# SeqCombGo **Seq**uence **Comb**ination tool written in **Go**lang # Requirement - go [for compile] # Compile ``` git clone git@github.com:MalacoLab/SeqCombGo.git cd gocomb go build ``` # How to use ## Convert fas to nex ``` SeqCombGo -o output.nex import.fas SeqCombGo import.fas ``` ## Combine serveral fas to single nex ``` SeqCombGo import1.fas import2.fas SeqCombGo -o export.nex import1.fas import2.fas ``` # Cite ``` @Article{An2022, author = {An, G; Zhang, G}, title = {SeqCombGo: Sequence Combination tool written in Golang}, year = {2022}, url = {https://github.com/MalacoLab/SeqCombGo}, } ```