#!/usr/bin/env rdmd import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.process; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.array; import std.path; import std.parallelism; import std.regex; void show_help(string pkgver) { writeln("\t\t\t\t\t\033[0;47;31mR\033[0m\033[0;47;92mG\033[0m\033[0;47;94mB\033[0m\033[0;47m \033[0m\033[0;47;33mE\033[0m\033[0;47;94mP\033[0m\033[0;47;33mP\033[0m \t\t\tReference Genome based Exon Phylogeny Pipeline Version: ", pkgver, " License: GPL-2.0-only Author: Guoyi Zhang -c\t--config\tconfig file for software path (optional) -g\t--genes\t\tgene file path (optional, if -r is specified) -f\t--functions\tfunctions type (optional): all clean map \t \tpostmap varcall consen align -h\t--help\t\tshow this information -l\t--list\t\tlist file path -m\t--memory\tmemory settings (optional, default 16 GB) -r\t--reference\treference genome path -t\t--threads\tthreads setting (optional, default 8 threads) --fastp\t\tFastp path (optional) --bowtie2\t\tBowtie2 path (optional) --samtools\t\tSamtools path (optional) --bcftools\t\tBcftools path (optional) --macse\t\tMacse jarfile path (optional) --trimal\t\tTrimal path (optional) --spades\t\tSpades python path (optional) for example: ./RGBEPP -f all -l list -t 8 -r reference.fasta \n"); } void createDir(string path) { if (!exists(path)) { mkdir(path); } } void executeCommand(string[] cmd) { auto process = spawnProcess(cmd); if (wait(process) != 0) { writeln("Error executing command: ", cmd.join(" ")); } } void executeCommandPipe(string[][] cmds) { Pid[] pids; scope(exit) { foreach (pid; pids) { wait(pid); } } // pipe init auto temp_pipe = pipe(); // process first pids ~= spawnProcess(cmds[0], stdin, temp_pipe.writeEnd); // process cmd2 ~ cmdN-1 for (int i = 1; i < cmds.length - 1; i++) { auto new_pipe = pipe(); // create next pipe pids ~= spawnProcess(cmds[i], temp_pipe.readEnd, new_pipe.writeEnd); temp_pipe = new_pipe; // update the pipe } // process final, output to stdout pids ~= spawnProcess(cmds[$-1], temp_pipe.readEnd, stdout); } string[] readArrFromFile(string filename) { string[] arr; try { arr = filename.readText().splitter.array; } catch (FileException ex) { writeln("Error reading file: ", ex.msg); } catch (Exception ex) { writeln("Exception: ", ex.msg); } return arr; } string getBaseName(string ARG_R){ string ARG_R_extension = extension(ARG_R); // get extension string baseNameRef = baseName(ARG_R, ARG_R_extension); //rm dir and extension return baseNameRef; } string[] getRef(string ARG_R, string DirMap){ string baseNameRef = getBaseName(ARG_R); string ARG_R_index = DirMap ~ "/index/" ~ baseNameRef; // bt2_index_base string ARG_R_refer = ARG_R_index ~ ".fasta"; //reference_in fasta file string[] Refs = [ARG_R_index, ARG_R_refer]; return Refs; } string[] getARG_G(string ARG_R){ string[] ARG_G; // if ARG_G is empty if (ARG_G.length == 0) { auto file = File(ARG_R, "r"); ARG_G = file.byLine .filter!(line => line.startsWith(">")) // flitering .map!(line => line[1..$].idup) // convert to word .array; } return ARG_G; } string getValueFromConfig(string file, string key) { string content = readText(file); string value; auto regex = regex(key ~ r"\s*=\s*(.+)"); foreach (line; content.splitter("\n")) { if (auto match = matchFirst(line, regex)) { value = match.captures[1]; break; } } return value; } void processQcTrim(string[] ARG_L, int ARG_T, string DirRaw, string DirQcTrim, string PathFastp) { // Prepare directory createDir(DirQcTrim); writeln("QcTrimming::Start"); foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = getBaseName(file); string inputFileR1 = DirRaw ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R1.fastq.gz"; string inputFileR2 = DirRaw ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R2.fastq.gz"; string outputFileR1 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R1.fastq.gz"; string outputFileR2 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R2.fastq.gz"; string jsonFile = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".json"; string htmlFile = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".html"; // Perform quality control and trimming using external program `fastp` string[] cmdQcTrim = [PathFastp, "-i", inputFileR1, "-I", inputFileR2, "-o", outputFileR1, "-O", outputFileR2, "-j", jsonFile, "-h", htmlFile, "-w", ARG_T.to!string]; executeCommand(cmdQcTrim); } writeln("QcTrimming::End"); } void processMapping(string[] ARG_L, string ARG_R, int ARG_T, string DirQcTrim, string DirMap, string PathBowtie2, string PathSamtools) { writeln("Mapping::Start"); // Prepare directory createDir(DirMap); createDir(DirMap ~ "/index"); string PathBowtie2_build = PathBowtie2 ~ "-build"; string[] Refs = getRef(ARG_R, DirMap); string ARG_R_index = Refs[0]; // bt2_index_base string ARG_R_refer = Refs[1]; //reference_in fasta file copy(ARG_R, ARG_R_refer); string[] cmdBuildDB = [PathBowtie2_build, "--threads", ARG_T.to!string, ARG_R_refer, ARG_R_index]; executeCommand(cmdBuildDB); foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = baseName(file, ".fastq.gz"); string outputBam = DirMap ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".bam"; string inputFileR1 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R1.fastq.gz"; string inputFileR2 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R2.fastq.gz"; // Perform mapping using Bowtie2 and converted to Bam using samtools string[] cmdMap = [PathBowtie2, "-x", ARG_R_index, "-1", inputFileR1, "-2", inputFileR2, "-p", ARG_T.to!string]; string[] cmdSam2Bam = [PathSamtools, "view", "-bS", "-@", ARG_T.to!string, "-o", outputBam]; executeCommandPipe([cmdMap, cmdSam2Bam]); } writeln("Mapping::End"); } void processPostMap(string[] ARG_L, int ARG_T, string DirMap, string DirBam, string PathSamtools) { createDir(DirBam); writeln("PostMapping::Start"); foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = getBaseName(file); string inputBam = DirMap ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".bam"; string outputBam = DirBam ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".bam"; // Convert SAM to BAM, sort and remove duplicates using Samtools string[] cmdFixmate = [PathSamtools, "fixmate", "-@", ARG_T.to!string, "-m", inputBam, "-"]; string[] cmdSort = [PathSamtools, "sort", "-@", ARG_T.to!string, "-"]; string[] cmdMarkdup = [PathSamtools, "markdup", "-@", ARG_T.to!string, "-", outputBam]; executeCommandPipe([cmdFixmate, cmdSort, cmdMarkdup]); string [] cmdIndexBam = [PathSamtools, "index", "-@", ARG_T.to!string, outputBam]; executeCommand(cmdIndexBam); } writeln("PostMapping::End"); } void processVarCall(string[] ARG_L, string ARG_R, int ARG_T, string DirMap, string DirBam, string DirVcf, string PathBcftools) { writeln("VarCalling::Start"); string[] Refs = getRef(ARG_R, DirMap); string ARG_R_refer = Refs[1]; //reference_in fasta file createDir(DirVcf); foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = getBaseName(file); string inputBam = DirBam ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".bam"; string outputVcf = DirVcf ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".vcf.gz"; // Variant calling using bcftools string[] cmdPileup = [PathBcftools, "mpileup", "-Oz", "--threads", ARG_T.to!string, "-f", ARG_R_refer, inputBam]; string[] cmdVarCall = [PathBcftools, "call", "-mv", "-Oz", "--threads", ARG_T.to!string]; string[] cmdNorm = [PathBcftools, "norm", "--threads", ARG_T.to!string, "-f", ARG_R_refer, "-Oz"]; string[] cmdFilter = [PathBcftools, "filter", "--threads", ARG_T.to!string, "--IndelGap", "5", "-Oz", "-o", outputVcf]; executeCommandPipe([cmdPileup, cmdVarCall, cmdNorm, cmdFilter]); } writeln("VarCalling::End"); } void processCon(string[] ARG_G, string[] ARG_L, string ARG_R, int ARG_T, string DirMap, string DirVcf, string DirConsensus, string PathBcftools) { createDir(DirConsensus); string DirConTaxa = DirConsensus ~ "/" ~ "taxa"; createDir(DirConTaxa); string[] Refs = getRef(ARG_R, DirMap); string ARG_R_refer = Refs[1]; //reference_in fasta file writeln("Consensus::Start"); // Extract fasta from vcf file foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = getBaseName(file); string inputVcf = DirVcf ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".vcf.gz"; string outputFasta = DirConTaxa ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ ".fasta"; // index vcf.gz string[] cmdIndexVcf = [PathBcftools, "index", inputVcf]; executeCommand(cmdIndexVcf); // Generate consensus sequences using bcftools string[] cmdCon = [PathBcftools, "consensus", "-f", ARG_R, inputVcf, "-o", outputFasta]; executeCommand(cmdCon); } // Recombine the sequences based on genes writeln("Consensus::End"); } void processCombFasta(string[] ARG_G, string[] ARG_L, string DirConsensus) { string DirConTaxa = DirConsensus ~ "/" ~ "taxa"; string DirConGene = DirConsensus ~ "/" ~ "gene"; createDir(DirConGene); // create a dictory string[string] geneSequences; writeln("ConvertFasta::Start"); // read first foreach (file; ARG_L) { string inputFile = DirConTaxa ~ "/" ~ file ~ ".fasta"; if (!exists(inputFile)) { writeln("File not found: ", inputFile); continue; } string content = cast(string) readText(inputFile); bool inSequence = false; string currentGene; foreach (line; content.splitter("\n")) { if (line.empty) continue; if (line[0] == '>') { string header = line[1 .. $]; if (ARG_G.canFind(header)) { currentGene = header; geneSequences[currentGene] ~= ">" ~ file ~ "\n"; inSequence = true; } else { inSequence = false; } } else if (inSequence) { geneSequences[currentGene] ~= line ~ "\n"; } } } // write different files foreach (gene; ARG_G) { string outputFile = DirConGene ~ "/" ~ gene ~ ".fasta"; File output = File(outputFile, "w"); if (gene in geneSequences) { output.write(geneSequences[gene]); } } writeln("ConvertFasta::End"); } void processAlign(string[] ARG_G, string DirConsensus, string DirAlign, string PathMacse){ string DirConGene = DirConsensus ~ "/" ~ "gene"; string DirAlignAA = DirAlign ~ "/" ~ "AA"; string DirAlignNT = DirAlign ~ "/" ~ "NT"; writeln("Align::Start"); createDir(DirAlign); createDir(DirAlignAA); createDir(DirAlignNT); foreach (gene; parallel(ARG_G, 1)) { string inputFasta = DirConGene ~ "/" ~ gene ~ ".fasta"; string outAA = DirAlignAA ~ "/" ~ gene ~ ".fasta"; string outNT = DirAlignNT ~ "/" ~ gene ~ ".fasta"; string[] cmdAlign = ["java", "-jar", PathMacse, "-prog", "alignSequences", "-seq" , inputFasta, "-out_AA", outAA, "-out_NT", outNT ]; executeCommand(cmdAlign); } writeln("Align::End"); } void processAssembly(string[] ARG_L, int ARG_M, int ARG_T, string DirQcTrim, string DirAssembly, string PathSpades){ createDir(DirAssembly); foreach (string file; ARG_L) { string baseName = getBaseName(file); string DirAss = DirAssembly ~ "/" ~ baseName; createDir(DirAss); string inputFileR1 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R1.fastq.gz"; string inputFileR2 = DirQcTrim ~ "/" ~ baseName ~ "_R2.fastq.gz"; string[] cmdAssembly = [PathSpades, "--pe1-1", inputFileR1, "--pe1-2", inputFileR2, "-t", ARG_T.to!string, "-m", ARG_M.to!string, "--careful", "--phred-offset", "33", "-o", DirAss]; executeCommand(cmdAssembly); } } void main(string[] args) { string pkgver = "0.0.3"; string DirHome = std.file.getcwd(); string DirRaw = DirHome ~ "/00_raw"; string DirQcTrim = DirHome ~ "/01_fastp"; string DirMap = DirHome ~ "/02_bowtie2"; string DirAssembly = DirHome ~ "/02_spades"; string DirBam = DirHome ~ "/03_bam"; string DirVcf = DirHome ~ "/04_vcf"; string DirConsensus = DirHome ~ "/05_consen"; string DirAlign = DirHome ~ "/06_macse"; string PathFastp = "/usr/bin/fastp"; string PathBowtie2 = "/usr/bin/bowtie2"; string PathSamtools = "/usr/bin/samtools"; string PathBcftools = "/usr/bin/bcftools"; string PathMacse = "/usr/share/java/macse.jar"; string PathTrimal = "/usr/bin/trimal"; string PathSpades = "/usr/bin/spades.py"; int ARG_T = 8; int ARG_M = 16; string[] ARG_G; string[] ARG_L; string ARG_C; string ARG_F; string ARG_R; if (args.length > 1){ foreach (int i; 0 .. cast(int)args.length) { switch (args[i]) { case "-c", "--config": i++; ARG_C = args[i]; break; case "-f", "--functions": i++; ARG_F = args[i]; break; case "-g", "--gene": i++; ARG_G ~= readArrFromFile(args[i]); break; case "-h", "--help": show_help(pkgver); return; case "-l", "--list": i++; ARG_L ~= readArrFromFile(args[i]); break; case "-r", "--reference": i++; ARG_R = args[i]; break; case "-t", "--threads": i++; ARG_T = args[i].to!int; break; case "--fastp": i++; PathFastp = args[i]; break; case "--bowtie2": i++; PathBowtie2 = args[i]; break; case "--samtools": i++; PathSamtools = args[i]; break; case "--bcftools": i++; PathBcftools = args[i]; break; case "--macse": i++; PathMacse = args[i]; break; case "--trimal": i++; PathTrimal = args[i]; break; case "--spades": i++; PathSpades = args[i]; break; default: break; } } } else { show_help(pkgver); return; } // get gene from ARG_R reference fasta if (ARG_R.length != 0 ){ ARG_G = getARG_G(ARG_R); } // get pathXXX form config file if (ARG_C != ""){ PathFastp = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "fastp"); PathBowtie2 = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "bowtie2"); PathSamtools = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "samtools"); PathBcftools = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "bcftools"); PathMacse = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "macse"); PathTrimal = getValueFromConfig(ARG_C, "trimal"); } writeln("RGBEPP::Start"); // Perform steps based on provided function argument if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "clean") { processQcTrim(ARG_L, ARG_T, DirRaw, DirQcTrim, PathFastp); } if (ARG_F == "assembly") { processAlign(ARG_G, DirConsensus, DirAlign, PathMacse); } if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "map") { processMapping(ARG_L, ARG_R, ARG_T, DirQcTrim, DirMap, PathBowtie2, PathSamtools); } if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "postmap") { processPostMap(ARG_L, ARG_T, DirMap, DirBam, PathSamtools); } if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "varcall") { processVarCall(ARG_L, ARG_R, ARG_T, DirMap, DirBam, DirVcf, PathBcftools); } if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "consen") { processCon(ARG_G, ARG_L, ARG_R, ARG_T, DirMap, DirVcf, DirConsensus, PathBcftools); processCombFasta(ARG_G, ARG_L, DirConsensus); } if (ARG_F == "all" || ARG_F == "align") { processAlign(ARG_G, DirConsensus, DirAlign, PathMacse); } writeln("RGBEPP::End"); }