subroutine listout(u) c This subroutine lists current choices on excisions and on c forced or prohibited base-pairs. integer u common /list/ list,listsz dimension list(100,4) character*20 choices(7) data choices/'Energy Parameter ','Single Force ', .'Double Force ','Closed Excision ','Open Excision ', .'Single Prohibit ','Double Prohibit '/ if (listsz.eq.0) then write(u,*) ' No choices currently defined' else write(u,*) ' ' write(u,*) ' Current Choices' do 100 i = 1,listsz if (list(i,1).eq.3.or.list(i,1).eq.7) then write(u,1000) choices(list(i,1)),(list(i,k),k = 2,4) else write(u,1001) choices(list(i,1)),(list(i,k),k = 2,3) endif 100 continue write(u,*) ' ' endif return 1000 format(10x,a20,': (',i4,',',i4,') ',i4) 1001 format(10x,a20,': ',i4,',',i4) end c Control subroutine for RNA folding. subroutine device include '' character*40 sfile,str logical used used = .false. c What kind of run is this? ( regular, save or continuation ) write (6,2000) read (5,2001,end=1) cntrl(1) write (6,*) ' ' if (cntrl(1).lt.0.or.cntrl(1).gt.2) cntrl(1) = 0 if (cntrl(1).eq.1) then cntrl(7) = 1 else c What mode is the program to be run in? c dot plot, automatic sorted tracebacks of one sequence c fragment or suboptimal foldings of every complete c sequence in a file. 9 write (6,1002) read (5,2001,end=1) cntrl(7) if (cntrl(7).lt.0.or.cntrl(7).gt.2) cntrl(7) = 0 if (cntrl(1).eq.2.and.cntrl(7).eq.2) then write (6,*) .'Combination of continuation run and multiple foldings disallowed' write (6,*) ' ' goto 9 endif write (6,*) ' ' endif c Folding multiple sequences is treated as a sort run. c Find total number of sequences to be folded in a multiple c sequence run. if (cntrl(7).eq.2) call mseq(cntrl(5)) if (cntrl(7).eq.0) then c Prompt for terminal type. NOTE: NOT NEEDED ON IRIS VERSION c$$$ write (6,1000) c$$$ read (5,2001,end=7,err=7) cntrl(5) c$$$7 if (cntrl(5).lt.1.or.cntrl(5).gt.3) cntrl(5) = 2 write (6,1001) elseif (cntrl(1).ne.1) then c Prompt for controls on sort. write (6,1004) read (5,2001,end=1) cntrl(8) write (6,1003) endif if (cntrl(1).ne.1) then read (5,2001,end=1) cntrl(6) if (cntrl(6).lt.1) cntrl(6) = 1 write (6,1005) read (5,2001,end=1) cntrl(9) write (6,*) ' ' endif c Prompt for SAVE file name for a save/continuation run. if (cntrl(1).ne.0) then 4 write (6,3000) read (5,3001,end=1) sfile if (cntrl(1).eq.1) then str = 'unknown' else str = 'OLD' endif if (sfile.eq.' ') sfile= 'fold.sav' open(30,err=2,file=sfile,status=str,form='UNFORMATTED') goto 3 2 if (cntrl(1).eq.2) goto 4 3 if (cntrl(1).eq.2) call getcont endif c Obtain sequence. Original length is N. c A fragment from NSAVE(1) to NSAVE(2) is selected. c After PROCESS, N becomes the length of the processed sequence c to be folded. if (cntrl(1).ne.2.and.cntrl(7).ne.2) then call formid(seqlab,seq,n,maxsiz,used) write(6,4000) seqlab,n write (6,*) 'Enter start of fragment (default 1)' read (5,4001,end=1) nsave(1) if (nsave(1).le.0) nsave(1) = 1 write (6,4002) n read (5,4001,end=1) nsave(2) if (nsave(2).le.0) nsave(2) = n endif 1000 format(1x,'Enter terminal type',/,5x,'1 VGT100', . /,5x,'2 Visual 102 (default)',/,5x,'3 Tektronics 4105') 1001 format(/,' Enter minimum vector size for plot (default 1) ',$) 1002 format(1x,'Enter run mode',/,5x,'0 Sub-optimal plot (default)', . /,5x,'1 N Best',/,5x,'2 Multiple Molecules') 1003 format(/,' Enter number of tracebacks (default 1) ',$) 1004 format(/,' Enter percentage for sort (default 0) ',$) 1005 format(/,' Enter window size (default 0) ',$) 2000 format(1x,'Enter run type',/,5x,'0 Regular run (default)', . /,5x,'1 Save run',/,5x,'2 Continuation run') 2001 format(i6) 3000 format(' Enter save file name (default fold.sav)') 3001 format(a30) 4000 format(/,' ',a30,5x,i5,' nucleotides',/) 4001 format(i10) 4002 format(1x,'Enter end of fragment (default ',i5,')') return 1 call exit(1) end c Obtain multiple sequences from a sequence file using MULTID. subroutine mseq(i) include '' logical used data used/.false./ if (.not.used) then call multid(seqlab,seq,n,maxsiz,used,i) write (6,*) ' ' else call multid(seqlab,seq,n,maxsiz,used,i) write(6,4000) seqlab,n endif nsave(1) = 1 nsave(2) = n return 4000 format(/,' ',a30,5x,i5,' nucleotides',/) end c Set up output units and files for RNA folding. subroutine outputs include '' character*40 str,dstr character*1 in str(1:1) = ' '; c Examine sequence label to get default names for output files. k = 1 do while ((seqlab(k:k).lt.'A'.or.seqlab(k:k).gt.'Z').and. . (seqlab(k:k).lt.'a'.or.seqlab(k:k).gt.'z')) k = k + 1 enddo slen = min0(30,25+k) do while (seqlab(slen:slen).eq.' ') slen = slen - 1 enddo j = 0 do i = k,slen j = j + 1 if ((seqlab(i:i).ge.'A'.and.seqlab(i:i).le.'Z').or. . (seqlab(i:i).ge.'a'.and.seqlab(i:i).le.'z').or. . (seqlab(i:i).ge.'0'.and.seqlab(i:i).le.'9')) then dstr(j:j) = seqlab(i:i) else dstr(j:j) = '_' endif enddo slen = j c Line printer output. Get name and open file for write. cntrl(2) = 0 write (6,5010) read (5,5000,end=1) in if ('N''n') then cntrl(2) = 1 write (6,5011) read (5,5000,end=1) in if (in.eq.'N''n') then dstr(slen+1:slen+4) = '.out' 51 write (6,5012) dstr(1:slen+4) read (5,5001) str if (str(1:1).eq.' ') str = dstr(1:slen+4) cntrl(4) = 20 c open(20,file=str,recl=255,status='unknown',err=51) open(20,file=str,status='unknown',err=51) c vf90: Warning, line 203: RECL with ACCESS=SEQUENTIAL could not be translated. c vf90: Warning, line 203: Specifier removed, but may not yield same results. (RECL) else cntrl(4) = 6 endif write (6,5013) read (5,5014,end=1) cntrl(3) if (cntrl(3).eq. 0) cntrl(3) = 80 endif c CT file output. Get name and open file for write. write (6,5020) read (5,5000,end=1) in if (in.eq.'Y''y') then cntrl(2) = 2 + 2*cntrl(2) dstr(slen+1:slen+3) = '.ct' 52 write (6,5021) dstr(1:slen+3) read (5,5001) str if (str(1:1).eq.' ') str = dstr(1:slen+3) open(21,file=str,status='unknown',err=52) endif c Region table output. Get name and open file for write. write (6,5030) read (5,5000,end=1) in if (in.eq.'Y''y') then if (cntrl(2).eq.1.or.cntrl(2).eq.2) cntrl(2) = cntrl(2) + 1 cntrl(2) = cntrl(2) + 3 dstr(slen+1:slen+4) = '.reg' 53 write (6,5031) dstr(1:slen+4) read (5,5001) str if (str(1:1).eq.' ') str = dstr(1:slen+4) c rtm 11.II.98 : 52 below -> 53 open(22,file=str,status='unknown',err=53) endif write (6,*) ' ' return 1 call exit(1) 5000 format(a1) 5001 format(a40) 5010 format(' Do you want printer output? (Y,n) ',$) 5011 format(' Output to terminal? (Y,n) ',$) 5012 format(' Enter output file name (default ',a,')') 5013 format(' Enter number of columns on printer (default 80) ',$) 5014 format(i10) 5020 format(' Do you want ct file? (y,N) ',$) 5021 format(' Enter ct file name (default ',a,')') 5030 format(' Do you want region table? (y,N) ',$) 5031 format(' Enter region table file name (default ',a,')') end c Reads energy files. subroutine ergread include '' logical endfile logical find character*80 inrec character*5 temp real a,b,c,d integer*2 convt c TLoop INFORMATION IN call gettloops c Get misc loop info if(find(32,3,' > ')) stop 'Premature end of MISCLOOP.DAT' read (32,*) prelog prelog=prelog*10 endfile = find(32,3,' > ') read (32,*) a maxpen=int(a*10) endfile = find(32,3,' > ') read (32,*) a,b,c,d poppen(1)=int(a*10) poppen(2)=int(b*10) poppen(3)=int(c*10) poppen(4)=int(d*10) endfile = find(32,3,' > ') c Set default values of eparam. eparam(1) = 0 eparam(2) = 0 eparam(3) = 0 eparam(4) = 0 eparam(7) = 30 eparam(8) = 30 eparam(9) = -500 read (32,*) a,b,c eparam(5)=int(a*10) eparam(6)=int(b*10) eparam(10)=int(c*10) c DANGLE IN do a = 1,5 do b = 1,5 do c = 1,5 do d = 1,2 dangle(a,b,c,d) = 0 enddo enddo enddo enddo endfile = find(10,3,'<--') if (.not.endfile) then do var4 = 1,2 do var1 = 1,4 if (endfile) goto 150 read(10,100,end=150) inrec do var2 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 j = 0 tstart = (var2-1)*20 + (var3-1)*5 + 1 temp = inrec(tstart:tstart+4) do i = 2,4 if (temp(i-1:i+1).eq.' . ') j = infinity enddo if (temp(1:1).eq.'.'.or.temp(5:5).eq.'.') j = infinity if (j.eq.0) j = convt(temp) if( dangle(var1,var2,var3,var4) = j enddo enddo endfile = find(10,3,'<--') enddo enddo else write (6,*) 'ERROR - DANGLE ENERGY FILE NOT FOUND' stop endif 100 format(a80) goto 200 150 write (6,*) 'ERROR - PREMATURE END OF DANGLE ENERGY FILE' stop c INTERNAL,BULGE AND HAIRPIN IN 200 endfile = find(11,5,'-----') i = 1 201 read(11,100,end=300) inrec j = -1 do ii = 1,3 j = j + 6 do while (inrec(j:j).eq.' ') j = j + 1 enddo temp = inrec(j:j+4) k = 0 do jj = 2,4 if (temp(jj-1:jj+1).eq.' . ') k = infinity enddo if (temp(1:1).eq.'.'.or.temp(5:5).eq.'.') k = infinity if (k.eq.0) k = convt(temp) if (ii.eq.1) inter(i) = k if (ii.eq.2) bulge(i) = k if (ii.eq.3) hairpin(i) = k enddo i = i + 1 if (i.le.30) goto 201 c STACK IN 300 do a = 1,5 do b = 1,5 do c = 1,5 do d = 1,5 stack(a,b,c,d) = infinity enddo enddo enddo enddo endfile = find(12,3,'<--') if (.not.endfile) then do var1 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 if (endfile) goto 350 read(12,100,end=350) inrec do var2 = 1,4 do var4 = 1,4 j = 0 tstart = (var2-1)*20 + (var4-1)*5 + 1 temp = inrec(tstart:tstart+4) do i = 2,4 if (temp(i-1:i+1).eq.' . ') j = infinity enddo if (temp(1:1).eq.'.'.or.temp(5:5).eq.'.') j = infinity if (j.eq.0) j = convt(temp) stack(var1,var2,var3,var4) = j enddo enddo enddo endfile = find(12,3,'<--') enddo else write (6,*) 'ERROR - STACK ENERGY FILE NOT FOUND' stop endif call stest(stack,'STACK ') goto 400 350 write (6,*) 'ERROR - PREMATURE END OF STACK ENERGY FILE' stop 400 do a = 1,5 do b = 1,5 do c = 1,5 do d = 1,5 tstk(a,b,c,d) = infinity enddo enddo enddo enddo endfile = find(13,3,'<--') if (.not.endfile) then do var1 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 if (endfile) goto 350 read(13,100,end=450) inrec do var2 = 1,4 do var4 = 1,4 j = 0 tstart = (var2-1)*20 + (var4-1)*5 + 1 temp = inrec(tstart:tstart+4) do i = 2,4 if (temp(i-1:i+1).eq.' . ') j = infinity enddo if (temp(1:1).eq.'.'.or.temp(5:5).eq.'.') j = infinity if (j.eq.0) j = convt(temp) tstk(var1,var2,var3,var4) = j enddo enddo enddo endfile = find(13,3,'<--') enddo else write (6,*) 'ERROR - STACK ENERGY FILE NOT FOUND' stop endif c** CALL STEST(TSTK,'TSTACK') close(10) close(11) close(12) close(13) goto 500 450 write (6,*) 'ERROR - PREMATURE END OF TSTACK ENERGY FILE' stop 500 return end c Symmetry test on stacking and terminal stacking energies. c For all i,j,k,l between 1 and 4, STACK(i,j,k,l) MUST equal c STACK(l,k,j,i). If this fails at some i,j,k,l; these numbers c are printed out and the programs grinds to an abrupt halt! subroutine stest(stack,sname) integer stack(5,5,5,5),a,b,c,d character*6 sname do a = 1,4 do b = 1,4 do c = 1,4 do d = 1,4 if (stack(a,b,c,d).ne.stack(d,c,b,a)) then write (6,*) 'SYMMETRY ERROR' write (6,101) sname,a,b,c,d,stack(a,b,c,d) write (6,101) sname,d,c,b,a,stack(d,c,b,a) stop endif enddo enddo enddo enddo return 101 format(5x,a6,'(',3(i1,','),i1,') = ',i10) end c Writes out the numbers in the energy arrays of the folding program. subroutine out(u) include '' integer*2 tlptr,bptr,nbase integer key character*4 tlbuf c used for testing contents of energy arrays only c not used in the mature program write (u,100) 'DANGLE' do var4 = 1,2 do var1 = 1,4 do var2 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 o = dangle(var1,var2,var3,var4) if ( then write (u,101) o else write (u,102) endif enddo enddo write (6,103) enddo write (6,104) enddo write (u,100) 'TSTACK' do var1 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 do var2 = 1,4 do var4 = 1,4 o = tstk(var1,var2,var3,var4) if ( then write (u,101) o else write (u,102) endif enddo enddo write (6,103) enddo write (6,104) enddo write (u,100) 'STACK' do var1 = 1,4 do var3 = 1,4 do var2 = 1,4 do var4 = 1,4 o = stack(var1,var2,var3,var4) if ( then write (u,101) o else write (u,102) endif enddo enddo write (6,103) enddo write (6,104) enddo write (u,200) 'INTER','BULGE','HAIRPIN' do i = 1,30 write (u,201) i,inter(i),bulge(i),hairpin(i) enddo write (u,100) 'TLoops' do tlptr=1,numoftloops key=tloop(tlptr,1) do bptr=1,4 nbase=mod(key, 8) key=int(key/8) if (nbase.eq.1) then tlbuf(bptr:bptr)='A' elseif (nbase.eq.2) then tlbuf(bptr:bptr)='C' elseif (nbase.eq.3) then tlbuf(bptr:bptr)='G' else tlbuf(bptr:bptr)='U' endif enddo write (u,205) tlbuf,tloop(tlptr,2) enddo return 100 format(//,a40,//) 101 format('+',i4,1x,$) 102 format('+',4('*'),1x,$) 103 format(' ') 104 format(/) 200 format(3a20,/,60('-'),/) 201 format(i4,i16,2i20) 205 format(a4,2x,i8) end c Used in reading the energy files. c Locates markers in the energy files so that data can be read c properly. function find(unit,len,str) implicit integer (a-z) logical find,flag character*20 str character*80 inrec find = .false. flag = .false. do while(.not.flag) read(unit,100,end=200) inrec count = 1 do 101 i = 1,80-len+1 if (inrec(i:i).eq.str(count:count)) then count = count + 1 if ( flag = .true. if (inrec(i+1:i+1).ne.str(count:count)) count = 1 endif 101 continue enddo return 100 format(a80) 200 find = .true. return end subroutine cdump include '' character*40 name character yn write (6,*) . 'Enter file name for continuation dump (return for terminal)' read (5,100,end=1) name if (name.eq.' ') then u = 6 else u = 31 open(31,status='unknown',file=name) endif call listout(u) write (u,101) 'Energy Parameters' write (u,1000) eparam write (6,*) 'Listing of energy files? (y/N)' read(5,102) yn if (yn.eq.'Y'.or.yn.eq.'y') then call out(u) endif return 1 call exit(1) 100 format(a30) 101 format(a20,/) 102 format(a1) 1000 format(/, . 10x,' 1 Extra stack energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 2 Extra bulge energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 3 Extra loop energy (interior) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 4 Extra loop energy (hairpin) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 5 Extra loop energy (multi) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 6 Multi loop energy/single-stranded base [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 7 Maximum size of interior loop [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 8 Maximum lopsidedness of an interior loop [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 9 Bonus Energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,'10 Multi loop energy/closing base-pair [',i5,']',//) end subroutine gettloops c c* Read in TLoop sequences, convert to numeric form, and c* convert energy to an integer (*10) c parameter (maxtloops=40,bufsiz=80) integer*2 i,ptr,tloop(maxtloops,2),nseq(4) integer*2 numoftloops integer*2 convt character*5 buffa character*80 inbuf c common /tloops/tloop,numoftloops c numoftloops=0 c c* Throw out header c read (29,1) c c* Read a line and convert to numeric sequence and energy until EOF c 10 read (29,2,end=99) inbuf ptr=1 numoftloops=numoftloops+1 do while (( 2 (inbuf(ptr:ptr).eq.' ')) ptr=ptr+1 enddo c Only take first four characters, since they're TETRAloops buffa(1:4)=inbuf(ptr:ptr+3) buffa(5:5)=' ' call tonum(buffa,nseq) tloop(numoftloops,1)=((nseq(4)*8+nseq(3))*8+nseq(2))*8+nseq(1) ptr=ptr+4 do while (( 2 (inbuf(ptr:ptr).eq.' ')) ptr=ptr+1 enddo c Simple error czeck. if (inbuf(ptr+4:ptr+4).ne.' ') then write (*,5) inbuf endif buffa(1:4)=inbuf(ptr:ptr+3) buffa(5:5)=' ' tloop(numoftloops,2)=convt(buffa) do i=1,ptr+4 inbuf(i:i)=' ' enddo goto 10 c c* Normal ending c 99 close(unit=29,status='KEEP') return 1 format(/) 2 format (a) 5 format (1x,'Too many characters in numeric field of this line of',/, 1 1x,'tloop.dat file: ',a) end subroutine tonum(tloopseq,numeric) c c* Convert TLoopSeq to numeric format in Numeric. c character*5 tloopseq integer*2 i,numeric(4) c do i=1,4 if (tloopseq(i:i).eq.'A') then numeric(i)=1 elseif (tloopseq(i:i).eq.'C') then numeric(i)=2 elseif (tloopseq(i:i).eq.'G') then numeric(i)=3 elseif (tloopseq(i:i).eq.'U') then numeric(i)=4 elseif (tloopseq(i:i).eq.'T') then numeric(i)=4 else write (*,1) tloopseq(i:i) 1 format (1x,'Unknown base in TLOOP file: ',a1) stop endif enddo return end