# TNT Script used by Guoyi These scripts follow MIT except for setk.run which belongs to Salvador Arias(Instituto Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina). ## Usage ### Method1 - OS: Arch Linux; - `tnt run guoyi.run file.tnt`, `file.tnt` is your data; - Type `;` and enter; ### Method2 - Replace `%1` to your filename; - Run `tnt p guoyi.run` directly; ## Options - `trees.tre`, `bt.tre` are trees with taxaname; - `trees_no.tre`, `bt_no.tre` are trees without taxaname which can be put into Winclada with the `file.tnt`; - `majority` can be replaced by `nelsen`; - `boot` can be replaced by `jack`;