# MiMi ``` /l、 . . . . (゚、 。 7 |\/|*|\/|* l ~ヽ | ||| || じしf_,)ノ | ||| || Morphology into Molecules into GPL Guoyi Zhang, 2023 ``` ## Functions Convert any formats listed in `Accepted formats` to each other. ## Arguments - -h --help; - -i --input ${filename}; - -o --output ${filename}; ## Accepted formats - fas fasta - nex nexus - phy phylip - tnt ss ## Compile ``` g++ main.cpp -o mimi ``` ## License You should note that the license is (GPL)[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html]. ## Acknowledgements Thanks to my beloved daughter MiMi (Ragdoll cat) for accompanying me in my life, mom loves you forever.