequence. c The sequence itself is read in by using variable format c described by the '(' record line. This format statement on the c record containing '(' ,must also be retrieved. elseif (reclin(1:1).eq.'(') then found = .true. stype = 'NRC ' c DO WHILE (.NOT.ENDFIL) 650 if (reclin(1:1).eq.'(') then idcnt = idcnt + 1 fmtseq(idcnt) = reclin(1:index(reclin,')')) line = line + 1 read(66,140,end = 410,err = 991) . seqnum(idcnt),seqids(idcnt) sline(idcnt) = line endif line = line + 1 read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin c ENDDO 140 format(i4,5x,a30) if (.not.endfil) goto 650 endif c keep scrolling through the file until a key phrase signalling c a format type is recognized or the end of file is found line = line + 1 c ENDDO if (.not.found) goto 600 c if a format type has not been found then this cannot be a c sequence file and return to main. 410 if (.not.found) then write(6,105) ' No sequence identifiers found in this file ' 105 format(a50) return endif c if this is a valid format type proceed used = .true. c if this is the first time used then return to main c with RNUM, the number of identified sequences in the file rnum = idcnt endif c IF USED this call before retreive a sequence using RNUM seqid = ' ' pointr = rnum if (( then c stop ' ERROR IN MULTID, SEQUENCE REQUESTED NOT FOUND' call exit(1) else seqid = seqids(pointr) endif c having obtained a valid sequence choice or default of c one available sequence, rewind the file and retrieve the c sequence rewind(66,err = 992) c having retrieved the line number in the file where this c identifier occurs from SLINE(POINTR) scroll through the c file until this line is reached do 550 i = 1,sline(pointr) read(66,120,end = 410,err=991) reclin 550 continue c if nrc type then read sequence according to format type if (stype.eq.'NRC ') then nseq = seqnum(pointr) c if the number in the NRC sequence is greater than c the maximum number sent down from main, then c truncate to NMAX and output a message to the user. if ( then write(6,160) ' Sequence truncated to ',nseq 160 format(1x,a30,i4) nseq = nmax endif read(66,fmtseq(pointr),end = 420,err=991) . (seq(k),k=1,seqnum(pointr)) c Else if not type NRC then find the sequence by taking c each letter of the next records until end-of-sequence c indicator found or number in the sequence NMAX is reached else n = 1 found = .false. c DO WHILE (.NOT.FOUND) 670 read(66,120,end = 420,err=991) reclin c there is a need for the two positions to start reading the c sequence; to accommodate the GENBANK format and the STANFORD c end-of-sequence checks. if (stype.eq.'GENBANK ') then start = 10 else start = 1 endif do 565 i = start,80 c if the number in the sequence is less than the desired c number, NMAX sent down from main, then retrieve sequence if (n.le.nmax) then if (.not.found) then seq(n) = reclin(i:i) c check if an early end of sequence if ((seq(n).eq.'1').or.(seq(n).eq.'2').or. . (reclin(1:1).eq.'/').or.(seq(n).eq.'*')) then seq(n) = ' ' nseq = n - 1 found = .true. c if not an end-of-sequence character but have gone far c enough, then truncate to NMAX elseif (n.eq.nmax) then nseq = nmax found = .true. write(6,160) ' Sequence truncated to ',nseq c if not a end-of-sequence character, check to see if it is c not a blank character. Blank characters will not be added c to the sequence. elseif (seq(n).ne.' ') then n = n + 1 endif endif c if the number of sequence characters found is Greater than c NMAX then all of the sequence has been found. else found = .true. nseq = n write(6,160) . ' Sequence truncated to ',nseq endif 565 continue c ENDDO if (.not.found) goto 670 endif 420 return c 991 stop ' ERROR IN READING FILE ' c 992 stop ' ERROR IN REWINDING FILE' c 999 stop ' END of SESSION...GOOD BYE' 991 call exit(1) 992 call exit(1) 999 call exit(1) end