import std.file; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; // contains taxa and pos struct TaxaInfo { string name; int[] positions; } // include TaxaInfo and foundSpecialChar struct FastaData { TaxaInfo[] taxaList; // every taxa correspeonds to TaxaInfo bool foundSpecialChar; } void backup(string filePath) { string backupPath = filePath ~ ".bak"; copy(filePath, backupPath); } string replaceSpecialChars(string sequence, const(int)[] positions) { char[] mutableSequence = sequence.dup; // change to editable foreach (pos; positions) { mutableSequence[pos - 1] = '-'; // replace `!` and `*` with `-` } sequence = mutableSequence.idup; // change to not editable return sequence; } int[] findSpecialPositions(const string sequence) { int[] positions; foreach (i, char c; sequence) { if (c == '*' || c == '!') { positions ~= cast(int) (i + 1); // record `int` pos } } return positions; } FastaData processFastaAA(string filePath) { FastaData fastaData; // create struct string[] lines = File(filePath).byLine().map!(line=>!string).array; // read file string currentTaxa; string currentSequence; string tmpContent; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].startsWith(">")) { if (!currentTaxa.empty) { // keep last sequence TaxaInfo taxaInfo; = currentTaxa; taxaInfo.positions = findSpecialPositions(currentSequence); fastaData.taxaList ~= taxaInfo; // add TaxaInfo to taxaList if (taxaInfo.positions.length > 0) { fastaData.foundSpecialChar = true; // check any special char } currentSequence = replaceSpecialChars(currentSequence, taxaInfo.positions); // replace tmpContent ~= ">" ~ currentTaxa ~ "\n" ~ currentSequence ~ "\n"; currentSequence = ""; // clean prepare next } currentTaxa = lines[i][1..$]; // get taxa } else { currentSequence ~= lines[i]; // get seq } } // the final one if (!currentTaxa.empty) { TaxaInfo taxaInfo; = currentTaxa; taxaInfo.positions = findSpecialPositions(currentSequence); fastaData.taxaList ~= taxaInfo; if (taxaInfo.positions.length > 0) { fastaData.foundSpecialChar = true; } currentSequence = replaceSpecialChars(currentSequence, taxaInfo.positions); } if(fastaData.foundSpecialChar){ backup(filePath); // write back std.file.write(filePath, tmpContent); } return fastaData; } void processFastaNT(string filePath, const FastaData fastaData) { string[] lines = File(filePath).byLine().map!(line=>!string).array; // get fasta_nt for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].startsWith(">")) { string currentTaxa = lines[i][1..$]; auto taxaIndex = fastaData.taxaList.countUntil!(t => == currentTaxa); // use countUntil find taxaName if (taxaIndex != fastaData.taxaList.length) { // if find taxa int[] positions = fastaData.taxaList[taxaIndex].positions.dup; int lineIndex = i + 1; string sequence; while (lineIndex < lines.length && !lines[lineIndex].startsWith(">")) { sequence ~= lines[lineIndex]; // get full lineIndex++; } // replace char[] mutableSequence = sequence.dup; foreach (pos; positions) { int startPos = 3 * pos - 2; // 3n-2 int endPos = 3 * pos; // 3n if (startPos - 1 < mutableSequence.length) { for (int j = startPos - 1; j < endPos && j < mutableSequence.length; j++) { mutableSequence[j] = '-'; // 3n-2 to 3n '-' } } } sequence = mutableSequence.idup; // write to fasta_nt int sequencePos = 0; lineIndex = i + 1; while (lineIndex < lines.length && !lines[lineIndex].startsWith(">")) { int len = cast(int) lines[lineIndex].length; // convert to int lines[lineIndex] = sequence[sequencePos..sequencePos + len]; sequencePos += len; lineIndex++; } } } } // write back std.file.write(filePath, lines.join("\n")); } void processFasta(string fasta_aa, string fasta_nt, string enableDelete){ // get pos from fasta_aa & modify FastaData fastaData = processFastaAA(fasta_aa); if (fastaData.foundSpecialChar) { backup(fasta_nt); // backup fasta_nt processFastaNT(fasta_nt, fastaData); // modify fasta_nt } if (enableDelete == "--delete"){ // delete the nt's gap to meet the requirement of trimal if(!fastaData.foundSpecialChar){ backup(fasta_nt); } string content = readText(fasta_nt); content = replace(content, "-", ""); std.file.write(fasta_nt, content); } } void main(string[] args) { if (args.length != 3 && args.length != 4) { writeln("\t\t\tDelete StopCondon generated by Macse\n\t\t\t\tAuthor: Guoyi Zhang\n\t\tUsage: " ~ args[0] ~ " <fasta_aa> <fasta_nt> --delete\n\t\tNote: fasta_aa and fasta_nt should be macse output files\n\t\t--delete should be used when downstream software is tirmal"); return; } string fasta_aa = args[1]; string fasta_nt = args[2]; string enableDelete; if(args.length>3){ enableDelete = args[3]; } else { enableDelete = ""; } processFasta(fasta_aa, fasta_nt, enableDelete); }