/* Copyright (c) 1989-1990, University of Illinois board of trustees. All rights reserved. Written by Michael Maciukenas at the Center for Prokaryote Genome Analysis. Design and implementation guidance by Steven Smith, Carl Woese. */ /* File picker by Mike Maciukenas ** Allows the user to search up and down the directory tree, and choose a ** file. ** "Open" descends down into a directory, or chooses a file (depending ** on what is selected). The user may also press return after choosing ** a file or directory, to do the same thing. ** "Up Dir" ascends to the parent directory. ** "Cancel" cancels the operation. ** The user may also type a directory into the "Directory:" field. When the ** user presses return (or tab, or newline), the contents of the new directory ** will be shown. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GBUFSIZ 256 /* buffer size, remove when adding to Steve's code */ #define FL_VIEW_H 15 /* # of files to show in one page, originally */ /* structure for a linked list that allows sorting of filenames */ typedef struct namedata {char *FileN; /* file name */ int type; /* flag: 1 if directory '/' ** 2 if executable '*' ** 3 if symbolic link '@' ** 4 if socket '=' ** 0 if normal */ struct namedata *Next; /* next in list */ } NameData; Frame fl_getframe = XV_NULL; /* frame, is set to XV_NULL by free_mem(), ** load_file() checks this to see if it should ** destroy an existing frame */ Scrollbar fl_scroll; /* the scrollbar for the file list canvas */ Canvas fl_FileList; /* the file list canvas */ Panel_item fl_DirText; /* the text item that displays the directory */ Panel fl_Getpanel; /* the panel, contains buttons, and DirText */ GC fl_gc; /* gc to use for drawing file names, just the default GC with ** the frame's font copied in. */ int fl_current_picked, fl_current_len; /* the current item picked in the file ** list, and the current number of items ** in the file list */ int fl_cell_h, fl_width, fl_ascent; /* the height of the font, the width of the ** canvas, and the default ascent of the ** font, all used for drawing into the file ** list canvas */ Xv_opaque data; extern int set_offset, *matrix; /* extern BuildMatrix(); */ NameData *fl_start; /* the root node for the linked list of filenames */ Frame load_file(Parentframe, x, y, passdata) /* pick a file for loading. */ Frame Parentframe; int x, y; Xv_opaque passdata; { /* callback procedures */ int fl_open_btn_lf(), fl_up_dir_btn(), lf_cancel_btn(); void fl_show_list_lf(); void fl_list_select_lf(); Panel_setting fl_dir_typed(); /* interposed destroy function */ Notify_value fl_free_mem(); char dirname[GBUFSIZ]; Display *display; Xv_screen screen; int screen_no; Xv_Font font; XFontStruct *font_data; data=passdata; /* create the frame */ fl_getframe = xv_create(Parentframe, FRAME, FRAME_LABEL, "Choose File", FRAME_SHOW_RESIZE_CORNER, FALSE, XV_X, x, XV_Y, y, NULL); notify_interpose_destroy_func(fl_getframe, fl_free_mem); /* get font characteristics */ font = xv_get(fl_getframe, XV_FONT); fl_cell_h = xv_get(font, FONT_DEFAULT_CHAR_HEIGHT); fl_width = 50*xv_get(font, FONT_DEFAULT_CHAR_WIDTH); font_data = (XFontStruct *)xv_get(font, FONT_INFO); fl_ascent = font_data->ascent; /* create the panel and panel buttons */ fl_Getpanel = xv_create(fl_getframe, PANEL, NULL); (void) xv_create(fl_Getpanel, PANEL_BUTTON, PANEL_LABEL_STRING, "Open", PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, fl_open_btn_lf, NULL); (void) xv_create(fl_Getpanel, PANEL_BUTTON, PANEL_LABEL_STRING, "Up Dir", PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, fl_up_dir_btn, NULL); (void) xv_create(fl_Getpanel, PANEL_BUTTON, PANEL_LABEL_STRING, "Cancel", PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, lf_cancel_btn, NULL); /* create the "Directory:" field, initialized to the current working dir */ getcwd(dirname, GBUFSIZ); fl_DirText = xv_create(fl_Getpanel, PANEL_TEXT, PANEL_LABEL_STRING,"Directory:", XV_X, xv_col(fl_Getpanel, 0), XV_Y, xv_row(fl_Getpanel, 1), PANEL_VALUE_STORED_LENGTH, GBUFSIZ, PANEL_VALUE_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 30, PANEL_VALUE, dirname, PANEL_NOTIFY_LEVEL, PANEL_SPECIFIED, PANEL_NOTIFY_STRING, "\n\r\t", PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, fl_dir_typed, NULL); window_fit(fl_Getpanel); /* create the file list canvas, below the above panel */ fl_FileList = xv_create(fl_getframe, CANVAS, XV_X, 0, WIN_BELOW, fl_Getpanel, XV_WIDTH, fl_width, XV_HEIGHT, FL_VIEW_H*fl_cell_h+7, CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, fl_show_list_lf, CANVAS_AUTO_EXPAND, FALSE, CANVAS_AUTO_SHRINK, FALSE, CANVAS_WIDTH, fl_width, CANVAS_HEIGHT, fl_cell_h, CANVAS_RETAINED, FALSE, OPENWIN_AUTO_CLEAR, FALSE, NULL); fl_scroll = xv_create(fl_FileList, SCROLLBAR, SCROLLBAR_DIRECTION, SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL, SCROLLBAR_PIXELS_PER_UNIT, fl_cell_h, SCROLLBAR_VIEW_LENGTH, fl_view_h(), SCROLLBAR_PAGE_LENGTH, fl_view_h(), NULL); xv_set(canvas_paint_window(fl_FileList), WIN_EVENT_PROC, fl_list_select_lf, WIN_CONSUME_EVENTS, WIN_MOUSE_BUTTONS, LOC_DRAG, WIN_ASCII_EVENTS, NULL, NULL); xv_set(fl_Getpanel, XV_WIDTH, xv_get(fl_FileList, XV_WIDTH), NULL); /* set up the gc for drawing into the file list */ display = (Display *)xv_get(fl_getframe, XV_DISPLAY); screen = (Xv_screen)xv_get(fl_getframe, XV_SCREEN); screen_no = (int)xv_get(screen, SCREEN_NUMBER); fl_gc = XCreateGC(display, RootWindow(display, screen_no), 0, NULL); XCopyGC(display, DefaultGC(display, DefaultScreen(display)), 0xFFFFFFFF, fl_gc); XSetFont(display, fl_gc, xv_get(font, XV_XID)); /* * Added S.Smith 2/5/91 */ XSetForeground(display,fl_gc,BlackPixel(display,DefaultScreen(display))); XSetBackground(display,fl_gc,WhitePixel(display,DefaultScreen(display))); /* set up the extra trailing node for the linked list, makes insertion ** into the list easier */ fl_start = (NameData *)calloc(1, sizeof(NameData)); fl_start->FileN = (char *)NULL; fl_start->Next = NULL; /* make the list, showing files in the application`s current directory */ (void) fl_make_list(); window_fit(fl_getframe); xv_set(fl_getframe, XV_SHOW, TRUE, NULL); return(fl_getframe); } int fl_open_btn_lf(item, event) /* callback procedure for the open button. If it's a directory, switch to ** the new directory, otherwise return the filename */ Panel_item item; Event *event; { int i, end, r; char namebuf[GBUFSIZ], thestr[GBUFSIZ]; NameData *current; Frame top_frame; if(fl_current_picked != -1) /* then an item is selected. Work with it */ { /* find item in list */ current = fl_start; for(i=0; iNext; strcpy(namebuf, current->FileN); if(current->type == 1) /* then it's a directory, so switch to it */ { if(fl_checkdir(namebuf)) { chdir(namebuf); (void) fl_make_list(); fl_set_dirtext(fl_DirText); return XV_OK; } } else /* it's a file name, so return it */ { if(fl_checkdir(xv_get(fl_DirText, PANEL_VALUE))) /* then valid dir */ { if(current->type != 0) /* then it's not a regular file, so strip off ** the extra type character: *, =, /, or @ */ namebuf[strlen(namebuf)-1]='\0'; /* create the file string (with full directory path) */ getcwd(thestr, GBUFSIZ); if(thestr[strlen(thestr)-1] != '/') strcat(thestr, "/"); strcat(thestr, namebuf); /* call load data procedure. */ top_frame = (Frame) xv_get( (Frame) xv_get( (Panel) xv_get(item,XV_OWNER), XV_OWNER), XV_OWNER); xv_set(top_frame, FRAME_LABEL, thestr, NULL); /******** if(strcmp(thestr+(strlen(thestr)-3), "GDE") == 0) { LoadGDEData(thestr); set_offset = 0; } else if(strcmp(thestr+(strlen(thestr)-3), "HGL") == 0) { *********/ if((r = LoadHGLData(thestr)) == -1) { return -1; } set_offset = r; /******** } else printf("File format unknown. Should be .HGL or .GDE \n"); ********/ /* rect = (Rect *)xv_get(canvas,CANVAS_VIEWABLE_RECT,view_win); XClearArea(display,xwin, rect->r_left, rect->r_top, rect->r_width, rect->r_height, 0); (void)xv_set(view_win, CANVAS_HEIGHT, max_lines*max_pbl+margin, CANVAS_WIDTH, max_dots/min_scale+margin, NULL); */ xv_destroy_safe(fl_getframe); return XV_OK; } else { /* invalid directory, so show notice*/ int result; Panel panel = (Panel)xv_get(fl_FileList, PANEL_PARENT_PANEL); result = notice_prompt(panel, NULL, NOTICE_MESSAGE_STRINGS, "Invalid Directory specified.", NULL, NOTICE_FOCUS_XY, event_x(event), event_y(event), NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Change Directory", NULL); } } } } int fl_up_dir_btn(item, event) /* go up one directory */ Panel_item item; Event *event; { char dirname[GBUFSIZ]; /* pretty simple, just go up, show it, and change the "Directory:" field */ (void) chdir(".."); (void) fl_make_list(); fl_set_dirtext(fl_DirText); return XV_OK; } Panel_setting fl_dir_typed(item, event) /* handle when user types return, newline, or tab in the "Directory:" field. ** if it's a valid directory, it moves to it, otherwise, display a notice */ Panel_item item; Event *event; { int error; char dirname[GBUFSIZ]; switch (event_action(event)) { case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': { if(fl_checkdir(xv_get(fl_DirText, PANEL_VALUE))) { /* valid directory, chdir to it and show it */ chdir(xv_get(fl_DirText, PANEL_VALUE)); fl_make_list(); fl_set_dirtext(fl_DirText); } else { /* invalid directory, so show notice */ int result; Panel panel = (Panel)xv_get(fl_FileList, PANEL_PARENT_PANEL); result = notice_prompt(panel, NULL, NOTICE_MESSAGE_STRINGS, "Invalid Directory specified.", NULL, NOTICE_FOCUS_XY, event_x(event), event_y(event), NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Change Directory", NULL); } return PANEL_NONE; }; /* if it wasn't \n, \t, or \r, pass event on to standard ** panel_text handler */ default: return(panel_text_notify(item, event)); } } int lf_cancel_btn(item, event) /* handle the cancel button. Just destroys the frame and returns */ Panel_item item; Event *event; { LoadHGLData(""); xv_destroy_safe(fl_getframe); return XV_OK; } fl_readln(file, buf) FILE *file; char *buf; { int i; int ch; ch = getc(file); if(ch==EOF) { buf[0]='\0'; return; } i=0; do { buf[i++]=ch; ch = getc(file); } while(ch!='\n'); buf[i]='\0'; } int fl_make_list() /* Creates a list of files, out of the current working directory. It then ** tells the file list canvas to refresh itself. The list sits attached to ** fl_start, for reading by the show_list() routine. */ { FILE *dirp; /* for directory data */ int i, list_len, cur_pos; char dirname[GBUFSIZ], tempbuf[GBUFSIZ]; NameData *current, *temp; /* structures for reading ** and sorting file names */ int notdone; struct stat statbuf; /* for checking if a file ** name is a directory */ int pid = getpid(); /* for creation of temp ** file for directory list */ char tmpcmd[GBUFSIZ]; /* for holding ls command */ char tmpname[GBUFSIZ]; /* for holding file names */ getcwd(dirname, GBUFSIZ); sprintf(tmpcmd, "cd %s;ls -aF > /tmp/.svlffil%d", dirname, pid); sprintf(tmpname, "/tmp/.svlffil%d", pid); system(tmpcmd); dirp = fopen(tmpname, "r"); if (dirp == NULL) /* just a check to make sure */ { fprintf(stderr, "fl_make_list was passed bad directory name\n"); return(-1); } else { /* free up the old list, to build a new one */ for(current = fl_start; current->FileN != (char *)NULL; i++) { temp = current; current = current->Next; free(temp->FileN); free(temp); }; /* set up the linked list for sorting */ fl_start = (NameData *)calloc(1, sizeof(NameData)); fl_start->FileN = (char *)NULL; fl_start->Next = NULL; /* read through the directory entries */ list_len = 0; for(fl_readln(dirp, tempbuf); tempbuf[0] != '\0'; fl_readln(dirp, tempbuf)) { /* don't include "." and ".." in the list */ if((strcmp(tempbuf,"./")!=0)&& (strcmp(tempbuf,"../")!=0)) { /* find the right spot in the list to insert the new name */ current = fl_start; notdone = 1; while(notdone) if(current->FileN == NULL) notdone = 0; else if(strcmp(tempbuf, current->FileN)>0) current = current->Next; else notdone = 0; /* insert the new name */ temp = (NameData *)calloc(1, sizeof(NameData)); temp->FileN = current->FileN; temp->type = current->type; temp->Next = current->Next; ++list_len; current->Next = temp; /* set flag for file type */ switch(tempbuf[strlen(tempbuf)-1]) { case '/': /* directory */ { current->type = 1; break; } case '@': /* symbolic link */ { current->type = 3; break; } case '=': /* socket */ { current->type = 4; break; } case '*': /* executable */ { current->type = 2; break; } default: { current->type = 0; break; } } current->FileN = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(tempbuf)+1); strcpy(current->FileN,tempbuf); }; } fclose(dirp); sprintf(tmpcmd, "rm %s", tmpname); system(tmpcmd); /* adjust the Canvas size, and refresh it */ fl_current_len = list_len; cur_pos = xv_get(fl_scroll, SCROLLBAR_VIEW_START); xv_set(fl_FileList, CANVAS_HEIGHT, (list_len+fl_view_h()+1)*fl_cell_h, NULL); /* scrollbars bomb with zero-length objects */ if(list_len == 0) ++list_len; /* reset scrollbar */ xv_set(fl_scroll, SCROLLBAR_VIEW_START, 0, SCROLLBAR_OBJECT_LENGTH, list_len, NULL); /* refresh canvas */ wmgr_refreshwindow(canvas_paint_window(fl_FileList)); fl_current_picked = -1; return(0); } } fl_set_dirtext(fl_DirText) /* sets the "Directory:" field according to the current directory ** fl_DirText is the Xview pointer to the fl_DirText Panel Item */ Panel_item fl_DirText; { char dirbuf[GBUFSIZ]; getcwd(dirbuf, GBUFSIZ); xv_set(fl_DirText, PANEL_VALUE, dirbuf, NULL); } int fl_checkdir(dirname) /* check if a directory can be opened. directory can be specified by ** full root name or by current name. returns true if it can be opened. */ char *dirname; { DIR *dirp; dirp = opendir(dirname); if(dirp == NULL) /* not available, user cannot enter */ return(0); else { closedir(dirp); /* must close it */ return(1); } } void fl_show_list_lf(canvas, paint_window, repaint_area) /* repaint procedure for the file list canvas. Repaints all file names in ** the damaged area */ Canvas canvas; Xv_Window paint_window; Rectlist *repaint_area; { NameData *current; int i; int start_draw, end_draw; Display *dpy; Window xwin; /* make sure AUTO_CLEAR is off, this routine will do it itself */ while(xv_get(fl_FileList, OPENWIN_AUTO_CLEAR)!=FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "lf:found bug--OPENWIN_AUTO_CLEAR still TRUE"); xv_set(fl_FileList, OPENWIN_AUTO_CLEAR, FALSE, NULL); } /* make sure RETAINED is off, this routine will repaint itself */ while(xv_get(fl_FileList, CANVAS_RETAINED)!=FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "lf:found bug--CANVAS_RETAINED still TRUE"); xv_set(fl_FileList, CANVAS_RETAINED, FALSE, NULL); } /* get display and window */ dpy = (Display *)xv_get(paint_window, XV_DISPLAY); xwin = (Window)xv_get(paint_window, XV_XID); /* clear the area given us by Xview, for simplicity, we clear the ** smallest rectangle that encloses all of the destroyed areas, the ** rl_bound rectangle */ XClearArea(dpy, xwin, repaint_area->rl_bound.r_left, repaint_area->rl_bound.r_top, repaint_area->rl_bound.r_width, repaint_area->rl_bound.r_height, 0); /* the next 3 lines calculate which file names must be drawn, by where the ** top and bottom of the rl_bound rectangle lie */ start_draw = repaint_area->rl_bound.r_top; end_draw = (repaint_area->rl_bound.r_height + start_draw - 1) / fl_cell_h; start_draw = (start_draw - 1) / fl_cell_h; /* find the first element to draw in the list */ current = fl_start; for(i = 0; (iNext != NULL); i++) current = current->Next; /* now start drawing them */ for(; (i<=end_draw) && (current->Next != NULL); i++) { XDrawString(dpy, xwin, fl_gc, 5, i*fl_cell_h+fl_ascent, current->FileN, strlen(current->FileN)); /* add a box if we are drawing the currently picked one */ if(i==fl_current_picked) { XDrawRectangle(dpy, xwin, fl_gc, 2, i*fl_cell_h, xv_get(canvas, XV_WIDTH)-11-xv_get(fl_scroll, XV_WIDTH), fl_cell_h); } current = current->Next; } } void fl_list_select_lf(paint_window, event) /* callback procedure for events that happen in the file list canvas. Checks ** mouse button press or drag, and for when the user types return */ Xv_window paint_window; Event *event; { int picked, cur_pos; Window xwin = (Window)xv_get(paint_window, XV_XID); Display *dpy; dpy = (Display *)xv_get(paint_window, XV_DISPLAY); /* get the current position of the scrollbar for future reference */ cur_pos = xv_get(fl_scroll, SCROLLBAR_VIEW_START); /* first, check for user picking a file name */ if((event_action(event) == ACTION_SELECT)|| (event_action(event) == LOC_DRAG)) { picked = (event_y(event) - 1) / fl_cell_h; /* make sure the file picked is on screen. if it is not, ** we just ignore it. this avoids wierd stuff, like being ** able to pick files that aren't shown on screen */ if((picked >= cur_pos)&& (picked < cur_pos+fl_view_h())&& (picked < fl_current_len)) { /* efficiency: ignore if it is already picked */ if(picked != fl_current_picked) { XSetFunction(dpy, fl_gc, GXclear); XDrawRectangle(dpy, xwin, fl_gc, 2, fl_current_picked*fl_cell_h, xv_get(fl_FileList, XV_WIDTH)-11- xv_get(fl_scroll, XV_WIDTH), fl_cell_h); XSetFunction(dpy, fl_gc, GXcopy); XDrawRectangle(dpy, xwin, fl_gc, 2, picked*fl_cell_h, xv_get(fl_FileList, XV_WIDTH)-11- xv_get(fl_scroll, XV_WIDTH), fl_cell_h); fl_current_picked = picked; } } } /* user may have pressed return, then just call the open button ** callback procedure. PANEL_FIRST_ITEM gets the pointer to the ** open button itself, since it happens to be the first item on ** the panel. fl_open_btn doesn't really use this parameter, but ** just in case it ever does, we include it. */ else if((event_is_ascii(event))&&(event_action(event) == '\r')) fl_open_btn_lf(xv_get(fl_Getpanel, PANEL_FIRST_ITEM), event); else return; } int fl_view_h() /* returns the current height (in # of file names displayed) of the file list */ { return (((int)xv_get(fl_FileList, XV_HEIGHT))/fl_cell_h); } Notify_value fl_free_mem(client, status) /* clean up when the frame is destroyed. Frees up the memory used in the ** linked list of file names, and sets the Frame variable (getframe) to null */ Notify_client client; Destroy_status status; { NameData *current, *temp; int i; switch (status) { case DESTROY_CHECKING: return NOTIFY_DONE; case DESTROY_CLEANUP: { for(current = fl_start; current->FileN != (char *)NULL; i++) { temp = current; current = current->Next; free(temp->FileN); free(temp); }; fl_getframe = XV_NULL; return notify_next_destroy_func(client, status); } default: return NOTIFY_DONE; } }