subroutine process c Process RNA sequence to be folded. include '' c Selected fragment is from NSAVE(1) to NSAVE(2) in historical c numbering. do i = nsave(1),nsave(2) newnum(i) = 0 enddo c LIST contains information on excisions, and on forced or prohibited c base-pairs. ptr = 0 100 if (ptr.eq.listsz) goto 400 ptr = ptr + 1 if (list(ptr,1).eq.4) goto 200 if (list(ptr,1).eq.5) goto 300 goto 100 c Closed excision beween LIST(PTR,2) and LIST(PTR,3) ( historical c numbering ) . 200 do i = list(ptr,2)+4,list(ptr,3)-1 newnum(i) = 1 enddo goto 100 c Open excision beween LIST(PTR,2) and LIST(PTR,3) ( historical c numbering ) . 300 do i = list(ptr,2),list(ptr,3) newnum(i) = 1 enddo goto 100 400 n = 0 do k = nsave(1),nsave(2) c Generate new numbering of fragment ( 1 to N ). if (newnum(k).eq.0) then n = n+1 newnum(k) = n else c An excised base gets a new numbering of 0. newnum(k) = 0 endif enddo if (n* goto 700 c Zero the FORCE and VST arrays. do i = 1,n force(i) = 0 if (cntrl(1).ne.2) then do j = i,i+n-1 vst((n-1)*(i-1)+j) = 0 enddo endif enddo do k = nsave(1),nsave(2) i = newnum(k) if ( then c Non-excised bases are examined to determine their type. c A - type 1 c B - an A accessible to nuclease cleavage c C - type 2 c Z - a C accessible to nuclease cleavage c G - type 3 c H - a G accessible to nuclease cleavage c U/T - type 4 c V/W - a U/T accessible to nuclease cleavage c anything else - type 5 c HSTNUM stores historical numbering c NUMSEQ stores nucleotide type. hstnum(i) = k numseq(i) = 5 if (seq(k) .eq. 'A') numseq(i) = 1 if (seq(k) .eq. 'B') then numseq(i) = 1 force(i) = 3 endif if (seq(k) .eq. 'C') numseq(i) = 2 if (seq(k) .eq. 'Z') then numseq(i) = 2 force(i) = 3 endif if (seq(k) .eq. 'G') numseq(i) = 3 if (seq(k) .eq. 'H') then numseq(i) = 3 force(i) = 3 endif if (seq(k) .eq. 'U'.or.seq(k).eq.'T') numseq(i) = 4 if (seq(k) .eq. 'V'.or.seq(k).eq.'W') then numseq(i) = 4 force(i) = 3 endif endif enddo ptr = 0 500 if (ptr.eq.listsz) goto 600 ptr = ptr + 1 i = list(ptr,2) j = list(ptr,3) k = list(ptr,4) if (list(ptr,1).eq.2.or.list(ptr,1).eq.6) k = j goto (500,520,530,540,500,560,570),list(ptr,1) c Force bases I to I+K-1 to be double-stranded. 520 do x = i,i+k-1 force(newnum(x)) = 2 enddo goto 500 c Force base-pairs I.J , I+1.J-1 , ... I+K-1.J-K+1. 530 do x = 0,k-1 call sfce(newnum(i+x),newnum(j-x)) enddo goto 500 c Force the ends of a closed excision to base-pair. 540 call sfce(newnum(i),newnum(j)) do ii = i+1,i+3 seq(ii) = ' ' enddo goto 500 c Prohibit bases I to I+K-1 from base-pairing. 560 do ii = i,i+k-1 force(newnum(ii)) = 1 enddo goto 500 c Prohibit the base-pairs I.J , I+1,J-1 , ... I+K-1.J-K+1. 570 if (cntrl(1).ne.2) then do x = 0,k-1 vst((n-1)*(newnum(i+x)-1)+newnum(j-x)) = 1 vst((n-1)*(newnum(j-x)-1)+newnum(i+x)+n) = 1 enddo endif goto 500 c Double up the sequence. 600 do i = 1,n hstnum(i+n) = hstnum(i) force(i+n) = force(i) numseq(i+n) = numseq(i) enddo 700 return end c Used in reading the energy files. function convt(str) implicit integer (a-z) character*5 str logical neg neg = .false. place = 0 convt = 0 do i = 5,1,-1 if (str(i:i).eq.'-') then neg = .true. else if (str(i:i).ge.'0'.and.str(i:i).le.'9') then convt = convt + 10**place * (ichar(str(i:i)) - ichar('0')) place = place+1 endif endif enddo if (neg) convt = convt * -1 return end c Reads energy file names and open the files for reading. subroutine enefiles character*40 filen 10 write (6,*) 'Enter dangle energy file name (default dangle.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'dangle.dat' open(10,file=filen,status='OLD',err=10) 20 write (6,*) 'Enter loop energy file name (default loop.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'loop.dat' open(11,file=filen,status='OLD',err=20) 30 write (6,*) 'Enter stack energy file name (default stack.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'stack.dat' open(12,file=filen,status='OLD',err=30) 40 write (6,*) 'Enter tstack energy file name (default tstack.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'tstack.dat' open(13,file=filen,status='OLD',err=40) 50 write (6,*) 'Enter tloop energy file name (default tloop.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'tloop.dat' open(29,file=filen,status='OLD',err=50) 60 write (6,*) 'Enter misc. loop energy file name (default . miscloop.dat)' read (5,100,end=1) filen if (filen.eq.' ') filen = 'miscloop.dat' open(32,file=filen,status='OLD',err=60) 100 format(a40) goto 2 1 call exit(1) 2 return end c Error message subroutine. subroutine errmsg(err,i,j) include '' if (err.eq.10) write (6,10) i,j if (err.eq.11) write (6,11) i,j if (err.eq.12) write (6,12) i,j if (err.eq.20) then write (6,20) i,j stop endif if (err.eq.21) then write (6,21) err = 0 endif if (err.eq.30) write (6,30) i if (err.eq.31) then write (6,31) sortmax,i,j err = 0 endif if (err.eq.40) then write (6,40) stop endif return 10 format(' Open bifurcation not found between ',i4,' and ',i4) 11 format(' Bulge or interior loop closed by (',i4,',',i4, .') not found') 12 format(' Closed bifurcation not found between ',i4,' and ',i4) 20 format(' Base pair between ',i3,' and ',i3,' conflicts with ', . 'at least one other pair') 21 format(' Buffer overflow in lineout') 30 format(' End reached at traceback ',i4) 31 format(' More than ',i5,' basepairs in sort at (',i4,',',i4,')') 40 format(' Premature end of save file') end c Initialize the stack. subroutine initst implicit integer (a-z) dimension stk(50,4) common /stk/ stk,sp sp = 0 return end c Add A,B,C,D to the bottom of the stack. subroutine push(a,b,c,d) implicit integer (a-z) dimension stk(50,4) common /stk/ stk,sp sp = sp + 1 if ( then write (6,*) 'ERROR - STACK OVERFLOW' stop endif stk(sp,1) = a stk(sp,2) = b stk(sp,3) = c stk(sp,4) = d return end c Retrieve A,B,C,D from the bottom of the stack and decrease the c stack size by one. function pull(a,b,c,d) implicit integer (a-z) dimension stk(50,4) common /stk/ stk,sp if (sp.eq.0) then pull = 1 return endif a = stk(sp,1) b = stk(sp,2) c = stk(sp,3) d = stk(sp,4) sp = sp - 1 pull = 0 return end c Line printer output of a secondary structure. subroutine linout(n1,n2,energy,iret,jret,error) c include '' character array(6,900),dash,bl,dot real energy integer unit c data dash/'-'/,bl/' '/,dot/'.'/,amax/900/ print *,' Output of a secondary structure...' c c WRITE SEQUENCE LABEL AND ENERGY c unit = cntrl(4) if(unit.eq.0) then print *,' NO PRINTER OUTPUT SELECTED...' print *,' ...exiting subroutine outputs.' return endif print *,'unit is ',unit,'.' hstn1 = hstnum(n1) hstn2 = hstnum(n2) write(unit,103) hstn1,hstn2,seqlab,energy c c INITIALIZE TRACEBACK c call initst call push(n1,n2,0,0) nstem = 0 go to 3 c c OUTPUT PORTION OF STRUCTURE c 5 do while (1.eq.1) write(unit,106) ll = countr if(cntrl(3).lt.ll) ll = cntrl(3) do k = 1,6 if(unit.eq.6) write(unit,105) (array(k,i),i = 1,ll) if( write(unit,104) (array(k,i),i = 1,ll) enddo if(countr.le.cntrl(3)) go to 3 do k = 1,5 do j = 1,6 array(j,k) = bl array(j,k+5) = bl enddo array(2,k+5) = dot array(5,k+5) = dot enddo k = 10 ll = cntrl(3)+1 do i = ll,countr k = k+1 do j = 1,6 array(j,k) = array(j,i) enddo enddo countr = k enddo c 3 do k = 1,amax do j = 1,6 array(j,k) = bl enddo enddo c c FILL IN OUTPUT MATRIX c nstem = pull(i,j,countr,xx) if ( go to 99 c c LOOK FOR DANGLING ENDS c 12 ip = i jp = j do while (basepr(ip).eq.0) ip = ip+1 if( go to 16 enddo do while (basepr(jp).eq.0) jp = jp-1 enddo k = ip-i if( k = j-jp if(k.eq.0) go to 17 ii = ip jj = jp pos = countr+k+1 if( then error = 21 go to 99 endif do kk = 1,k pos = pos-1 ii = ii-1 jj = jj+1 if( then i2 = hstnum(ii) array(2,pos) = seq(i2) if(10*(i2/10).eq.i2) call digit(1,i2,pos,amax,array) else array(2,pos) = dash endif if(jj.le.j) then j2 = hstnum(jj) array(5,pos) = seq(j2) if(10*(j2/10).eq.j2) call digit(6,j2,pos,amax,array) else array(5,pos) = dash endif enddo countr = countr+k go to 17 c c HAIRPIN LOOP c 16 if( go to 5 half = (j-i+2)/2 ii = i-1 jj = j+1 do k = 1,half ii = ii+1 jj = jj-1 countr = countr+1 if( then error = 21 go to 99 endif if(seq(hstnum(ii)).eq.' ') go to 40 i2 = hstnum(ii) j2 = hstnum(jj) if(10*(i2/10) . call digit(1,i2,countr,amax,array) if(10*(j2/10).eq.j2) call digit(6,j2,countr,amax,array) if( then array(2,countr) = seq(i2) array(5,countr) = seq(j2) else if( array(3,countr) = seq(i2) array(4,countr) = seq(j2) endif 22 enddo go to 5 c c 'CLOSED' EXCISION FOUND c 40 array(3,countr) = dash array(4,countr) = dash go to 5 c c STACKING OR BIFURCATION c 17 i = ip j = jp if(basepr(i).eq.j) go to 24 c c CHECK FOR KNOT c if(basepr(i).ge.basepr(j) . then iret = hstnum(i) jret = hstnum(basepr(i)) error = 20 go to 99 endif c c BIFURCATION MUST OCCUR c countr = countr+2 if( then error = 21 go to 99 endif call push(basepr(i)+1,j,countr,0) j = basepr(i) c c STACKING REGION c 24 countr = countr+1 if( then error = 21 go to 99 endif ii = hstnum(i) jj = hstnum(j) array(3,countr) = seq(ii) array(4,countr) = seq(jj) if(10*(ii/10).eq.ii) call digit(1,ii,countr,amax,array) if(10*(jj/10).eq.jj) call digit(6,jj,countr,amax,array) if(i.eq.iret.and.j.eq.jret) then array(2,countr) = '|' array(5,countr) = '^' end if i = i+1 j = j-1 if(basepr(i)-j) 12,24,12 99 return 103 format(' FOLDING BASES ',i4,' TO ',i4,' OF ',a30,/ .' ENERGY = ',f8.1) 104 format(220a1) 105 format(' ',220a1) 106 format(' ') end c Puts the number COLUMN in row ROW and column POS of the array B. c The least significant digit ends up in column POS. If the number c is too large to fit, a period is put in column POS and row ROW. subroutine digit(row,column,pos,bmax,b) implicit integer (a-z) integer pos,column,bmax,d(10) character*1 b(6,bmax),bl,c(10),dot data bl/' '/,c/'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/,dot/'.'/ c size=1 n=column 1 p=n/10 q=n-10*p d(size)=q if(p.eq.0) go to 2 n=p size=size+1 go to 1 2 if( go to 3 do k=1,size q=pos-k+1 if(b(row,q) go to 3 enddo p=pos do 4 k=1,size q=d(k) b(row,p)=c(q+1) 4 p=p-1 return 3 b(row,pos)=dot return end c Generates a region table for the Shapiro and Maizel DRAW program. subroutine regtab include '' real r k = 1 region = 1 do while ( r = 0.0 regsz = 1 kst = k if ( then do while (basepr(k+1).eq.basepr(k) regsz = regsz + 1 r = r + float(erg(2,k,basepr(k),k+1,basepr(k+1))) / 10.0 k = k + 1 enddo write (22,100) region,hstnum(kst),hstnum(basepr(kst)),regsz,r region = region + 1 endif k = k + 1 enddo return 100 format(' (',i5,')',3x,3(i5,3x),f7.1) end c Generates a CT file. (Richard Feldmann) subroutine ct(r) include '' real r write(21,100) n,r,seqlab do k = 1,n k1 = k+1 if (k.eq.n) k1 = 0 write (21,200) k, seq(hstnum(k)),k-1,k1,basepr(k),hstnum(k) enddo return 100 format(i5,1x,'ENERGY = ',f7.1,4x,a30) 200 format(i5,1x,a1,3x,4i5) end c Menu subroutine for RNA folding program. c Allows the user to set energy parameters and to c add auxiliary information. subroutine menu include '' c data listsz/0/ rtm 11.II.99 listsz=0 10 if ( goto 800 write (6,900) 50 write (6,901) read (5,*,end=1,err=1) choice if ( goto 50 goto (100,200,300,400,400,200,300,800,60,70),choice 60 call listout(6) goto 10 70 listsz = 0 goto 10 1 call exit(1) 100 write (6,1000) (eparam(i),i=1,10) 101 write (6,1001) read (5,1002,end=10,err=10) parm if ( goto 10 write (6,1003) read (5,*,end=10,err=10) val eparam(parm) = val goto 100 1000 format(/, . 10x,' Energy Parameters (10ths kcal/mole)',//, . 10x,' 1 Extra stack energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 2 Extra bulge energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 3 Extra loop energy (interior) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 4 Extra loop energy (hairpin) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 5 Extra loop energy (multi) [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 6 Multi loop energy/single-stranded base [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 7 Maximum size of interior loop [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 8 Maximum lopsidedness of an interior loop [',i5,']',/, . 10x,' 9 Bonus Energy [',i5,']',/, . 10x,'10 Multi loop energy/closing base-pair [',i5,']',//) 1001 format(' Enter Parameter to be changed ( for main menu) ' .,$) 1002 format(i6) 1003 format(' Enter new value ',$) 200 write (6,2001) read (5,*,end=10,err=10) i,k listsz = listsz + 1 list(listsz,1) = choice list(listsz,2) = i list(listsz,3) = k list(listsz,4) = -1 goto 10 2001 format(' Enter base and length ',$) 300 write (6,3001) read (5,*,end=10,err=10) i,j,k listsz = listsz + 1 list(listsz,1) = choice list(listsz,2) = i list(listsz,3) = j list(listsz,4) = k goto 10 3001 format(' Enter base pair and length ',$) 400 write (6,4001) read (5,*,end=10,err=10) i,j listsz = listsz + 1 list(listsz,1) = choice list(listsz,2) = i list(listsz,3) = j list(listsz,4) = -1 goto 10 4001 format(' Enter begining and end ',$) 800 return 900 format(/, . 10x,'1 Energy Parameter 6 Single Prohibit',/, . 10x,'2 Single Force 7 Double Prohibit',/, . 10x,'3 Double Force 8 Begin Folding ',/, . 10x,'4 Closed Excision 9 Show current ',/, . 10x,'5 Open Excision 10 Clear current ',//) 901 format(' Enter Choice ',$) end