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2022-03-07 20:43:05 +00:00
Glossary of subroutines, functions and some of the variables
used by the RNA folding programs
Global variables: {implicit integer}
(data defined)
infinity - large positive integer used to indicate impossible basepairs
fldmax - largest value of 2*n
sortmax - largest size of heap in sort module ( + 1)
mxbits - largest size of marks and force2
maxn - size of largest processed fragment that can be folded
fldmax - twice maxn - the program actally folds a doubled up fragment
subject to certain constraints
maxtloops- the maximum number of distinguished tetra-loops that can be used
(dynamic valued)
Output array for traceback.
Table of bulge loop energies.
Control Parameters:
(1) run type
0 normal
1 save
2 continuation
(2) output type
1 lineout
2 ct file
3 region table
4 lineout + ct file
5 lineout + region table
6 ct file + region table
7 lineout + ct file + region table
(3) lineout record length
(4) lineout unit number
(5) depending on run mode
run mode = 0
not used (this is terminal type in VAX/VMS version)
run mode = 1
not used
run mode = 2
number of sequences to be folded
(6) depending on run mode
run mode = 0
minimum vector size for dotplt
run mode = 1 or 2
maximum number of tracebacks
(7) run mode
0 sub-optimal plot
1 n-best
2 multiple foldings
(8) percentage for sort
(9) window for dotplt and sortout routines
(10) reserved for future expansion
Table of dangling end energies.
Energy Parameters:
(1) Extra stack energy
(2) Extra bulge energy
(3) Extra loop energy (interior)
(4) Extra loop energy (hairpin)
(5) Extra loop energy (multi)
(6) Multi loop energy/single-stranded base
(7) Maximum size of interior loop
(8) Maximum lopsidedness of an interior loop
(9) Bonus Energy used to force base pairs
(10) Multi loop energy/closing base-pair
force(2 * maxn)
Single force array.
force2(maxbits) {int*2}
Double force array. Accessed through fce and sfce. (bit addressing)
Table of hairpin loop energies.
hstnum(2 * maxn)
Array used for conversion of new to old numbering of sequence fragment.
Mainly used to designate the 5' end of a segment.
i' - used mainly to designate the 3' end of a segment beginning
with i ( i' > i ).
Table of interior loop energies.
Mainly used to designate the 3' end of a segment.
j' - used mainly to designate the 5' end of a segment beginning
with j ( j' < j ).
List of options selected in MENU. Up to 100 can be selected.
The number of options selected from the MENU.
Maximum size of a fragment which can be folded.
marks(maxbits) {int*2}
Pair marking array for preventing identical tracebacks.
Accessed through mark and smark. A base pair i.j is mapped
into a single bit of this array. Any base pair which occurs
in a structure which is computed is "set" from 0 to 1. In
addition, base pairs close to these base pairs (within a
distance of 'window') are also "set". Base pairs which are
"set" will not be chosen for computing new foldings.
The size of the fragment to be folded after processing. The
fragment is doubled in size for computational purposes.
newnum(i) is the numbering of the Ith element in the original
sequence in the fragment to be folded. If the ith element is
not in the chosen fragment, then newnum(i) = 0.
5' and 3' ends of the fragment to be folded (historical numbering).
numseq(2 * maxn)
Holds sequence converted from characters to integers.
seq(5000) {char}
original sequence returned from formid.
seqlab {char*30}
Sequence label.
Table of stacking energies.
Table of terminal stacking energies.
vst(maxn squared) {int*2}
Energy array v(i,j) is stored as vst((n-1)*(i-1)+j). v(i,j) is
the minimum folding energy of the segment closed by the base
pair i.j.
work(2 * maxn,0:2)
Holds columns of wst to minimize paging during multi-loop
searchs. In the linear version there is work1(2*maxn,0:2)
and work2(2*maxn).
wst(maxn squrard) {int*2}
Energy array mapped as vst is. In the linear version this
array is split into wst1(maxn sq) and wst2(maxn sq). The
energy array W(i,j) is stored as WST((n-1)*(i-1)+j). W(i,j) is
the minimum folding energy of the segment from i to j.
wst1 penalizes all exterior single-stranded bases and base
pairs as if they were in an interior loop. wst2 does not do this.
Reads in all the v energies within a user-specified percentage
(up to an upper limit built into the program) and sorts them
into inverse partial order (a heap with the lowest value at the
var heap(sortmax) : heap array
Returns the value of the integer held in the character string
Puts the results of trace into a ct file.
Gets run information from user.
Adds the sequence numbers to the linout result.
Sub-optimal plot option.
Returns v(i,j) + v(j,i+n).
Reads in the appropriate energy file names.
Returns the value from the energy tables indicated by the
parameter values.
var e(4) : (linear only) array for minimum energies
Reads in the appropriate energy rules from a file.
Prints error message number (err) and stops if appropriate.
i and j are numbers passed to be included in some error
Uses the energy function (erg) to fill the matrices v and w
(or w1 and w2) with the folding energies. The matrices are
accessed by the rest of the program by either the functions
v(i,j) and w(i,j) {or w1,w2}, or by vst(k) and wst(k) {wst1,
wst2} where k = (n-1)*(i-1)+j.
var inc(5,5) : base pair possibilities - 1,2,3,4,5 correspond
to A,C,G,U and X (other) respectively. inc(i,j) = 1 if and only
if base types i and j can form a base pair. Thus the program
allows one to define G.G as a base pair if desired.
Searches the file under unit number unit until it finds the
string str (of length len).
Returns .true. if sfce has been called on (i,j), .false. otherwise.
This is how information on forced base pairs is used.
Standard routine for reading in sequences.
Reads a save file.
Sorts the results of build_heap into linear order.
var sort(sortmax) : the heap is sorted into this array
Initializes the program stack. The stack is
four integers wide and up to 50 levels deep.
The stack is used to keep track of outstanding
fragments during the traceback.
Puts the results of trace into line printer format.
Prints the options selected already by the user. Called from
Returns .true. if smark has been called on (i,j), .false. otherwise.
Used to determine which base pairs have occurred in structures
already computed or are close to such base pairs.
Gets run options required by user.
On first call, opens a sequence file and returns the number of
sequences as i. On subsequent calls, reads in sequence number i
using multid.
Modified formid for use with multiple folding.
Debug routine, not used during normal program execution.
Will print out the energy tables in a semi-readable format.
Gets output options desired by user (enables some or all of
lineout, region table, ct file).
Converts the initial rna data into forms useable by the
Pulls the four parameters off the stack. Returns 0 if the
stack was not empty.
Pushes the four parameters onto the stack.
Saves the program information into a "save file" after fill
is called.
Puts the results of trace into a region table.
Sets a mark on a point i,j so that the program will include
it in any folding by giving this base pair a bonus energy of
Sets a mark on a point (base pair) i.j so that the program
knows the point has been included in an already computed
structure or is "close" to such a point.
Used for "N Best" run. On the first pass this routine will
call build_heap and heap_sort, and return the (i,j) pair
with the lowest energy. From then on the routine will return
the (i,j) pair with the lowest energy that hasn't been marked
by smark.
Tests the stack tables for symmetry, used after ergread.
Puts (i = j) and (j = i)
Computes the best folding containing the basepair ii.ji.
The output is put into the basepr(k) array. If basepr(k) = 0,
then k is single-stranded. If basepr(k) = k' > 0, then k
pairs with k'.
vector (i,j,vopt,vinc,ina) {dotplt module}
Prints out all the stacking regions within vinc energy of vopt
along the diagonal starting with the point (i,j) {along axis,
top right corner is origin}
Returns the v-energy value of (i,j) mapped into vst.
Returns the w-energy value of (i,j) mapped into wst. In the
linear version of the program, this routine is split into
w1(i,j) and w2(i,j) which map into wst1 and wst2.