macro=; log %7.tnt.log; /*primary notification*/ if ( (argnumber == 0) || (argnumber >7) ) silent -console; quote /----------------------------------------------------\ | GUOYI TNT SCRIPT 2022-2023 MIT | | You need to give your filename | | shell> tnt run guoyi.tnt filename, (Linux & Mac) | | shell> tnt run filename(semicolon) (Win) | | ============================== | | === Parameters Details === | | ============================== | | filename type weight K cons resamp prefix | | - filename extension must be lower case | | fasta (fas/fasta), tnt (tnt/ss), nexus | | (nex/nexus) format are allowed | | - type should be 32, dna, prot, num | | num=number, dna=DNA, prot=protein | | 32=max number allowed (default) | | - weight should be iw, ew, eiw | | iw=implied weight, ew=equal weight | | eiw=extended implied weight (default) | | N.B. K of ew must followed 0 (=NA) | | - K is 12 (default) following Goloboff | | et al. 2017 (Cladistics 34: 407–437) | | it must more than 0 | | - cons should be str, mjr, hlf | | mjr=majority rule, hlf=half | | str=strict (default) | | - resamp should be sum of what you want | | jak=1, boot=2, sym=4 relative-bremer | | (rbr)=0.1, bremer(br)=0.2 | | i.e rbr+jak+boot+sym=7.1 (default) | | - prefix can be empty, or a string | | default is empty | \----------------------------------------------------/; proc/; end /*Var for handling args*/ var: dojak doboot dosym dobrs dorbrs rsmp dobremer dostr domjr dohlf contype doew doiw doeiw dowt wtstring wttype kvalue search isfas istnt isnex input; set dojak 0; set doboot 0; set dosym 0; set dobrs 0; set dorbrs 0; set rsmp 0; set dobremer 0; set dostr 0; set domjr 0; set dohlf 0; set doew 0; set doiw 0; set doeiw 0; set dowt 0; set wttype 0; set kvalue 12; set search 0; set isfas 0; set istnt 0; set isnex 0; goto=%0; /*Get prefix and extension of input*/ set input $%1; /*confirm input format*/ if ((eqstring [ $input>. fas ]) || (eqstring [ $input>. fasta ])) set isfas 1; else if ((eqstring [ $input>. tnt ]) || (eqstring [ $input>. ss ])) set istnt 1; else if ((eqstring [ $input>. nex ]) || (eqstring [ $input>. nexus ])) set isnex 1; else errmsg extension name of input file must be fas/fasta (for fas format), tnt/ss (for Hennig86/NONA/TNT format), nex/nexus (for nex format); end end end /*handle weighting type*/ if (argnumber>=3) set wtstring $%3; if (eqstring [ $wtstring ew ]) set doew 1; set wttype 1; else if (eqstring [ $wtstring iw ]) set doiw 1; set wttype 2; else if (eqstring [ $wtstring eiw ]) set doeiw 1; set wttype 3; else goto wttypeerr; end end end else set doeiw 1; set wttype 3; end if ('doiw' || 'doeiw') set dowt 1; end /*handle k value*/ if (argnumber>=4) set kvalue %4; if ( 'doew' && ('kvalue' != 0)) goto kvalueerr; end end /*handle resmaple type*/ if (argnumber<6) set dojak 1; set doboot 1; set dosym 1; set dorbrs 1; else set rsmp %6; loop 1 5 if ('rsmp' >= 4) set dosym 1; set rsmp 'rsmp'-4; else if ('rsmp' >= 2) set doboot 1; set rsmp 'rsmp'-2; else if ('rsmp' >= 1) set dojak 1; set rsmp 'rsmp'-1; else if ('rsmp' >= 0.2) set dobrs 1; set rsmp 'rsmp'-0.2; else if ('rsmp' >= 0.1) set dorbrs 1; set rsmp 'rsmp'-0.1; end end end end end stop end if ('rsmp' != 0) errmsg Input 'rsmp' is illegal; end if ('dobrs' || 'dorbrs') set dobremer 1; end /*handle consensus type*/ if (argnumber>=6) set contype $%5; if ('dobremer') set dostr 1; if (eqstring [ $contype str ]) else if (eqstring [ $contype mjr ]) goto bremererr; else if (eqstring [ $contype hlf ]) goto bremererr; else goto contypeerr; end end end else if (eqstring [ $contype str ]) set dostr 1; else if (eqstring [ $contype mjr ]) set domjr 1; else if (eqstring [ $contype hlf ]) set dohlf 1; else goto contypeerr; end end end end else if (argnumber==5) set contype $%5; if ((eqstring [ $contype mjr ]) || (eqstring [ $contype hlf ])) goto bremererr; else if (eqstring [ $contype str ]) set dostr 1; else goto contypeerr; end end else set dostr 1; end end /*Basic settings*/ taxname+1000; taxname=; mxram 10240; if(argnumber>=2) nstates %2; else nstates 32; end nstates NOGAPS; /*Set K*/ if ('dowt') piwe='kvalue'; end /*Reopen tnt*/ if ('istnt' || 'isnex') procedure $input; else if ('isfas') procedure & $input; end end hold 10000; /*handle search*/ if (ntax<=24) /*taxa lower than 25 (including 25)*/ if ('doeiw') set search 2; else set search 1; end else if (ntax<74) /*taxa lower than 75 do mult*/ set search 2; else set search 3; end end /*Report what will be done*/ quote /-----------------------------------------------\; if ('wttype'==1) quote | Equal weighting will be used. |; else if ('wttype'==2) quote | Implied weighting will be used, K is 'kvalue'. |; else if ('wttype'==3) quote | Ex-implied weighting will be used, K is 'kvalue'. |; end end end if ('search'==1) quote | Implicit enumeration will be performed. |; else if ('search'==2) quote | TBR Mult will be performed. |; else if ('search'==3) quote | Xmult will be performed. |; end end end if ('dostr') quote | Strict consensus will be used. |; else if ('domjr') quote | Majority-rule consensus will be used. |; else if ('dohlf') quote | Half strict consensus will be used. |; end end end quote | resample.svg will contain a tree with |; if ('dorbrs') quote | relative bremer support |; end if ('dobrs') quote | bremer support |; end if ('dojak') quote | jackknifing |; end if ('doboot') quote | bootstrap |; end if ('dosym') quote | symmetric resampling |; end quote | Apomorphic characters mapping will be shown | | on the apo.svg and saved to apo*.tre. | | TL, CI and RI will be calculated finally. | \------------------------------------------------/; /*Implied weighting settings*/ if ('doiw') piwe&; else if ('doeiw') xpiwe(*; log %7.eiw.log; piwe&; log/; log + %7.tnt.log; end end /*Search trees*/ if ('search'==1) ienum; else if ('search'==2) mult=replic 1000 tbr hold 10; bbreak=tbr fill; else if ('search'==3) sect: slack 40; xmult=hit 50 replications 20 drift 10 ratchet 10 fuse 10 hold 1 keepall; bbreak=tbr fill; end end end /*Export trees*/ export= %7.trees.tre; taxname-; export= %7.trees_no.tre; tsave *= %7.trees.tnt.tre; taxname=; tsave = %7.trees.ctf; /*Get npars number*/ var: npars; set npars ntrees; /*Get consensus tree*/ if ('dostr') nelsen * 0.'npars'; else if ('domjr') majority * 0.'npars'; else if ('dohlf') comcomp * 0.'npars'; end end end /*Get the consensus tree number*/ var: contree; set contree ntrees; /*Store consensus tree to tree vault*/ hold /+0; tv>/; tchoose 0.'npars'; /*Get rbr/br/jak/boot/sym support and get consensus tree*/ ttags=; ttags]; /*in one line*/ /* jak=1, boot=2, sym=4, */ /* jak+boot=3, */ /* jak+sym=5, boot+sym=6, */ /* jak+boot+sym=7, */ /* relative-bremer=0.1, bremer=0.2 */ /* bremer+relative-bremer=0.3 */ if ('dobremer') /*set value of suboptimal from most parsimony tree */ sub: 0; /*calculate relative bremer support*/ if ('dorbrs') bs ]!! 0; end /*calculate bremer support*/ if ('dobrs') macfloat 1; /*set the br value float*/ bsupport !! 0; end end /*Choose final tree*/ tv<; tchoose/; /*adjust to zero following Pablo Goloboff*/ sub 0; /*jakknifing*/ if ('dojak') resample jak replications 1000 from 0; /*from 0 will orphan other trees*/ end /*bootstrap*/ if ('doboot') resample boot replications 1000 from 0; end /*symmetric resampling*/ if ('dosym') resample sym replications 1000 from 0; end /*Export consensus tree with supports*/ ttags & %7.resample.svg thickness 7 italics fontsize 15; log %7.resample.log; quote /-------------resample tags start---------------\; ttags/; quote \-------------resample tags stop----------------/; log/; log + %7.tnt.log; export < %7.resample.tre; taxname-; export - %7.resample_no.tre; ttags-; taxname=; /*Export consensus tree*/ tchoose /; export - %7.original.tre; taxname-; export - %7.original_no.tre; tsave = %7.original.ctf; tsave *= %7.original.tnt.tre; /*Apomorphic characters*/ export = %7.winclada.tre; taxname =; ttags=; apo >0; log %7.apo.log; quote /-----------apomorphy tags start --------------\; ttags/; quote \-----------apomorphy tags stop ---------------/; log/; log + %7.tnt.log; ttags & %7.apo.svg thickness 7 italics fontsize 15; export < %7.apo.tre; taxname-; export - %7.apo_no.tre; ttags-; /*Character Analysis*/ log %7.homo.log; chomo; cscores; log/; log + %7.tnt.log; /*Caulculate TL/CI/RI score*/ report-; var: themin themax CI RI TL ; set themin minsteps; set themax maxsteps; set TL length[0]; set CI 'themin'/'TL'; /*CI=1 means no homoplasy*/ if ('themax' != 'themin') set RI ('themax'-'TL')/('themax'-'themin'); /*RI=1 character fits perfetcly*/ else set RI 999; end /*Report CI/RI/TL */ log; macfloat 3; quote Consistency Index (CI) is 'CI'; if ('RI' == 999) quote Retention Index (RI) is NA; else quote Retention Index (RI) is 'RI'; end quote Tree Length (TL) is 'TL'; log/; watch-; /*Generate ss file for winclada*/ log; /*get basic info*/ var: taxnum chanum; set taxnum ntax+1; set chanum nchar+1; /*output head*/ quote xread ' Data saved from TNT ' 'chanum' 'taxnum'; /*outhead body*/ xread!; /*output split symnol*/ runc! tntprintf(";\n\n"); ! /*output the tread*/ taxname-; tp*; /*output the end*/ runc! tntprintf("proc/;\n"); ! log/; log + %7.tnt.log; /*Report*/ quote /----------------------------------------------\ | The analysis has been finished. | | The file `tnt.log` contains | | the performing details | | The file `trees*.tre` contain | | trees found by mult and xmult | | The file `original*.tre` contain | | consensus tree without label | | The file `resample*.tre` contain | | consensus tree with support | | The file `apo*.tre` contain | | tree with apomorphic character | | The file `*_no.tre` contain | | tree with `taxname-` | | The file `*.ctf` tree file is | | only readable for TNT | | The file `*.tnt.tre` contain | | is the tre file without taxname | | The file `resample.svg` contain |; if ('dostr') quote | strict consensus tree with |; else if ('domjr') quote | majority-rule consensus tree with |; else if ('dohlf') quote | half strict consensus tree with |; end end end if ('dorbrs') quote | relative bremer support |; end if ('dobrs') quote | bremer support |; end if ('dojak') quote | jackknifing |; end if ('doboot') quote | bootstrap |; end if ('dosym') quote | symmetric resampling |; end if ('doew') quote | under equal weighting |; else if ('doiw') quote | under implied weighting, | | K value is 'kvalue' |; else if ('doeiw') quote | under extended implied weighting, | | K value is 'kvalue' |; end end end quote | The file `apo.svg` contains the | | tree with apomorphy mapping | | The file `report.log` contains the | | CI RI TL publish-needed info | | The file `resample/apo.log` contains | | the tree tags text | | The file `homo.log` contains the report | | of character homoplasy |; if ('doeiw') quote | The file `eiw.log` contains the report | | of character concavities |; end quote | The file `winclada.tre` can be | | converted by tnt2winclada | | The file `` can be read by | | winclada directly | \----------------------------------------------/; /*Quit*/ zzz; /*consensus type error*/ label contypeerr errmsg Consensus type must be str mjr or hlf; proc/; /*weighting type error*/ label wttypeerr errmsg Weighting type must be ew, iw or eiw; proc/; /*equal weighting k value error*/ label kvalueerr errmsg Equal weighting (ew) must be followed with 0 instead of 'kvalue'; proc/; /*bremer support not strict consensus error*/ label bremererr errmsg Bremer support or any bremer support variations must use strict consensus; proc/;