# Configure README To use this dot file, you need to install these packages. For Arch Linux users you can use my repository. ## Wayfire - wf-shell: wf-background [background], wayland-logout [logout] - waybar [bar] - mako [notification] - fcitx5 [input] - gnome-keyring [keyring] - wofi [launcher] - tilix [terminal] - swaylock [lock screen] - nwg-launchers: nwgbar [logout lock restart shutdown UI], nwggrid [applications menu] - grim [screenshot] - slurp [select a region, help screenshot] - wf-info [select a window, help screenshot and screencast] - wf-recorder [screencast] - wl-clipboard [clipboard] - pulsemixer [control voice] - wf-roundedcorners [windows decoration] - ly [display manager] ## Waybar - ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols [font for waybar] - networkmanager [network management tui] - blueberry [bluetooth management GUI] - pavucontrol [volume control GUI] ## Others - vim-wayland-clipboard [for vim clipboard] - config `/etc/enviroment` file ``` GTK_USE_PORTAL=0 GTK_THEME=Graphite-Dark GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx INPUT_METHOD=fcitx QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland ``` ## Use My Arch Linux Repository Add the following content to the /etc/pacman.conf ``` [guoyi] Server = https://repo.malacology.net/$arch ``` install GPG keyring to use my repository ``` # pacman-key --recv-keys B1F96021DB62254D # pacman-key --finger B1F96021DB62254D # pacman-key --lsign-key B1F96021DB62254D ``` then sync the database ``` # pacman -Syu ``` install all pkgs you need ``` # pacman -Sy $(curl -sS https://git.malacology.net/malacology/dotconfig/raw/branch/master/pkglist) ``` ## Screenshots ![](https://git.malacology.net/malacology/dotconfig/raw/branch/master/screenshots/screenshot1.png) ![](https://git.malacology.net/malacology/dotconfig/raw/branch/master/screenshots/screenshot2.png) ![](https://git.malacology.net/malacology/dotconfig/raw/branch/master/screenshots/screenshot3.png) ![](https://git.malacology.net/malacology/dotconfig/raw/branch/master/screenshots/screenshot4.png)