import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.getopt; import std.path; void main(string[] args) { if (args.length < 4 || args.length > 5 ) { writeln("Usage: "~ args[0] ~" <folder> <condition> <number> [output_file]"); return; } // getargs string folder = args[1]; string condition = args[2]; long threshold = to!long(args[3]); bool hasOutputFile = args.length > 4; string outputFile = hasOutputFile ? args[4] : ""; // resotre results string result; // ie all the file foreach (entry; dirEntries(folder, SpanMode.shallow)) { if (entry.isFile) { // count '>' size_t count = 0; foreach (line; File( { if (line.length > 0 && line[0] == '>') { count++; } } // judge bool conditionMet = false; if (condition == "=" && count == threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == "<" && count < threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == ">" && count > threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == "<=" && count <= threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == ">=" && count >= threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == "><" && count != threshold) conditionMet = true; else if (condition == "<>" && count != threshold) conditionMet = true; if (conditionMet) { result ~= baseName( ~ " : " ~ to!string(count) ~ "\n"; } } } // write if (hasOutputFile) { // write to file std.file.write(outputFile, result); } else { // output to consol writeln(result); } }